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Last active October 2, 2021 19:27
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A Python wrapper for ffmpeg that allows you to split video files
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Source:
import csv
import subprocess
import math
import json
import os
import shlex
from optparse import OptionParser
def split_by_manifest(filename, manifest, vcodec="copy", acodec="copy",
extra="", **kwargs):
""" Split video into segments based on the given manifest file.
filename (str) - Location of the video.
manifest (str) - Location of the manifest file.
vcodec (str) - Controls the video codec for the ffmpeg video
acodec (str) - Controls the audio codec for the ffmpeg video
extra (str) - Extra options for ffmpeg.
if not os.path.exists(manifest):
print("File does not exist: %s" % manifest)
raise SystemExit
with open(manifest) as manifest_file:
manifest_type = manifest.split(".")[-1]
if manifest_type == "json":
config = json.load(manifest_file)
elif manifest_type == "csv":
config = csv.DictReader(manifest_file)
print("Format not supported. File must be a csv or json file")
raise SystemExit
split_cmd = ["ffmpeg", "-i", filename, "-vcodec", vcodec,
"-acodec", acodec, "-y"] + shlex.split(extra)
fileext = filename.split(".")[-1]
except IndexError as e:
raise IndexError("No . in filename. Error: " + str(e))
for video_config in config:
split_str = ""
split_args = []
split_start = video_config["start_time"]
split_length = video_config.get("end_time", None)
if not split_length:
split_length = video_config["length"]
filebase = video_config["rename_to"]
if fileext in filebase:
filebase = ".".join(filebase.split(".")[:-1])
split_args += ["-ss", str(split_start), "-t",
str(split_length), filebase + "." + fileext]
print("About to run: "+" ".join(split_cmd+split_args))
except KeyError as e:
print("############# Incorrect format ##############")
if manifest_type == "json":
print("The format of each json array should be:")
print("{start_time: <int>, length: <int>, rename_to: <string>}")
elif manifest_type == "csv":
print("start_time,length,rename_to should be the first line ")
print("in the csv file.")
raise SystemExit
def get_video_length(filename):
output = subprocess.check_output(("ffprobe", "-v", "error", "-show_entries", "format=duration", "-of", "default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1", filename)).strip()
video_length = int(float(output))
print("Video length in seconds: "+str(video_length))
return video_length
def ceildiv(a, b):
return int(math.ceil(a / float(b)))
def split_by_seconds(filename, split_length, vcodec="copy", acodec="copy",
extra="", video_length=None, **kwargs):
if split_length and split_length <= 0:
print("Split length can't be 0")
raise SystemExit
if not video_length:
video_length = get_video_length(filename)
split_count = ceildiv(video_length, split_length)
if(split_count == 1):
print("Video length is less then the target split length.")
raise SystemExit
split_cmd = ["ffmpeg", "-i", filename, "-vcodec", vcodec, "-acodec", acodec] + shlex.split(extra)
filebase = ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1])
fileext = filename.split(".")[-1]
except IndexError as e:
raise IndexError("No . in filename. Error: " + str(e))
for n in range(0, split_count):
split_args = []
if n == 0:
split_start = 0
split_start = split_length * n
split_args += ["-ss", str(split_start), "-t", str(split_length),
filebase + "-" + str(n+1) + "-of-" + \
str(split_count) + "." + fileext]
print("About to run: "+" ".join(split_cmd+split_args))
def main():
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-f", "--file",
dest = "filename",
help = "File to split, for example sample.avi",
type = "string",
action = "store"
parser.add_option("-s", "--split-size",
dest = "split_length",
help = "Split or chunk size in seconds, for example 10",
type = "int",
action = "store"
parser.add_option("-c", "--split-chunks",
dest = "split_chunks",
help = "Number of chunks to split to",
type = "int",
action = "store"
parser.add_option("-S", "--split-filesize",
dest = "split_filesize",
help = "Split or chunk size in bytes (approximate)",
type = "int",
action = "store"
dest = "filesize_factor",
help = "with --split-filesize, use this factor in time to" \
" size heuristics [default: %default]",
type = "float",
action = "store",
default = 0.95
dest = "chunk_strategy",
help = "with --split-filesize, allocate chunks according to" \
" given strategy (eager or even)",
type = "choice",
action = "store",
choices = ['eager', 'even'],
default = 'eager'
parser.add_option("-m", "--manifest",
dest = "manifest",
help = "Split video based on a json manifest file. ",
type = "string",
action = "store"
parser.add_option("-v", "--vcodec",
dest = "vcodec",
help = "Video codec to use. ",
type = "string",
default = "copy",
action = "store"
parser.add_option("-a", "--acodec",
dest = "acodec",
help = "Audio codec to use. ",
type = "string",
default = "copy",
action = "store"
parser.add_option("-e", "--extra",
dest = "extra",
help = "Extra options for ffmpeg, e.g. '-e -threads 8'. ",
type = "string",
default = "",
action = "store"
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
def bailout():
raise SystemExit
if not options.filename:
if options.manifest:
video_length = None
if not options.split_length:
video_length = get_video_length(options.filename)
file_size = os.stat(options.filename).st_size
split_filesize = None
if options.split_filesize:
split_filesize = int(options.split_filesize * options.filesize_factor)
if split_filesize and options.chunk_strategy == 'even':
options.split_chunks = ceildiv(file_size, split_filesize)
if options.split_chunks:
options.split_length = ceildiv(video_length, options.split_chunks)
if not options.split_length and split_filesize:
options.split_length = int(split_filesize / float(file_size) * video_length)
if not options.split_length:
split_by_seconds(video_length=video_length, **(options.__dict__))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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