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Last active January 1, 2021 20:49
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  • Save InternetUnexplorer/b19c99aafb4cbbf24ac13afe3c9ebe82 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save InternetUnexplorer/b19c99aafb4cbbf24ac13afe3c9ebe82 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
OpenComputers script to show various statistics about the number of items in an ME network
-- Total number of bits that can be stored in the system
local TOTAL_BITS = 1174405120
-- Approximate number of seconds between average rate resets
local AVG_INTERVAL = 3600 -- 1 hour
local component = require "component"
local event = require "event"
local term = require "term"
local interface = component.me_interface
-- Calculate the current number of bits used in the system
local function getUsedBits()
local items = interface.getItemsInNetwork()
local total = 0
for _, item in ipairs(items) do
total = total + 8 + item.size
return total
-- Write a vertically centered message on the screen
local function writeCentered(message, row, color)
local width = term.getViewport()
term.setCursor(math.max(0, (width - message:len()) / 2 + 1), row)
term.write(message, false)
-- Previous count value, used for rate calculation
local lastCount = nil
-- Numerator and denominator, used for calculating average rate
local avgNum = 0
local avgDen = 0
while true do
-- Get the current number of bits used in the system
local count = getUsedBits()
-- Format the first line without rate
local line1 = string.format("%d bits used", count)
-- If the previous count is available, calculate and append rate
if lastCount then
local diff = count - lastCount
line1 = line1..string.format(" (%+d bits/s)", diff)
-- Format the second line without time estimate
local line2 = string.format("~%d%% used",
math.floor(count / TOTAL_BITS * 100))
-- If the rate is available, update the average and append time estimate
if lastCount then
avgNum = avgNum + (count - lastCount)
avgDen = avgDen + 1
-- Calculate estimate and average
if avgNum > 0 and count < TOTAL_BITS then
local secsUntilFull = (TOTAL_BITS - count) / (avgNum / avgDen)
line2 = line2..string.format(" (~%d days until full)",
math.floor(secsUntilFull / 86400))
elseif avgNum < 0 and count > 0 then
local secsUntilEmpty = count / -(avgNum / avgDen)
line2 = line2..string.format(" (~%d days until empty)",
math.floor(secsUntilEmpty / 86400))
-- Reset average if AVG_INTERVAL has elapsed
if avgDen >= AVG_INTERVAL then
avgNum = 0
avgDen = 0
-- Clear the screen and write both lines
writeCentered(line1, 1, 0xFFFFFF) -- White
writeCentered(line2, 2, 0x686868) -- Gray
-- Update lastCount
lastCount = count
-- Wait one second between updates
if event.pull(1, "interrupted") then
-- Break on <C-c>
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