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Last active January 31, 2019 11:30
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Convert input into args

$ find -name "W*.java" | xargs -r cat

Redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null and run command in background

$ ./deploy/ > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Copy file to server

$ scp file.extention

Download file from server

$ scp /a/local/directory

Rename / move file

$ mv old_name new_name

List all environment variables

$ printenv
$ env


$ unzip

Empty a file without deleting it

$ > file.log

Print last X lines of a file

$ tail -X file.log

See disc usage with dept X

$ du -h -dX

See free disc space

$ df -h


$ tcpdump -n -s 0 -i eth0 -w /tmp/file_name.pcap

Find files by regex and delete them

$ find . -type f -regextype sed -regex '.*/dpa-events.[a-z0-9\-]*.[0-9]*.log' -delete

Tunnel trafic from a localhost port

#8989 is the local port, xx.xx.xx.xx:8080 is the remote ip and port
$ ssh -N -C -v -L8989:xx.xx.xx.xx:8080
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