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Created November 6, 2014 02:05
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Trains and tests SVM on two features (relative strength index and trend over x observations)
# Some code to asses an SVM with a two-dimensional feature space:
# trend (price - simple moving average) and relative strength index.
# The code is an adaptation of the code found in the following linkedin post:
# "Trading the RSI using a Support Vector Machine"
# ""
# Settings
sma.window = 50 # Number of observations in simple moving average.
rsi.window = 3 # Number of observation in relative strength index (RSI)
# Specify and load required R packages.
packs = c(
"quantmod", # quant trading
"e1071", # machine learning library containing SVM
"ggplot2", # plotting
"xts" # working with time-series
sapply(packs, require, character.only=TRUE) # Load the packages.
# Load the data (from the working directory). = "AUDUSD.csv"
dat = read.csv(, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Convert the data to an xts time series object.
dat = as.xts(
dat[ , -1], as.POSIXct(dat[ , 1], tz="GMT", format="%m/%d/%y %H:%M")
# Create the data set for training, testing and validation.
dat = data.frame(
"rsi" = unname(RSI(dat$Open, n=rsi.window)), # relative strength indicator
"trend" = unname((dat$Open - SMA(dat$Open, n=sma.window))),
"direction" = unname(ifelse(dat$Close > dat$Open, "UP", "DOWN"))
dat = dat[complete.cases(dat), ] # Remove rows containing NAs.
# Separate the data into 60% training set to build our model, 20% test set to test the patterns we found, and 20% validation set to run our strategy over new data
Training = dat[1:4528,]
Test = dat[4529:6038,]
Val = dat[6039:7548,]
# Train support vector machine.
machine = svm(
direction ~ rsi + trend,
# Generate predictions for the training, test, and validation sets.
TrainingPredictions = predict(machine, Training, type="class")
TestPredictions = predict(machine, Test, type="class")
ValPredictions = predict(machine, Val, type="class")
ShowContours = function() {
# Plot the predictions distribution across the feature space using the test set.
data.frame(Training, TrainingPredictions),
) + stat_density2d(
) + labs(
title= "Polynomial kernel",
color="Training Predictions"
HitRatios = function() {
# Calculates the fraction of test cases where the classification matches
# the outcome.
print(mean(TrainingPredictions == Training$direction) * 100)
print(mean(TestPredictions == Test$direction) * 100)
print(mean(ValPredictions == Val$direction) * 100)
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