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Created December 12, 2016 11:49
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struct MatrixIndex: Comparable, CustomStringConvertible {
let row: Int
let col: Int
var description: String {
return "(\(row), \(col))"
func ==(lhs: MatrixIndex, rhs: MatrixIndex) -> Bool {
return (lhs.row, lhs.col) == (rhs.row, rhs.col)
func <(lhs: MatrixIndex, rhs: MatrixIndex) -> Bool {
return lhs.row < rhs.row || lhs.col < rhs.col
struct MatrixRow<Element> {
private let m: Matrix<Element>
private let row: Int
init(matrix: Matrix<Element>, row: Int) {
self.m = matrix
self.row = row
subscript(col: Int) -> Element {
return m[(row, col)]
struct Matrix<Element> {
private var array: [Element]
let size: (rows: Int, cols: Int)
let startIndex = MatrixIndex(row: 0, col: 0)
var endIndex: MatrixIndex {
return MatrixIndex(row: size.rows, col: 0)
init(repeating: Element, size: (Int, Int)) {
self.array = Array<Element>(repeating: repeating, count: size.0 * size.1)
self.size = size
fileprivate init(array: Array<Element>, size: (Int, Int)) {
self.array = array
self.size = size
subscript(index: MatrixIndex) -> Element {
get {
return array[index.row * size.cols + index.col]
mutating set {
array[index.row * size.cols + index.col] = newValue
subscript(index: (Int, Int)) -> Element {
get {
return self[MatrixIndex(row: index.0, col: index.1)]
mutating set {
self[MatrixIndex(row: index.0, col: index.1)] = newValue
subscript(row: Int) -> MatrixRow<Element> {
return MatrixRow(matrix: self, row: row)
func map<U>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> U) rethrows -> Matrix<U> {
return try Matrix<U>(array:, size: size)
var debugDescription: String {
return array.debugDescription
func index(after i: MatrixIndex) -> MatrixIndex {
guard i != endIndex else {
return i
let nextRow = i.col + 1 < size.cols ? i.row : i.row + 1
let nextCol = nextRow == i.row ? i.col + 1 : 0
return MatrixIndex(row: nextRow, col: nextCol)
func index(before i: MatrixIndex) -> MatrixIndex {
guard i != startIndex else {
return i
let nextRow = i.col > 0 ? i.row : i.row - 1
let nextCol = (nextRow == i.row ? i.col : size.cols) - 1
return MatrixIndex(row: nextRow, col: nextCol)
extension Matrix: CustomDebugStringConvertible {}
struct ComonadMatrix<Element> {
let matrix: Matrix<Element>
let index: MatrixIndex
init(matrix: Matrix<Element>) {
self.init(matrix: matrix, index: matrix.startIndex)
init(matrix: Matrix<Element>, index: MatrixIndex) {
self.matrix = matrix
self.index = index
func comap<U>(_ transform: (ComonadMatrix<Element>) throws -> U) rethrows -> ComonadMatrix<U> {
var array = Array<U>()
var idx = matrix.startIndex
while idx < matrix.endIndex {
try array.append(transform(ComonadMatrix(matrix: matrix, index: idx)))
idx = matrix.index(after: idx)
let m = Matrix(array: array, size: matrix.size)
return ComonadMatrix<U>(matrix: m, index: index)
var m = Matrix<Int>(repeating: 0, size: (4, 4))
do {
var idx = m.startIndex
var i = 1
while idx < m.endIndex {
m[idx] = i
i += 1
idx = m.index(after: idx)
let m2 = ComonadMatrix(matrix: m).comap { comonad -> Int in
let idx = comonad.index
let newIdx = MatrixIndex(row: idx.col, col: comonad.matrix.size.rows - 1 - idx.row)
return comonad.matrix[newIdx]
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