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Last active December 2, 2022 19:08
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Haskell monadic COMEFROM
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, PatternSynonyms, GADTs, ViewPatterns, LambdaCase, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (ap, liftM)
import Data.IORef
data ComeFromOp a where
Line :: Int -> ComeFromOp ()
LiftIO :: IO () -> ComeFromOp ()
ComeFrom :: Int -> ComeFromOp ()
data ComeFrom a where
Embed :: ComeFromOp a -> ComeFrom a
Pure :: a -> ComeFrom a
Bind :: ComeFrom a -> (a -> ComeFrom b) -> ComeFrom b
line :: Int -> ComeFrom ()
line = Embed . Line
liftIO :: IO () -> ComeFrom ()
liftIO = Embed . LiftIO
pattern COMEFROM :: Int -> ComeFrom ()
pattern COMEFROM i <- (error "This is only a pattern synonym to get the sick uppercase name" -> i)
COMEFROM i = Embed (ComeFrom i)
instance Functor ComeFrom where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative ComeFrom where
(<*>) = ap
pure = Pure
instance Monad ComeFrom where
return = pure
(>>=) = Bind
runComeFrom :: ComeFrom () -> IO ()
runComeFrom comefrom = do
let comefromMap = collectComefroms comefrom
go comefromMap comefrom
collectComefroms :: ComeFrom () -> Map Int (ComeFrom ())
collectComefroms = \case
Bind (Embed (ComeFrom i)) cont -> fromList [(i, cont ())] <> collectComeFroms (cont ())
(Embed _) -> mempty
(Pure _) -> mempty
Bind (Embed (Line _)) cont -> collectComefroms (cont ())
Bind (Embed (LiftIO _)) cont -> collectComefroms (cont ())
Bind (Pure a) cont -> collectComefroms (cont a)
Bind (Bind _ _) _cont -> error "nested binds are not supported"
go :: Map Int (ComeFrom ()) -> ComeFrom () -> IO ()
go comeFroms = \case
Pure x -> pure x
Embed (ComeFrom _) -> pure ()
Embed (LiftIO io) -> io
Embed (Line line) -> pure ()
Bind (Embed (Line line)) cont -> do
case Map.lookup line comeFroms of
Nothing -> go comeFroms (cont ())
Just lineCont ->
go comeFroms lineCont
Bind (Embed (LiftIO io)) cont -> do
go comeFroms $ cont ()
Bind (Embed (ComeFrom _)) cont -> do
go comeFroms $ cont ()
Bind (Pure x) cont -> do
go comeFroms $ cont x
Bind (Bind _ _) _cont -> error "nested binds are not supported"
main :: IO ()
main = runComeFrom $ do
line 1
liftIO $ putStrLn "aaa"
line 2
liftIO $ putStrLn "bbb"
line 3
line 4
liftIO $ putStrLn "ccc"
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