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Created January 31, 2021 23:24
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OpenRCT2 plugin for network stats
/// <reference path="C:\Users\Ted\Documents\GitHub\openrct2\distribution\openrct2.d.ts" />
var NETWORK_STATS_WINDOW_CLASS = 'network-stats';
var DEBUG = true;
function openNetworkStats() {
var StatKind = {
receive: 0,
send: 1
var categoryGroups = [
{ text: "Base protocol", paletteIndex: 102 },
{ text: "Commands", paletteIndex: 138 },
{ text: "Map", paletteIndex: 171 },
var historyReceived = [];
var historySent = [];
var totalSentBytes = 0;
var totalReceivedBytes = 0;
var accumulatedSentBytes = 0;
var accumulatedReceivedBytes = 0;
var sentBytesPerSecond = 0;
var receivedBytesPerSecond = 0;
var lastStatsUpdateTime = 0;
var receivedMax = 0;
var sentMax = 0;
function open() {
var width = 450;
var height = 210;
var padding = 5;
var heightTab = 43;
var textHeight = 12;
var totalHeight = height;
var totalHeightText = (textHeight + (padding * 2)) * 3;
var graphWidth = width - (padding * 2);
var graphHeight = (totalHeight - totalHeightText - heightTab) / 2;
graphHeight = ~~graphHeight;
var x = padding;
var y = heightTab + padding;
var widgets = [];
createGraphTextWidgets(widgets, x, y, StatKind.receive);
y += textHeight + padding;
createGraphWidget(widgets, x, y, graphWidth, graphHeight, StatKind.receive, 'graphReceived');
y += graphHeight + padding;
createGraphTextWidgets(widgets, x, y, StatKind.send);
y += textHeight + padding;
createGraphWidget(widgets, x, y, graphWidth, graphHeight, StatKind.send, 'graphSent');
y += graphHeight + padding;
createLegendWidgets(widgets, x, y);
var stats = getStats();
var w = ui.openWindow({
x: (ui.width - width) / 2,
y: (ui.height - height) / 2,
width: width,
height: height,
minWidth: width,
minHeight: height,
maxWidth: width * 4,
maxHeight: height * 4,
title: 'Network Information',
colours: [0, 0],
tabs: [
image: {
frameBase: 5367,
frameCount: 8,
frameDuration: 4
widgets: widgets
onUpdate: function () {
var deltaStats = {
bytesReceived: [0, 0, 0],
bytesSent: [0, 0, 0]
var receivedSum = 0;
var sentSum = 0;
var newStats = getStats();
for (var i = 0; i < categoryGroups.length; i++) {
deltaStats.bytesReceived[i] = newStats.bytesReceived[i + 1] - stats.bytesReceived[i + 1];
deltaStats.bytesSent[i] = newStats.bytesSent[i + 1] - stats.bytesSent[i + 1];
accumulatedReceivedBytes += deltaStats.bytesReceived[i];
accumulatedSentBytes += deltaStats.bytesSent[i]
receivedSum += deltaStats.bytesReceived[i];
sentSum += deltaStats.bytesSent[i];
stats = newStats;
totalReceivedBytes = stats.bytesReceived[0];
totalSentBytes = stats.bytesSent[0];
receivedMax = Math.max(receivedMax, receivedSum);
sentMax = Math.max(sentMax, sentSum);
while (historyReceived.length >= 256) {
while (historySent.length >= 256) {
var currentTime =;
if (currentTime > lastStatsUpdateTime + 1000) {
var elapsed = (currentTime - lastStatsUpdateTime) / 1000;
lastStatsUpdateTime = currentTime;
receivedBytesPerSecond = accumulatedReceivedBytes / elapsed;
sentBytesPerSecond = accumulatedSentBytes / elapsed;
accumulatedReceivedBytes = 0;
accumulatedSentBytes = 0;
var setWidgetText = function (name, text) {
var label = w.findWidget(name);
if (label) {
label.text = text;
setWidgetText('lblReceivedBytes', formatReadableSpeed(receivedBytesPerSecond));
setWidgetText('lblTotalReceivedBytes', formatReadableSize(totalReceivedBytes));
setWidgetText('lblSentBytes', formatReadableSpeed(sentBytesPerSecond));
setWidgetText('lblTotalSentBytes', formatReadableSize(totalSentBytes));
function performLayout(w) {
var width = w.width;
var height = w.height;
var padding = 5;
var heightTab = 43;
var textHeight = 12;
// var graphBarWidth = Math.min(1, width / width);
var graphBarWidth = 1;
var totalHeight = height;
var totalHeightText = (textHeight + (padding * 2)) * 3;
var graphWidth = width - (padding * 2);
var graphHeight = (totalHeight - totalHeightText - heightTab) / 2;
graphHeight = ~~graphHeight;
var x = padding;
var y = heightTab + padding;
var setWidgetY = function (names, y) {
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
var widget = w.findWidget(names[i]);
if (widget) {
widget.y = y;
setWidgetY(['lblReceive', 'lblReceivedBytes', 'lblTotalReceived', 'lblTotalReceivedBytes'], y);
y += textHeight + padding;
var graph = w.findWidget('graphReceived');
graph.y = y;
graph.width = graphWidth;
graph.height = graphHeight;
y += graphHeight + padding;
setWidgetY(['lblSend', 'lblSentBytes', 'lblTotalSent', 'lblTotalSentBytes'], y);
y += textHeight + padding;
var graph = w.findWidget('graphSent');
graph.y = y;
graph.width = graphWidth;
graph.height = graphHeight;
y += graphHeight + padding;
for (var n = 0; n < categoryGroups.length; n++) {
setWidgetY(['legendColour' + n], y + 4);
setWidgetY(['legendLabel' + n], y);
function createLabel(name, x, y, text) {
return {
type: 'label',
name: name,
x: x,
y: y,
width: 100,
height: 16,
text: text
function createLegendColourWidget(name, x, y, w, h, colour) {
return {
type: 'custom',
name: name,
x: x,
y: y,
width: w,
height: h,
onDraw: function (g) {
g.fill = colour;
function createGraphTextWidgets(widgets, x, y, kind) {
if (kind === StatKind.receive) {
widgets.push(createLabel('lblReceive', x, y, "Receive"));
widgets.push(createLabel('lblReceivedBytes', x + 70, y, "0.000 B/sec"));
widgets.push(createLabel('lblTotalReceived', x + 200, y, "Total received"));
widgets.push(createLabel('lblTotalReceivedBytes', x + 300, y, "0.000 B/sec"));
} else {
widgets.push(createLabel('lblSend', x, y, "Send"));
widgets.push(createLabel('lblSentBytes', x + 70, y, "0.000 B/sec"));
widgets.push(createLabel('lblTotalSent', x + 200, y, "Total sent"));
widgets.push(createLabel('lblTotalSentBytes', x + 300, y, "0.000 B/sec"));
function createGraphWidget(widgets, x, y, w, h, kind, name) {
type: 'custom',
name: name,
x: x,
y: y,
width: w,
height: h,
onDraw: function (g) {
g.stroke = 1;
g.line(0, 0, this.width - 1, 0);
g.line(this.width - 1, 0, this.width - 1, this.height);
g.line(0, this.height - 1, this.width - 1, this.height - 1);
g.line(0, 0, 0, this.height);
g.clip(1, 1, this.width - 2, this.height - 2);
drawGraph(g, this.width - 2, this.height - 2, kind);
function createLegendWidgets(widgets, x, y) {
for (var n = 0; n < categoryGroups.length; n++) {
var cg = categoryGroups[n];
widgets.push(createLegendColourWidget('legendColour' + n, x, y + 4, 6, 4, cg.paletteIndex));
widgets.push(createLabel('legendLabel' + n, x + 10, y, cg.text));
x += cg.text.length * 10;
function drawGraph(g, width, height, kind) {
var barWidth = 1;
var history = kind == StatKind.receive ? historyReceived : historySent;
var dataMax = kind == StatKind.receive ? receivedMax : sentMax;
var numBars = Math.min(history.length, Math.floor(width / barWidth));
var gap = (width - (numBars * barWidth)) / numBars;
var x = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < numBars; i++) {
var historyItem = history[i];
var totalSum = 0;
for (var n = 0; n < categoryGroups.length; n++) {
totalSum += historyItem[n];
var totalHeight = (totalSum / dataMax) * height;
var yOffset = height;
for (var n = 0; n < categoryGroups.length; n++) {
var amount = historyItem[n];
var singleHeight = (amount / totalSum) * totalHeight;
var lineHeight = Math.ceil(singleHeight);
lineHeight = Math.min(lineHeight, height);
yOffset -= lineHeight;
if (lineHeight > 0) {
g.fill = categoryGroups[n].paletteIndex;
g.fillRect(x, yOffset, barWidth, lineHeight);
x += barWidth + gap;
var getStats;
var mockStats = {
bytesReceived: [0, 0, 0, 0],
bytesSent: [0, 0, 0, 0]
var mockSizeInc = 4;
getStats = function () {
for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
mockStats.bytesReceived[i] += ~~(Math.random() * mockSizeInc);
mockStats.bytesSent[i] += ~~(Math.random() * mockSizeInc);
mockStats.bytesReceived[0] += mockStats.bytesReceived[i];
mockStats.bytesSent[0] += mockStats.bytesSent[i];
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(mockStats));
} else {
getStats = function () {
return network.stats;
function formatReadableSpeed(speed) {
return formatReadableSize(speed) + "/sec";
function formatReadableSize(size) {
var sizeTable = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB'];
var idx = 0;
while (size >= 1024 && idx < sizeTable.length - 1) {
size /= 1024;
return context.formatString('{COMMA1DP16} {STRING}', size * 10, sizeTable[idx]);
return open();
var main = function () {
ui.registerMenuItem('Network Information', function () {
var w = ui.getWindow(NETWORK_STATS_WINDOW_CLASS);
if (w) {
} else {
if (DEBUG) {
name: 'Test',
version: '1.0',
authors: ['Ted'],
type: 'local',
licence: 'MIT',
main: main
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