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sudo pacman -Syyu # Update repos and packages
sudo pacman -Syu mesa-amber # Install mesa-amber as mesa causes visual artifacts
sudo pacman -Syu polkit # Installs polkit
sudo pacman -Syyu # Reupdates repos and packages just in case, also to prep for potential steamos-update
sudo steamos-update check # Checks for SteamOS updates
sudo steamos-update now # Updates SteamOS is an update is found
sudo holoiso-grub-update # Updates holoiso grub configuration just to be safe
# The file "/root/.steam/root/config/SteamAppData.vdf" for some reason is required to exist for gamescope to properly initialise, however, it seems that this file is by default not created.

Create Windows Terminal shortcut in Windows + X context menu

Windows Terminal shortcut in WinX context menu

In Windows PowerShell do the following:

$folderPath = "$ENV:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\WinX\Group3"
$adminFilePath = Join-Path $folderPath "00 - Windows Terminal.lnk"
$normalFilePath = Join-Path $folderPath "00a - Windows Terminal.lnk"