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Last active September 14, 2015 04:33
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if ( !class_exists( 'avia_sc_masterslider' ) && defined('MSWP_AVERTA_VERSION'))
class avia_sc_masterslider extends aviaShortcodeTemplate
static $slide_count = 0;
* Create the config array for the shortcode button
function shortcode_insert_button()
$this->config['name'] = __('Fullwidth MasterSlider Slider', 'avia_framework' );
$this->config['tab'] = __('Plugin Additions', 'avia_framework' );
$this->config['icon'] = AviaBuilder::$path['imagesURL']."sc-slideshow-layer.png";
$this->config['order'] = 10;
$this->config['target'] = 'avia-target-insert';
$this->config['shortcode'] = 'av_masterslider';
$this->config['tooltip'] = __('Display a fullwidth MasterSlider Slider', 'avia_framework' );
$this->config['tinyMCE'] = array('disable' => "true");
$this->config['drag-level'] = 1;
* Register fullwidth shortcode
function extra_assets()
AviaBuilder::$full_el_no_section[] = $this->config['shortcode'];
AviaBuilder::$full_el[] = $this->config['shortcode'];
* Editor Element - this function defines the visual appearance of an element on the AviaBuilder Canvas
* Most common usage is to define some markup in the $params['innerHtml'] which is then inserted into the drag and drop container
* Less often used: $params['data'] to add data attributes, $params['class'] to modify the className
* @param array $params this array holds the default values for $content and $args.
* @return $params the return array usually holds an innerHtml key that holds item specific markup.
function editor_element($params)
//fetch all registered slides and save them to the slides array
$slides = get_masterslider_names(false);
if(empty($params['args']['id']) && is_array($slides)) $params['args']['id'] = reset($slides);
$element = array(
'subtype' => $slides,
'std' => $params['args']['id'],
'class' => 'avia-recalc-shortcode',
'data' => array('attr'=>'id')
$inner = "<img src='".$this->config['icon']."' title='".$this->config['name']."' />";
$inner.= "<div><a target='_blank' href='".admin_url( 'admin.php?page=masterslider' )."'>".__('No MasterSlider Found. Click here to create one','avia_framework' )."</a></div>";
$inner .= "<div class='avia-element-label'>".$this->config['name']."</div>";
$inner .= AviaHtmlHelper::render_element($element);
$inner .= "<a target='_blank' href='".admin_url( 'admin.php?page=masterslider' )."'>".__('Edit MasterSlider here','avia_framework' )."</a>";
$params['class'] = "av_sidebar";
$params['content'] = NULL;
$params['innerHtml'] = $inner;
return $params;
* Frontend Shortcode Handler
* @param array $atts array of attributes
* @param string $content text within enclosing form of shortcode element
* @param string $shortcodename the shortcode found, when == callback name
* @return string $output returns the modified html string
function shortcode_handler($atts, $content = "", $shortcodename = "", $meta = "")
$output = "";
$skipSecond = false;
global $mspdb;
$result = $mspdb->get_slider_field_val($atts['id'], 'params');
// get slider height
$slider_settings = json_decode(base64_decode($result), true);
$slider_settings = json_decode($slider_settings['MSPanel.Settings'][1], true);
$height = (int)$slider_settings['height'];
$params['style'] = " style='height: ".($height+1)."px;' ";
$params['class'] = "avia-layerslider main_color avia-shadow ".$meta['el_class'];
$params['open_structure'] = false;
//we dont need a closing structure if the element is the first one or if a previous fullwidth element was displayed before
if($meta['index'] == 0) $params['close'] = false;
if(!empty($meta['siblings']['prev']['tag']) && in_array($meta['siblings']['prev']['tag'], AviaBuilder::$full_el_no_section)) $params['close'] = false;
if($meta['index'] != 0) $params['class'] .= " slider-not-first";
$params['id'] = "layer_slider_".(avia_sc_masterslider::$slide_count);
$output .= avia_new_section($params);
$output .= get_masterslider($atts['id']);
$output .= "</div>"; //close section
//if the next tag is a section dont create a new section from this shortcode
if(!empty($meta['siblings']['next']['tag']) && in_array($meta['siblings']['next']['tag'], AviaBuilder::$full_el))
$skipSecond = true;
//if there is no next element dont create a new section.
$skipSecond = true;
if(empty($skipSecond)) {
$output .= avia_new_section(array('close'=>false, 'id' => "after_layer_slider_".avia_sc_masterslider::$slide_count));
return $output;
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