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[Golang slog structure logging] #go #golang #log #logging #structuredlogs

This is a working example as used by Domainr

package main

import (


func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	logger := logging.NewLogger()

	logger.LogAttrs(ctx, slog.LevelDebug, "some_event", slog.String("foo", "bar"))
	logger.LogAttrs(ctx, slog.LevelInfo, "some_event", slog.String("foo", "bar"))
	logger.LogAttrs(ctx, slog.LevelWarn, "some_event", slog.String("foo", "bar"))
	logger.LogAttrs(ctx, slog.LevelError, "some_event", slog.String("foo", "bar"))


	logger.LogAttrs(ctx, slog.LevelDebug, "some_event", slog.String("foo", "bar"))

	logger = logging.NewLoggerWithOutputLevel(os.Stdout, logging.Level)

	logger.LogAttrs(ctx, slog.LevelDebug, "some_event", slog.String("foo", "bar"))
	logger.LogAttrs(ctx, slog.LevelInfo, "some_event", slog.String("foo", "bar"))
	logger.LogAttrs(ctx, slog.LevelWarn, "some_event", slog.String("foo", "bar"))
	logger.LogAttrs(ctx, slog.LevelError, "some_event", slog.String("foo", "bar"))
-- go.mod --
module play.ground
-- logging/logging.go --
package logging

import (

// Level allows dynamically changing the output level via .Set() method.
// Defaults to [slog.LevelInfo].
var Level = new(slog.LevelVar)

// Logger describes the set of features we want to expose from log/slog.
// NOTE: Don't confuse our custom With() signature with (*slog.Logger).With
// We return a Logger type where the standard library returns a *slog.Logger
type Logger interface {
	Enabled(ctx context.Context, level slog.Level) bool
	LogAttrs(ctx context.Context, level slog.Level, msg string, attrs ...slog.Attr)
	With(args ...any) Logger

// NewLogger returns a logging.Logger configured for stderr.
func NewLogger() Logger {
	return NewLoggerWithOutputLevel(os.Stdout, Level)

// NewLoggerWithOutput returns a [Logger] configured with an output writer.
func NewLoggerWithOutput(w io.Writer) Logger {
	return (*logger)(slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(w, defaultOptions()).WithAttrs(defaultAttrs())))

// NewLoggerWithOutputLevel returns a [Logger] configured with an output writer and Level.
func NewLoggerWithOutputLevel(w io.Writer, l slog.Leveler) Logger {
	opts := defaultOptions()
	opts.Level = l
	return (*logger)(slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(w, opts).WithAttrs(defaultAttrs())))

// NewBareLoggerWithOutputLevel returns a [Logger] configured with an output location and [slog.Leveler].
// It does not include any additional attributes.
func NewBareLoggerWithOutputLevel(w io.Writer, l slog.Leveler) Logger {
	opts := defaultOptions()
	opts.Level = l
	return (*logger)(slog.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(w, opts)))

// nolint:revive
//lint:ignore U1000 Prevents any other package from implementing this interface
type private struct{} //nolint:unused

// IMPORTANT: logger is an alias to slog.Logger to avoid a double-pointer deference.
// All methods off the type will need to type-cast a *logger to *slog.Logger.
// With() must additionally type-cast back to a Logger compatible type.
type logger slog.Logger

func (*logger) _private() {}

func (l *logger) Enabled(ctx context.Context, level slog.Level) bool {
	return (*slog.Logger)(l).Enabled(ctx, level)

func (l *logger) LogAttrs(ctx context.Context, level slog.Level, msg string, attrs ...slog.Attr) {
	(*slog.Logger)(l).LogAttrs(ctx, level, msg, attrs...)

func (l *logger) With(args ...any) Logger {
	return (*logger)((*slog.Logger)(l).With(args...))

// Adapt returns a [log.Logger] for use with packages that are not yet compatible with
// [log/slog].
func Adapt(l Logger, level slog.Level) *log.Logger {
	// _private() ensures this type assertion cannot panic.
	slogger := (*slog.Logger)(l.(*logger)) //nolint:revive,forcetypeassert
	return slog.NewLogLogger(slogger.Handler(), level)

func defaultOptions() *slog.HandlerOptions {
	return &slog.HandlerOptions{
		AddSource:   true,
		ReplaceAttr: slogReplaceAttr,
		Level:       Level,

func defaultAttrs() []slog.Attr {
	return []slog.Attr{slog.Group("app",
		slog.String("name", "my app name"),
		slog.String("version", "my app version"),

// NullLogger discards logs.
func NullLogger() Logger {
	// NOTE: We pass a level not currently defined to reduce operational overhead.
	// The intent, unlike passing nil for the opts argument, is for the logger to
	// not even bother generating a message that will just be discarded.
	// An additional gap of 4 was used as it aligns with Go's original design.
	return (*logger)(slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(io.Discard, &slog.HandlerOptions{Level: slog.LevelError + 4}))) //nolint:gomnd

// slogReplaceAttr adjusts the log output.
// - Restricts these changes to top-level keys (not keys within groups)
//   - Changes default time field value to UTC time zone
//   - Replaces msg key with event
//   - Omits event field if empty
//   - Omits error field if when nil
//   - Truncates source's filename to domainr-api directory
// - Formats duration and delay values in microseconds as xxxxµs
// See
// N.B: TextHandler manages quoting attribute values as necessary.
func slogReplaceAttr(groups []string, a slog.Attr) slog.Attr {
	// Limit application of these rules only to top-level keys
	if len(groups) == 0 {
		// Set time zone to UTC
		if a.Key == slog.TimeKey {
			a.Value = slog.TimeValue(a.Value.Time().UTC())
			return a
		// Use event as the default MessageKey, remove if empty
		if a.Key == slog.MessageKey {
			a.Key = "event"
			if a.Value.String() == "" {
				return slog.Attr{}
			return a
		// Display a 'partial' path.
		// Avoids ambiguity when multiple files have the same name across packages.
		// e.g. billing.go appears under 'global', 'billing' and 'server' packages.
		if a.Key == slog.SourceKey {
			if source, ok := a.Value.Any().(*slog.Source); ok {
				a.Key = "caller"
				if _, after, ok := strings.Cut(source.File, "domainr-api"+string(filepath.Separator)); ok {
					source.File = after
			return a

	// Remove error key=value when error is nil
	if a.Equal(slog.Any("error", error(nil))) {
		return slog.Attr{}

	// Present durations and delays as xxxxµs
	switch a.Key {
	case "dur", "delay", "p95", "previous_p95", "remaining", "max_wait":
		a.Value = slog.StringValue(strconv.FormatInt(a.Value.Duration().Microseconds(), 10) + "µs")

	return a
// Code copied verbatim from
package main
import (
"" // Package b implements the B+tree flavor of a BTree.
func main() {
slogger := slog.New(NewOverwriteHandler(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{
Level: slog.LevelDebug,
FuncA(slogger, "foo")
func FuncA(l *slog.Logger, someAttr string) {
l = l.With(slog.String("foo", someAttr))
FuncB(l, "foo") // "foo":"foo"
func FuncB(l *slog.Logger, someAttr string) {
l = l.With(slog.String("foo", someAttr))
FuncC(l, someAttr) // "foo":"foo","foo":"foo"
func FuncC(l *slog.Logger, someAttr string) {
l = l.With(slog.String("foo", someAttr))
l.Debug("FuncC") // "foo":"foo","foo":"foo","foo":"foo"
// NewOverwriteHandler creates an OverwriteHandler slog.Handler middleware that will deduplicate all attributes and
// groups by overwriting any older attributes or groups with the same string key.
// It passes the final record and attributes off to the next handler when finished.
func NewOverwriteHandler(next slog.Handler) *OverwriteHandler {
return &OverwriteHandler{
next: next,
keyCompare: CaseSensitiveCmp,
getKey: getKeyClosure(IncrementIfBuiltinKeyConflict),
// OverwriteHandler is a slog.Handler middleware that will deduplicate all attributes and
// groups by overwriting any older attributes or groups with the same string key.
// It passes the final record and attributes off to the next handler when finished.
type OverwriteHandler struct {
next slog.Handler
goa *groupOrAttrs
keyCompare func(a, b string) int
getKey func(key string, depth int) (string, bool)
// Enabled reports whether the next handler handles records at the given level.
// The handler ignores records whose level is lower.
func (h *OverwriteHandler) Enabled(ctx context.Context, level slog.Level) bool {
return, level)
// Handle de-duplicates all attributes and groups, then passes the new set of attributes to the next handler.
func (h *OverwriteHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, r slog.Record) error {
// The final set of attributes on the record, is basically the same as a final With-Attributes groupOrAttrs.
// So collect all final attributes and turn them into a groupOrAttrs so that it can be handled the same.
finalAttrs := make([]slog.Attr, 0, r.NumAttrs())
r.Attrs(func(a slog.Attr) bool {
finalAttrs = append(finalAttrs, a)
return true
goas := collectGroupOrAttrs(h.goa, &groupOrAttrs{attrs: finalAttrs})
// Resolve groups and with-attributes
uniq := b.TreeNew[string, any](h.keyCompare)
h.createAttrTree(uniq, goas, 0)
// Add all attributes to new record (because old record has all the old attributes)
newR := &slog.Record{
Time: r.Time,
Level: r.Level,
Message: r.Message,
PC: r.PC,
// Add deduplicated attributes back in
return, *newR)
// WithGroup returns a new OverwriteHandler that still has h's attributes,
// but any future attributes added will be namespaced.
func (h *OverwriteHandler) WithGroup(name string) slog.Handler {
h2 := *h
h2.goa = h2.goa.WithGroup(name)
return &h2
// WithAttrs returns a new OverwriteHandler whose attributes consists of h's attributes followed by attrs.
func (h *OverwriteHandler) WithAttrs(attrs []slog.Attr) slog.Handler {
h2 := *h
h2.goa = h2.goa.WithAttrs(attrs)
return &h2
// createAttrTree recursively goes through all groupOrAttrs, resolving their attributes and creating subtrees as
// necessary, adding the results to the map
func (h *OverwriteHandler) createAttrTree(uniq *b.Tree[string, any], goas []*groupOrAttrs, depth int) {
if len(goas) == 0 {
// If a group is encountered, create a subtree for that group and all groupOrAttrs after it
if goas[0].group != "" {
if key, ok := h.getKey(goas[0].group, depth); ok {
uniqGroup := b.TreeNew[string, any](h.keyCompare)
h.createAttrTree(uniqGroup, goas[1:], depth+1)
// Ignore empty groups, otherwise put subtree into the map
if uniqGroup.Len() > 0 {
uniq.Set(key, uniqGroup)
// Otherwise, set all attributes for this groupOrAttrs, and then call again for remaining groupOrAttrs's
h.resolveValues(uniq, goas[0].attrs, depth)
h.createAttrTree(uniq, goas[1:], depth)
// resolveValues iterates through the attributes, resolving them and putting them into the map.
// If a group is encountered (as an attribute), it will be separately resolved and added as a subtree.
// Since attributes are ordered from oldest to newest, it overwrites keys as it goes.
func (h *OverwriteHandler) resolveValues(uniq *b.Tree[string, any], attrs []slog.Attr, depth int) {
var ok bool
for _, a := range attrs {
a.Value = a.Value.Resolve()
if a.Equal(slog.Attr{}) {
continue // Ignore empty attributes, and keep iterating
// Default situation: resolve the key and put it into the map
a.Key, ok = h.getKey(a.Key, depth)
if !ok {
if a.Value.Kind() != slog.KindGroup {
uniq.Set(a.Key, a)
// Groups with empty keys are inlined
if a.Key == "" {
h.resolveValues(uniq, a.Value.Group(), depth)
// Create a subtree for this group
uniqGroup := b.TreeNew[string, any](h.keyCompare)
h.resolveValues(uniqGroup, a.Value.Group(), depth+1)
// Ignore empty groups, otherwise put subtree into the map
if uniqGroup.Len() > 0 {
uniq.Set(a.Key, uniqGroup)
// buildAttrs converts the deduplicated map back into an attribute array,
// with any subtrees converted into slog.Group's
func buildAttrs(uniq *b.Tree[string, any]) []slog.Attr {
en, emptyErr := uniq.SeekFirst()
if emptyErr != nil {
return nil // Empty (btree only returns an error when empty)
defer en.Close()
// Iterate through all values in the map, add to slice
attrs := make([]slog.Attr, 0, uniq.Len())
for k, i, err := en.Next(); err == nil; k, i, err = en.Next() {
// Values will either be an attribute, a subtree, or a specially appended slice of the former two
switch v := i.(type) {
case slog.Attr:
attrs = append(attrs, v)
case *b.Tree[string, any]:
// Convert subtree into a group
attrs = append(attrs, slog.Attr{Key: k, Value: slog.GroupValue(buildAttrs(v)...)})
case appended:
// This case only happens in the AppendHandler
anys := make([]any, 0, len(v))
for _, sliceVal := range v {
switch sliceV := sliceVal.(type) {
case slog.Attr:
anys = append(anys, sliceV.Value.Any())
case *b.Tree[string, any]:
// Convert subtree into a map (because having a Group Attribute within a slice doesn't render)
anys = append(anys, buildGroupMap(buildAttrs(sliceV)))
panic("unexpected type in attribute map")
attrs = append(attrs, slog.Any(k, anys))
panic("unexpected type in attribute map")
return attrs
// appended is a type that exists to allow us to differentiate between a log attribute that is a slice or any's ([]any),
// versus when we are appending to the key so that it becomes a slice. Only used with the AppendHandler.
type appended []any
// buildGroupMap takes a slice of attributes (the attributes within a group), and turns them into a map of string keys
// to a non-attribute resolved value (any).
// This function exists solely to deal with groups that are inside appended-slices (for the AppendHandler),
// because slog does not have a "slice" kind, which means that those groups and their values do not render at all.
func buildGroupMap(attrs []slog.Attr) map[string]any {
group := map[string]any{}
for _, attr := range attrs {
if attr.Value.Kind() != slog.KindGroup {
group[attr.Key] = attr.Value.Any()
} else {
group[attr.Key] = buildGroupMap(attr.Value.Group())
return group
// groupOrAttrs holds either a group name or a list of slog.Attrs.
// It also holds a reference/link to its parent groupOrAttrs, forming a linked list.
type groupOrAttrs struct {
group string // group name if non-empty
attrs []slog.Attr // attrs if non-empty
next *groupOrAttrs // parent
// WithGroup returns a new groupOrAttrs that includes the given group, and links to the old groupOrAttrs.
// Safe to call on a nil groupOrAttrs.
func (g *groupOrAttrs) WithGroup(name string) *groupOrAttrs {
// Empty-name groups are inlined as if they didn't exist
if name == "" {
return g
return &groupOrAttrs{
group: name,
next: g,
// WithAttrs returns a new groupOrAttrs that includes the given attrs, and links to the old groupOrAttrs.
// Safe to call on a nil groupOrAttrs.
func (g *groupOrAttrs) WithAttrs(attrs []slog.Attr) *groupOrAttrs {
if len(attrs) == 0 {
return g
return &groupOrAttrs{
attrs: attrs,
next: g,
// collectGroupOrAttrs unrolls all individual groupOrAttrs and collects them into a slice, ordered from oldest to newest
func collectGroupOrAttrs(gs ...*groupOrAttrs) []*groupOrAttrs {
// Get a total count of all groups in the group linked-list chain
n := 0
for _, g := range gs {
for ga := g; ga != nil; ga = {
// The groupOrAttrs on the handler is a linked list starting from the newest to the oldest set of attributes/groups.
// Within each groupOrAttrs, all attributes are in a slice that is ordered from oldest to newest.
// To make things consistent we will reverse the order of the groupOrAttrs, so that it goes from oldest to newest,
// thereby matching the order of the attributes.
res := make([]*groupOrAttrs, n)
j := 0
for i := len(gs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
for ga := gs[i]; ga != nil; ga = {
res[len(res)-j-1] = ga
return res
// CaseSensitiveCmp is a case-sensitive comparison and ordering function that orders by byte values
func CaseSensitiveCmp(a, b string) int {
if a == b {
return 0
if a > b {
return 1
return -1
// IncrementIfBuiltinKeyConflict will, if there is a conflict/duplication at the root level (not in a group) with one of
// the built-in keys, add "#01" to the end of the key
func IncrementIfBuiltinKeyConflict(key string) (string, bool) {
if DoesBuiltinKeyConflict(key) {
return IncrementKeyName(key, 1), true // Don't overwrite the built-in attribute keys
return key, true
// DoesBuiltinKeyConflict returns true if the key conflicts with the builtin keys.
// This will only be called on all root level (not in a group) attribute keys.
func DoesBuiltinKeyConflict(key string) bool {
if key == slog.TimeKey || key == slog.LevelKey || key == slog.MessageKey || key == slog.SourceKey {
return true
return false
// IncrementKeyName adds a count onto the key name after the first seen.
// Example: keyname, keyname#01, keyname#02, keyname#03
func IncrementKeyName(key string, index int) string {
if index == 0 {
return key
return fmt.Sprintf("%s#%02d", key, index)
// getKeyClosure returns a function to be used to resolve a key at the root level, determining its behavior when it
// would otherwise conflict/duplicate the 4 built-in attribute keys (time, level, msg, source).
func getKeyClosure(resolveBuiltinKeyConflict func(k string) (string, bool)) func(key string, depth int) (string, bool) {
return func(key string, depth int) (string, bool) {
if depth == 0 {
return resolveBuiltinKeyConflict(key)
return key, true
package logging
import (
// Logger describes the set of features we want to expose from log/slog.
type Logger interface {
Enabled(ctx context.Context, level slog.Level) bool
LogAttrs(ctx context.Context, level slog.Level, msg string, attrs ...slog.Attr)
With(args ...any) *slog.Logger
// Level allows dynamically changing the log level via .Set() method.
var Level = new(slog.LevelVar)
// NewLogger returns a logging.Logger configured for stderr.
func NewLogger() Logger {
return NewLoggerWithOutput(os.Stderr)
// NewLoggerWithOutput returns a logging.Logger configured with a specific
// output location.
func NewLoggerWithOutput(w io.Writer) Logger {
opts, attrs := loggerDefaults()
return slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(w, opts).WithAttrs(attrs))
// NewLoggerWithOutputLevel returns a logging.Logger configured with a specific
// output location and Level.
func NewLoggerWithOutputLevel(w io.Writer, l slog.Leveler) Logger {
opts, attrs := loggerDefaults()
opts.Level = l
return slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(w, opts).WithAttrs(attrs))
func loggerDefaults() (*slog.HandlerOptions, []slog.Attr) {
appName := strings.Replace(os.Getenv("HEROKU_APP_NAME"), "mustang", "heroku", 1)
if appName == "" {
appName = os.Getenv("USER")
opts := &slog.HandlerOptions{
AddSource: true,
ReplaceAttr: slogReplaceAttr,
Level: Level,
attrs := []slog.Attr{
slog.String("name", appName),
slog.String("version", version.Version()),
return opts, attrs
// NullLogger discards logs.
func NullLogger() Logger {
// NOTE: We pass a level not currently defined to reduce operational overhead.
// The intent, unlike passing nil for the opts argument, is for the logger to
// not even bother generating a message that will just be discarded.
// An additional gap of 4 was used as it aligns with Go's original design.
return slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(io.Discard, &slog.HandlerOptions{Level: slog.LevelError + 4}))
// slogReplaceAttr adjusts the output format of some attributes:
// - changes timestamps to UTC time zone
// - shortens source.File by removing path
// - elides error=<nil>
// - formats dur values in microseconds as NNNµs
// See
// N.B: TextHandler manages quoting attribute values as necessary.
func slogReplaceAttr(groups []string, a slog.Attr) slog.Attr {
// Limit application of these rules only to top-level keys
if len(groups) == 0 {
// Set time zone to UTC
if a.Key == slog.TimeKey {
a.Value = slog.TimeValue(a.Value.Time().UTC())
return a
// Remove empty msg=""
if a.Equal(slog.String(slog.MessageKey, "")) {
return slog.Attr{}
// Remove error key=value when error is nil
if a.Equal(slog.Any("error", error(nil))) {
return slog.Attr{}
// Display a 'partial' path.
// Avoids ambiguity when multiple files have the same name across packages.
// e.g. billing.go appears under 'global', 'billing' and 'server' packages.
if a.Key == slog.SourceKey {
if source, ok := a.Value.Any().(*slog.Source); ok {
a.Key = "caller"
if _, after, ok := strings.Cut(source.File, "mustang"+string(filepath.Separator)); ok {
source.File = after
return a
// Present durations and delays as xxxxµs
switch a.Key {
case "dur", "delay", "p95", "previous_p95", "remaining", "max_wait":
a.Value = slog.StringValue(fmt.Sprintf("%dµs", a.Value.Duration().Microseconds()))
return a
package logging
import (
func TestLogger(t *testing.T) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
l := NewLoggerWithOutput(buf)
t.Run("has expected fields", func(t *testing.T) {
dumpLogs(t, buf)
l.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelInfo, "test message")
out := buf.String()
for _, field := range []string{
} {
if !strings.Contains(out, field+"=") {
t.Errorf("missing field %q:", field)
t.Run("adds non-default levels", func(t *testing.T) {
dumpLogs(t, buf)
ctx := context.Background()
tests := []struct {
level slog.Level
enabled bool
want string
{slog.LevelDebug, false, ""},
{slog.LevelInfo, true, "level=INFO"},
{slog.LevelWarn, true, "level=WARN"},
{slog.LevelError, true, "level=ERROR"},
{slog.Level(12), true, "level=ERROR+4"},
for _, tt := range tests {
l.LogAttrs(ctx, tt.level, "")
// WARNING: strings.Contains can return true on a "" substr.
// For example: LevelInfo with "" would pass, which is misleading.
// Because the test would suggest that `level=INFO` shouldn't appear in the output.
if tt.enabled && !strings.Contains(buf.String(), tt.want) {
t.Errorf("missing level=%s", tt.level)
if got := l.Enabled(ctx, tt.level); tt.enabled != got {
t.Errorf("enabled = %t at level=%s", got, tt.level)
t.Run("adds debug at LevelDebug", func(t *testing.T) {
dumpLogs(t, buf)
ctx := context.Background()
l = NewLoggerWithOutputLevel(buf, slog.LevelDebug)
l.LogAttrs(ctx, slog.LevelDebug, "")
out := buf.String()
if !strings.Contains(out, "level=DEBUG") {
t.Errorf("missing level=DEBUG")
t.Run("elides empty message", func(t *testing.T) {
dumpLogs(t, buf)
l.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelInfo, "")
out := buf.String()
if s := "msg="; strings.Contains(out, s) {
t.Errorf("log should not contain %q:", s)
t.Run("elides empty error", func(t *testing.T) {
dumpLogs(t, buf)
l.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelInfo, "test message", slog.Any("error", nil))
out := buf.String()
if s := "error="; strings.Contains(out, s) {
t.Errorf("log should not contain %q:", s)
t.Run("uses UTC time zone", func(t *testing.T) {
dumpLogs(t, buf)
l.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelInfo, "UTC")
out := buf.String()
ts := logFieldValue(out, "time")
p, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, ts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("time field failed to parse: %s", err)
if z, _ := p.Zone(); z != time.UTC.String() {
t.Errorf("expected time in UTC zone, got %s", z)
t.Run("uses short source location", func(t *testing.T) {
dumpLogs(t, buf)
l.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelInfo, "source loc")
out := buf.String()
source := logFieldValue(out, "source")
if strings.HasPrefix(source, string(filepath.Separator)) {
t.Errorf("source includes full path: %s", source)
t.Run("displays microseconds", func(t *testing.T) {
dumpLogs(t, buf)
const ts = 1234567890
l.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelInfo, "",
slog.Duration("dur", ts),
slog.Duration("delay", ts),
slog.Duration("p95", ts),
slog.Duration("previous_p95", ts),
slog.Duration("remaining", ts),
slog.Duration("max_wait", ts),
out := buf.String()
for _, field := range []string{
} {
want := fmt.Sprintf("%s=%d%s", field, 1234567, "µs")
if !strings.Contains(out, want) {
t.Errorf("log should contain: %s", want)
func logFieldValue(s, field string) string {
prefix := field + "="
i := strings.Index(s, prefix)
if i == -1 {
return s
i += len(prefix)
return s[i : i+strings.Index(s[i:], " ")]
func dumpLogs(t *testing.T, buf *bytes.Buffer) {
t.Cleanup(func() {
if t.Failed() || testing.Verbose() {
t.Log("Logs:\n", buf.String())
// Reference:
// Playground Example:
package main
import (
func main() {
logLevelHandler := new(slog.LevelVar)
opts := &slog.HandlerOptions{
AddSource: true,
ReplaceAttr: slogReplaceAttr,
Level: logLevelHandler, // LevelVar allows for dynamic changing of the log level at runtime!
attrs := []slog.Attr{
slog.String("my_field", "is_this"),
slog.String("example", os.Getenv("SOME_EXAMPLE")),
logger := slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stderr, opts).WithAttrs(attrs)) // alternatively use slog.NewJSONHandler()
logger.Debug("Debug message 1") // not displayed
logger.Info("Info message")
logger.Warn("Warning message")
logger.Error("Error message")
logLevelHandler.Set(slog.LevelDebug) // dynamically switch the log level
logger.Debug("Debug message 2") // is displayed
logger.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelInfo, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
slog.String("foo", "bar"),
var e error = ErrFoo{Code: 123, Err: errors.New("whoops")}
logger.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelError, "",
slog.String("error", e.Error()),
logger.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelError, "",
slog.Any("error", e),
newLogger := logger.With(slog.Group("some_group", slog.String("foo", "bar")))
newLogger.Info("with group")
newLoggerWithDuplicateGroup := newLogger.With(slog.Group("some_group", slog.String("inside_duplicate_group", "whatever"))) // the duplicated group isn't replaced, the attrs are appended to the original group
newLoggerWithDuplicateGroup.Info("with duplicate group")
newLoggerWithDuplicateGroup.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelInfo, "does an inline group append to existing group on the logger?",
slog.Group("some_group", slog.String("a_new_inline_group_key", "with some value")), // the inlined group is appended to the original group
newLoggerWithEmptyGroup := newLogger.With(slog.Group("some_empty_group")) // Groups will be omitted if no attributes found
newLoggerWithEmptyGroup.Info("with empty group")
logger.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelError, "inline group",
slog.Group("some_group", slog.String("foo", "bar")), // inline a slog.Group with other slog.Attr
logger.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelError, "inline group will be omitted",
loggerWithDuplicateField := logger.With(slog.String("my_field", "is_now_overridden")) // NOPE! It's duplicated! so you'll have to fix that in slogReplaceAttr
loggerWithDuplicateField.Info("my message to see if my_field is overridden")
attribute := slog.Any("some_array", []string{"x", "y", "z"})
logger.Info("what does a slice look like", attribute)
thing := Foo
logger.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelError, "what does a custom iota type look like",
slog.Any("my_thing", thing),
st := StructThing{"foo here", 123, true}
slog.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelInfo, "message text", slog.Any("", st)) // no field == foo="foo here" bar=123 baz=true
slog.LogAttrs(context.Background(), slog.LevelInfo, "message text", slog.Any("agent", st)) // field specified =="foo here" agent.baz=true
type StructThing struct {
Foo string
Bar int
Baz bool
func (st StructThing) LogValue() slog.Value {
return slog.GroupValue(
slog.String("foo", st.Foo),
slog.Int("bar", st.Bar),
slog.Bool("baz", st.Baz),
type Thing uint32
const (
Unknown Thing = iota
Foo Thing = 1 << (iota - 1)
// slogReplaceAttr adjusts the output format of some attributes:
// - changes timestamps to UTC time zone
// - shortens source.File by removing path
// - elides error=<nil>
// - formats dur values in microseconds as NNNµs
// See
// N.B: TextHandler manages quoting attribute values as necessary.
func slogReplaceAttr(groups []string, a slog.Attr) slog.Attr {
// Limit application of these rules only to top-level keys
if len(groups) == 0 {
// Set time zone to UTC
if a.Key == slog.TimeKey {
a.Value = slog.TimeValue(a.Value.Time().UTC())
return a
// Remove empty msg=""
if a.Equal(slog.String(slog.MessageKey, "")) {
return slog.Attr{}
// Remove error key=value when error is nil
if a.Equal(slog.Any("error", error(nil))) {
return slog.Attr{}
// Display a 'partial' path.
// This avoids ambiguity when you have multiple files called 'example.go' across different packages.
// NOTE: It's implemented based on my own application "mustang" (hence that reference in the path lookup)
if a.Key == slog.SourceKey {
source, _ := a.Value.Any().(*slog.Source)
segs := strings.Split(source.File, string(filepath.Separator))
idx := slices.Index(segs, "mustang")
path := strings.Join(segs[idx+1:], string(filepath.Separator))
source.File = path
return a
// Rewritten + change the key from `source` to `caller`.
if a.Key == slog.SourceKey {
if source, ok := a.Value.Any().(*slog.Source); ok {
a.Key = "caller"
if _, after, ok := strings.Cut(source.File, "mustang"+string(filepath.Separator)); ok {
source.File = after
return a
// Present durations and delays as xxxxµs
switch a.Key {
case "dur", "delay", "p95", "previous_p95", "remaining", "max_wait":
a.Value = slog.StringValue(fmt.Sprintf("%dµs", a.Value.Duration().Microseconds()))
return a
type ErrFoo struct {
Code int // let's pretend we don't want this printed by normal Error() message
Err error
func (ef ErrFoo) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s", ef.Code, ef.Err)
// This method allows us to tell slog to ignore the Code field and just print the Err as a string.
func (ef ErrFoo) LogValue() slog.Value {
return slog.StringValue(ef.Err.Error())
// There are issues with LogAttrs when it wraps slog.Logger's LogAttrs.
// So we must implement wrapping as described in
// Which helps to preserve the correct source location.
// Package logging wraps the features we want to expose from log/slog and
// provides standard constructors for loggers.
package logging
import (
// Level allows dynamically changing the output level via .Set() method.
// Defaults to [slog.LevelInfo].
var Level = new(slog.LevelVar)
// Logger describes the set of features we want to expose from log/slog.
// NOTE: Don't confuse our custom With() signature with (*slog.Logger).With
// We return a Logger type where the standard library returns a *slog.Logger
type Logger interface {
Enabled(ctx context.Context, level slog.Level) bool
LogAttrs(ctx context.Context, level slog.Level, msg string, attrs ...slog.Attr)
With(args ...any) Logger
_private(private) // prevents any other package from implementing this interface
// NewLogger returns a logging.Logger configured for stderr.
func NewLogger() Logger {
return NewLoggerWithOutputLevel(os.Stderr, Level)
// NewLoggerWithOutputLevel returns a [Logger] configured with an output writer and Level.
func NewLoggerWithOutputLevel(w io.Writer, l slog.Leveler) Logger {
opts := defaultOptions()
opts.Level = l
return (*logger)(slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(w, opts).WithAttrs(defaultAttrs())))
// NewBareLoggerWithOutputLevel returns a [Logger] configured with an output location and [slog.Leveler].
// It does not include any additional attributes.
func NewBareLoggerWithOutputLevel(w io.Writer, l slog.Leveler) Logger {
opts := defaultOptions()
opts.Level = l
return (*logger)(slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(w, opts)))
type private struct{}
// IMPORTANT: logger is an alias to slog.Logger to avoid a double-pointer deference.
// All methods off the type will need to type-cast a *logger to *slog.Logger.
// With() must additionally type-cast back to a Logger compatible type.
type logger slog.Logger
func (*logger) _private(private) {}
func (l *logger) Enabled(ctx context.Context, level slog.Level) bool {
return (*slog.Logger)(l).Enabled(ctx, level)
// LogAttrs effectively wraps slog.Logger's LogAttrs, so we must implement wrapping as described
// in to preserve the correct source location.
func (l *logger) LogAttrs(ctx context.Context, level slog.Level, msg string, attrs ...slog.Attr) {
if !l.Enabled(context.Background(), level) {
var pcs [1]uintptr
runtime.Callers(2, pcs[:]) // skip 2 [Callers, LogAttrs]
r := slog.NewRecord(time.Now(), level, msg, pcs[0])
(*slog.Logger)(l).Handler().Handle(ctx, r)
func (l *logger) With(args ...any) Logger {
return (*logger)((*slog.Logger)(l).With(args...))
// Adapt returns a [log.Logger] for use with packages that are not yet compatible with
// [log/slog].
func Adapt(l Logger, level slog.Level) *log.Logger {
// _private() ensures this type assertion cannot panic.
slogger := (*slog.Logger)(l.(*logger)) //nolint:revive,forcetypeassert
return slog.NewLogLogger(slogger.Handler(), level)
func defaultOptions() *slog.HandlerOptions {
return &slog.HandlerOptions{
AddSource: true,
ReplaceAttr: slogReplaceAttr,
Level: Level,
func defaultAttrs() []slog.Attr {
appName := strings.Replace(os.Getenv("HEROKU_APP_NAME"), "mustang", "heroku", 1)
if appName == "" {
appName = os.Getenv("USER")
return []slog.Attr{slog.Group("mustang",
slog.String("name", appName),
slog.String("version", version.Version()),
// NullLogger discards logs.
func NullLogger() Logger {
// NOTE: We pass a level not currently defined to reduce operational overhead.
// The intent, unlike passing nil for the opts argument, is for the logger to
// not even bother generating a message that will just be discarded.
// An additional gap of 4 was used as it aligns with Go's original design.
return (*logger)(slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(io.Discard, &slog.HandlerOptions{Level: slog.LevelError + 4}))) //nolint:gomnd
// slogReplaceAttr adjusts the log output.
// - Restricts these changes to top-level keys (not keys within groups)
// - Changes default time field value to UTC time zone
// - Replaces msg key with event
// - Omits event field if empty
// - Omits error field if when nil
// - Truncates source's filename to mustang directory
// - Formats duration and delay values in microseconds as xxxxµs
// See
// N.B: TextHandler manages quoting attribute values as necessary.
func slogReplaceAttr(groups []string, a slog.Attr) slog.Attr {
// Limit application of these rules only to top-level keys
if len(groups) == 0 {
// Set time zone to UTC
if a.Key == slog.TimeKey {
a.Value = slog.TimeValue(a.Value.Time().UTC())
return a
// Use event as the default MessageKey, remove if empty
if a.Key == slog.MessageKey {
a.Key = "event"
if a.Value.String() == "" {
return slog.Attr{}
return a
// Display a 'partial' path.
// Avoids ambiguity when multiple files have the same name across packages.
// e.g. billing.go appears under 'global', 'billing' and 'server' packages.
if a.Key == slog.SourceKey {
if source, ok := a.Value.Any().(*slog.Source); ok {
a.Key = "caller"
if _, after, ok := strings.Cut(source.File, "mustang"+string(filepath.Separator)); ok {
source.File = after
return a
// Remove error key=value when error is nil
if a.Equal(slog.Any("error", error(nil))) {
return slog.Attr{}
// Present durations and delays as xxxxµs
switch a.Key {
case "dur", "delay", "p95", "previous_p95", "remaining", "max_wait":
a.Value = slog.StringValue(strconv.FormatInt(a.Value.Duration().Microseconds(), 10) + "µs")
return a
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