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Last active February 27, 2024 20:46
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GCP Cloud Function that Takes an EventARC Event of "InsertDataset" for BQ and immediately changes the billing model to physical for that dataset. Returns a simple log output.
import functions_framework
from import bigquery
def extract_dataset_name(full_path):
Extracts the dataset name from a full BigQuery dataset resource path.
- full_path (str): The full resource path of the dataset,
formatted as 'projects/{project_id}/datasets/{dataset_id}'.
- str: The name of the dataset.
# Split the path by '/'
parts = full_path.split('/')
# The last element of the parts list is the dataset name
dataset_name = parts[-1]
project_name = parts[1]
return f"{project_name}.{dataset_name}"
def alter_dataset_storage_billing_model(dataset_name, billing_model):
Alter the storage billing model of a BigQuery dataset using the ALTER SCHEMA query.
- dataset_name (str): The full dataset name (including project ID) in the format `project_id.dataset_id`.
- billing_model (str): The desired billing model, either 'REQUEST_PAY' or 'FLAT_RATE'.
Example usage:
alter_dataset_storage_billing_model('your-project-id.your-dataset-name', 'REQUEST_PAY')
- google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPIError: If an error occurs while executing the query.
# Initialize the BigQuery client
client = bigquery.Client()
# Construct the ALTER SCHEMA query
query = f"""
ALTER SCHEMA `{dataset_name}`
storage_billing_model = '{billing_model}'
# Execute the query
query_job = client.query(query)
# Wait for the query to complete
query_job.result() # Waits for job to complete
print(f"Dataset '{dataset_name}' updated to use the '{billing_model}' billing model. ✨")
# CloudEvent function to be triggered by an Eventarc Cloud Audit Logging trigger
# Note: this is NOT designed for second-party (Cloud Audit Logs -> Pub/Sub) triggers!
def hello_auditlog(cloudevent):
Prints out the CloudEvent's type and subject properties.
Also prints out details from the protoPayload, which encapsulates a Cloud Audit Logging entry.
- cloudevent: The CloudEvent object containing the event data.
- The result of calling the alter_dataset_storage_billing_model function.
print(f"Event type: {cloudevent['type']}")
if 'subject' in cloudevent:
print(f"Subject: {cloudevent['subject']}")
payload ="protoPayload")
if payload:
print(f"API method: {payload.get('methodName')}")
print(f"Resource name: {payload.get('resourceName')}")
print(f"Principal: {payload.get('authenticationInfo', dict()).get('principalEmail')}")
x = extract_dataset_name(payload.get('resourceName'))
# Finalizes the change of the dataset to Physical
return alter_dataset_storage_billing_model(x, 'PHYSICAL')
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