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Created July 20, 2023 10:10
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Pro Tailwind - Animated Background Stripes Recipe
<div class="m-8 grid gap-4">
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
<div class="stripes h-16 w-20 rounded-lg bg-pink-600 stripes-white stripes-size-sm"></div>
<div class="stripes h-16 w-20 rounded-lg bg-pink-600 stripes-white"></div>
<div class="stripes h-16 w-20 rounded-lg bg-pink-600 stripes-white stripes-size-lg"></div>
<div class="stripes h-16 w-20 rounded-lg bg-pink-600 stripes-white stripes-size-xl"></div>
<div class="stripes h-16 w-20 rounded-lg bg-pink-600 stripes-white stripes-size-[99px]"></div>
//? Pro Tailwind's Animated Background Stripes
const plugin = require("tailwindcss/plugin");
module.exports = plugin(
function ({ addBase, addComponents, addUtilities, matchUtilities, theme }) {
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Base layer
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Setting default stripe options
":root": {
"--stripes-rgb": "0 0 0",
"--stripes-angle": "-45deg",
"--stripes-opacity": "1",
"--stripes-size": "20px",
// Keyframe animations
"@keyframes slide": {
from: { transform: "translateX(0)" },
to: { transform: "translateX(var(--stripes-size))" },
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Components layer
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
".stripes": {
position: "relative",
overflow: "hidden",
".stripes > *": {
isolation: "isolate",
".stripes:before": {
"--stripes-color": "rgb(var(--stripes-rgb) / var(--stripes-opacity))",
position: "absolute",
top: "0",
right: "0",
height: "100%",
width: "calc(100% + var(--stripes-size))",
content: "''",
backgroundImage: `linear-gradient(
var(--stripes-color) 5%,
transparent 5% 45%,
var(--stripes-color) 45% 55%,
transparent 55% 95%,
var(--stripes-color) 95%)`,
backgroundSize: "var(--stripes-size) var(--stripes-size)",
//? Make animation play only on hover
".stripes:hover::before": {
animation: "slide 1s infinite linear",
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Utilities layer
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
".stripes-white": {
"--stripes-rgb": "255 255 255",
".stripes-reverse": {
"--stripes-angle": "45deg",
// Support for all opacity values
"stripes-opacity": (value) => ({
"--stripes-opacity": value,
values: theme("opacity"),
// Support for different stripe sizes
"stripes-size": (value) => ({
"--stripes-size": value,
values: theme("stripesSize"),
theme: {
stripesSize: {
sm: "12px",
md: "20px",
lg: "30px",
xl: "40px",
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