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Created December 3, 2019 12:55
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A laravel command which generates secret santa matches based on matching location preferences
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
class SecretSantaPairing extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'cmd:santa';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Generates a secret santa match up from a json file';
* Create a new command instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
* Execute the console command.
* @return mixed
public function handle()
// people.json format
/* {
"timestamp": "2019/11/19 7:57:56 pm GMT",
"name": "John Smith",
"location": "EU",
"address": "123 main st",
"ship": "UK;EU"
// load people.json into a collection
$storageDisk = 'local';
$file = 'santa/people.json';
$contents = null;
try {
$contents = Storage::disk($storageDisk)->get($file);
} catch (\Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\FileNotFoundException $e) {
$this->info('Loading config from ' . Storage::disk($storageDisk)->path($file));
$listOfParticipants = json_decode($contents, true);
$finalList = [];
foreach ($listOfParticipants as $participant)
// what people could this person match with
$matches = [];
foreach ($listOfParticipants as $match)
// if this is not the same person
if ( strstr( $participant['ship'], $match['location']) ) {
array_push($matches, $match['name']);
$participant['matches'] = $matches;
$successfulList = false;
$iterations = 0;
//$finalMatches = [];
$matched = "";
$finalMatches = [];
$this->info("Match attempt: " .$iterations);
$listVars = "";
foreach ($finalList as $item) $listVars = $listVars. ", " . $item['name'];
$this->info("list: " . $listVars);
foreach ($finalList as $item)
// attempt to match this person
// has this person been matched?
$hasBeenMatched = false;
// go through each potential match
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($item["matches"]); $i++)
//has this person been matched?
if(!$hasBeenMatched) {
// has this potential match been matched?
if (!strstr($matched, $item["matches"][$i])) {
// no, push it to the final matches array
$matchArray = [];
$personArray = [];
foreach ($listOfParticipants as $value)
if($value['name'] == $item["matches"][$i]) $matchArray = $value;
if($value['name'] == $item["name"]) $personArray = $value;
//array_push($finalMatches, ["person" => $item['name'], "match" => $item["matches"][$i]]);
array_push($finalMatches, ["person" => $personArray, "match" => $matchArray]);
// add it to the list of matches
$matched = $matched . " " . $item["matches"][$i];
$this->info(" " .$item['name'] . " to ship to " . $item["matches"][$i]);
$hasBeenMatched = true;
} // if it already was matched + we've reached the end of the list
elseif ($i - 1 == $i < sizeof($item["matches"])) {
// matching was unsuccessful go to the next
$successfulList = false;
// if final matches is the same size as the original list we have matched everyone successfully
$successfulList = true;
$finalMatch = null;
foreach ($finalMatches as $match)
$this->info($match["person"]["name"] . " will ship to " . $match["match"]["name"]);
$this->info("their address is: " . $match["match"]["address"]);
$this->info("and they are located in the " . $match["match"]["location"]);
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