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Last active January 23, 2020 06:02
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OpenComputers script to drain items from an ME network based on a set of item limits
local component = require "component"
local term = require "term"
-- Get ME and database components
-- The interface is needed to access the common network API, see
local meInterface = component.me_interface
local meExportbus = component.me_exportbus
local database = component.database
local function loadConfiguration()
local exportSide, itemLimits = dofile "config.lua"
-- Assert that exportSide is an integer between 0 and 5 (inclusive)
assert(math.floor(exportSide) == exportSide)
assert(exportSide >= 0 and exportSide <= 5)
-- Assert that itemLimits is a table, then check k/v pairs
assert(type(itemLimits) == "table")
for label, limit in pairs(itemLimits) do
-- Assert that all keys are strings
assert(type(label) == "string")
-- Assert that all values are nonnegative integers
assert(math.floor(limit) == limit)
assert(limit >= 0)
-- Once sanity checks have been passed, return values
return exportSide, itemLimits
local function printItemLimits(itemLimits)
-- Print a horizontal separator
local function printSep()
print(string.rep("-", 32))
-- Print a right-padded row with two columns
local function printRow(left, right)
print(string.format("%-24s %-7s", left, right))
-- Print header and separator
printRow("Item Name", "Maximum")
-- Print a row for each item limit
for label, limit in pairs(itemLimits) do
printRow(label, limit)
-- Print ending separator
-- Clear line and print a status message without wrapping
local function printStatus(status)
term.write(status, false)
-- Get item info from the interface, filtered by item label
local function getItemInfo(label)
local filter = { ["label"] = label }
return meInterface.getItemsInNetwork(filter)[1]
-- Get item count from the interface, filtered by item label
local function getItemCount(label)
local info = getItemInfo(label)
return info and info.size or 0
-- Set the export bus item configuration
-- Passing nil as the label clears the export configuration
-- This function modifies the first database slot
local function setDrainItem(label, exportSide)
-- Clear the first item in the database, as store() doesn't seem to want to
-- override it for some reason
-- If an item label was provided, update the database slot
-- Otherwise, it will be left blank, which will clear the configuration
if label then
local info = getItemInfo(label), database.address)
-- Set the export configuration to match the first database slot
meExportbus.setExportConfiguration(exportSide, 1, database.address, 1)
-- Drain an item until the count is below the limit
-- Will return early if item count remains the same after an export
local function drainItem(label, limit, exportSide)
-- Configure export bus to export the item
printStatus("Setting export configuration")
setDrainItem(label, exportSide)
-- Get the current count before draining
local count = getItemCount(label)
-- Drain until item no longer over limit
while count > limit do
-- Show drain status
printStatus(string.format("Draining %s (%d > %d)",
label, count, limit))
-- Trigger an export on the bus
meExportbus.exportIntoSlot(exportSide, 1)
-- Get the updated item count
local newCount = getItemCount(label)
-- Sanity check, if item count has changed then update count and
-- continue, otherwise break as something may have gone wrong
if newCount ~= count then
count = newCount
-- Yield as loop can take a while to complete
-- Clear the export bus configuration when done
printStatus("Clearing export configuration")
setDrainItem(nil, exportSide)
-- Load configuration from file and print list of limits
local exportSide, itemLimits = loadConfiguration()
-- Clear export configuration before starting
printStatus("Clearing export configuration")
setDrainItem(nil, exportSide)
while true do
-- Check each item in succession and drain if over limit
for label, limit in pairs(itemLimits) do
printStatus(string.format("Idle (checking %s)", label))
if getItemCount(label) > limit then
drainItem(label, limit, exportSide)
-- Wait a bit before checking again
-- autodrain.lua configuration file
local sides = require "sides"
local exportSide = sides.right
local itemLimits = {
["Solidified Experience"] = 250000,
return exportSide, itemLimits
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