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Created July 17, 2021 14:28
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Pure JS version of my SVG background
* @file Generates a colorful animated SVG of equilateral triangles on an isogrid. Pure JS version.
* @author John-Henry Lim <>
/** Very simple RNG used for randomizing the animated triangles. */
const detRNG = (s) => () => ((2 ** 31 - 1) & (s = Math.imul(48271, s))) / 2 ** 31
/** The seeded RNG function. */
let rand = () => 0.5
/** Default config for the generated background. */
const bgDefaults = {
/** Number of rows of triangles generated. */
rows: 10,
/** Number of columns of triangles generated. */
cols: 4,
/** Min time in seconds that a triangle can take to cycle through all colors. */
minSpeed: 20,
/** Max time in seconds that a triangle can take to cycle through all colors. */
maxSpeed: 50,
/** Size of gap between triangles relative to length of the triangle. Should be between 0-1. */
gapRatio: 0.15,
/** Default value is equal to tan(60deg) and forms equilateral triangles. Smaller is flatter. */
heightRatio: 1.7320508075688772935274463415059,
/** A higher value more aggressively prevents triangles of similar colors being next to each other. Should be between 0-1. */
randomness: 0.75,
/** Seed used for RNG. */
randSeed: 31415926535898,
/** SVG scaling method. */
preserveAspectRatio: 'xMidYMid slice',
/** Colors that the triangle will animate between, shuffled for each triangle. */
colors: [
* Shuffles color sequence of triangle based on triangle on top and to the left of it.
* @param above The starting color of the triangle above.
* @param left The starting color of the immediate left triangle.
* @param conf The generation config.
* @returns Smart shuffled copy of conf.colors.
function smartShuffle(conf, above, left) {
let frndarr = conf.colors.slice()
let shuffled = []
//assuming its in list, highly likely considering context of usage
if (above && rand() < conf.randomness) frndarr.splice(frndarr.indexOf(above), 1)
if (left && rand() < conf.randomness) frndarr.splice(frndarr.indexOf(left), 1)
shuffled.push(frndarr[Math.floor(rand() * frndarr.length)])
let nrndarr = conf.colors.slice()
nrndarr.splice(nrndarr.indexOf(shuffled[0]), 1)
for (let i = nrndarr.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
let j = Math.floor(rand() * (i + 1))
;[nrndarr[i], nrndarr[j]] = [nrndarr[j], nrndarr[i]]
return shuffled.concat(nrndarr)
* Generates the color sequence and animation speed for a triangle.
* @param above The starting color of the triangle above.
* @param left The starting color of the immediate left triangle.
* @param conf The generation config.
* @returns Randomly generated TriProps (excluding points).
function genTriProps(conf, above, left) {
let r_seq = smartShuffle(conf, above, left)
r_seq.push(r_seq.slice(0, 1)[0])
return {
colorSeq: r_seq,
speed: Math.floor(rand() * (conf.maxSpeed - conf.minSpeed)) + conf.minSpeed,
points: '',
/** Animated triangle polygon. */
function createTriangle({ colorSeq, speed, points }) {
let triangle = document.createElement('polygon')
triangle.setAttribute('fill', colorSeq[0])
triangle.setAttribute('points', points)
let anim = document.createElement('animate')
anim.setAttribute('attributeName', 'fill')
anim.setAttribute('values', colorSeq.join(';'))
anim.setAttribute('dur', `${speed}s`)
anim.setAttribute('repeatCount', 'indefinite')
return triangle
/** Generates pretty SVG background. */
function createIsogridBackground(props) {
let conf = { ...bgDefaults, ...(props ?? {}) }
/** Base of triangles in SVG units. */
const tlen = 100
/** Height of triangles in SVG units, current value forms equilateral triangles. */
const thgt = (tlen / 2) * conf.heightRatio
/** Length of gap between triangles in SVG units. */
let glen = (tlen / 2) * conf.gapRatio
/** Horizontal offset for triangle points in SVG units. */
let lglen = glen / 2
/** Vertical offset for triangle points in SVG units. */
let hglen = (glen / 2) * 0.866025404
/** Width of SVG viewport. */
let width = tlen * conf.cols
/** Height of SVG viewport. */
let height = thgt * conf.rows + hglen / 4
/** Reseed RNG with predetermined seed, this is to make React happy. */
rand = detRNG(conf.randSeed)
/** Starting colors of previous row of triangles. */
let prevarr = []
/** Starting colors of current row of triangles. */
let curarr = []
/** Starting color of previous triangle. */
let prevc = undefined
/** Flag whether next row should flip. */
let isUpright = false
/** Polygons */
let triangles = []
for (let y = 0; y < conf.rows * 2; y++) {
isUpright = y % 2 == 0
// For first triangle of each row, its split into 2 right angled triangles (wrapped around screen to allow tessellating)
let tri1 = genTriProps(conf, prevarr[0], prevc)
let tri2 = Object.assign({}, tri1)
prevc = tri1.colorSeq[0]
// Calculation for triangle 1
let p1x1 = 0
let p1y1 = y * thgt + (isUpright ? hglen : glen) / 2
let p2x1 = 0
let p2y1 = (y + 1) * thgt - (isUpright ? glen : hglen) / 2
let p3x1 = tlen / 2 - lglen
let p3y1 = isUpright ? y * thgt + hglen / 2 : (y + 1) * thgt - hglen / 2
tri1.points = `${p1x1},${p1y1} ${p2x1},${p2y1} ${p3x1},${p3y1}`
// Calculation for triangle 2
let p1x2 = width
let p1y2 = p1y1
let p2x2 = width
let p2y2 = p2y1
let p3x2 = width - tlen / 2 + lglen
let p3y2 = p3y1
tri2.points = `${p1x2},${p1y2} ${p2x2},${p2y2} ${p3x2},${p3y2}`
// For rest of triangles in row
for (let x = 1; x < conf.cols * 2; x++) {
let tri = genTriProps(conf, prevarr[x], prevc)
prevc = tri.colorSeq[0]
// Calculation for equilateral triangle
let p1x = ((x - 1) * tlen) / 2 + lglen
let p1y = isUpright ? (y + 1) * thgt - hglen / 2 : y * thgt + hglen / 2
let p2x = ((x + 1) * tlen) / 2 - lglen
let p2y = isUpright ? (y + 1) * thgt - hglen / 2 : y * thgt + hglen / 2
let p3x = (x * tlen) / 2
let p3y = isUpright ? y * thgt + glen / 2 : (y + 1) * thgt - glen / 2
tri.points = `${p1x},${p1y} ${p2x},${p2y} ${p3x},${p3y}`
isUpright = !isUpright
prevc = undefined
prevarr = curarr
curarr = []
let bg = document.createElement('svg')
bg.setAttribute('viewBox', `0 0 ${width} ${height}`)
bg.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', conf.preserveAspectRatio)
bg.setAttribute('height', '100%')
bg.setAttribute('width', '100%')
triangles.forEach((tri) => bg.appendChild(tri))
return bg
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