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Last active February 7, 2022 13:30
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[Vegeta load test examples] #go #golang #vegeta #examples #loadtest #benchmark #report
echo "GET" | vegeta attack -duration=5s -rate=2 -cert=/path/to/certificate.pem | tee results.bin | vegeta report
# you don't have to pipe the data to `vegeta report`,
# you can instead run it as a separate command...
# echo "GET" | vegeta attack -duration=5s | tee results.bin
# vegeta report results.bin
# in the vegeta results you might be confused by the `Status Codes` section:
# e.g. Status Codes [code:count] 0:45 200:5723 500:33 502:13 503:186
# ...this just means the code (let's use `200 OK` as an example), was received 5723 times.
# where as a zero code means there was a problem sending the request.
cat results.bin | vegeta report -reporter=plot > plot.html
# alternative ploting graph approach...
# vegeta plot -title=Attack%20Results results.bin > results.html
# can also generate the report as JSON...
# vegeta report -type=json results.bin
# to use an external file use `-targets=target.list` where the targets file is...
# GET http://<application_url>/list/user/1
# GET http://<application_url>/list/user/2
# GET http://<application_url>/list/user/3
# it can also contain POST data...
# POST http://<application_url>/create/newuser/
# Content-Type: application/json
# @/path/to/newuser.json
# ...where the file /path/to/newuser.json contains...
# {
# "name": "Peter";
# "lastname": "Smith";
# "email": ""
# }
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cat results.bin | vegeta report -reporter=plot > plot.html

Above command should change to below command for this version:

$ vegeta --version
Runtime: go1.11.4 linux/amd64

cat results.bin | vegeta plot > plot.html

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