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Created December 16, 2019 04:10
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import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {MathService} from '../math.service';
selector: 'app-calculator',
templateUrl: './calculator.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./calculator.component.css']
export class CalculatorComponent {
XValue = '2';
YValue = '2';
Results: string;
constructor(private math: MathService) { }
onAddClick() {
this.math.add(this.XValue, this.YValue).then(r => this.Results = `${this.XValue} + ${this.YValue} = ${r}`);
onSubClick() {
this.math.subtract(this.XValue, this.YValue).then(r => this.Results = `${this.XValue} - ${this.YValue} = ${r}`);
onMultClick() {
this.math.multiply(this.XValue, this.YValue).then(r => this.Results = `${this.XValue} * ${this.YValue} = ${r}`);
onDivClick() {
this.math.divide(this.XValue, this.YValue).then(r => this.Results = `${this.XValue} / ${this.YValue} = ${r}`);
onPowClick() {
this.math.power(this.XValue, this.YValue).then(r => this.Results = `${this.XValue} ^ ${this.YValue} = ${r}`);
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