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Created December 27, 2022 02:54
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maze generation
#define UP 1
#define RIGHT 2
#define DOWN 4
#define LEFT 8
#define DEAD 16
#define MASKED 32
#define white 0xffffffff
#define black 0xff000000
#define transparent 0x00000000
static void dfs_mazer( byte *M, int x, int y, byte dir, int W, int H ){
int yW = y * W;
if( M[x + yW] == 0 ) M[x + yW] = dir;
else M[x + yW] |= dir;
switch( dir ){
case UP: y -= 1; break;
case RIGHT: x += 1; break;
case DOWN: y += 1; break;
case LEFT: x -= 1; break;
yW = y * W;
byte options [4];
int o_n;
o_n = 0;
if( y > 0 && M[x + (yW-W)] == 0 ){ //UP
options[0] = 1;
o_n += 1;
}else options[0] = 0;
if( x < W-1 && M[x+1 + yW] == 0 ){ //RIGHT
options[1] = 1;
o_n += 1;
}else options[1] = 0;
if( y < H-1 && M[x + (yW+W)] == 0 ){ //DOWN
options[2] = 1;
o_n += 1;
}else options[2] = 0;
if( x > 0 && M[x-1 + yW] == 0 ){ //LEFT
options[3] = 1;
o_n += 1;
}else options[3] = 0;
//printf("x: %d, y: %d, pD: %d, dir: %hhd, depth %d, o_n:%d\n", x, y, pD, dir, depth, o_n );
if( o_n == 0 ){
if( M[x + yW] == 0 ) M[x + yW] = DEAD;
else M[x + yW] |= DEAD;
//printf("died at depth %d, D: %d.\n", depth, D[x][y] );
else if ( o_n == 1 ){
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
if( options[i] ){
dfs_mazer( M, x, y, 1 << i, W, H );
int o = rand() % o_n;
int c = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
if( options[i] ){
if( c == o ){
dfs_mazer( M, x, y, 1 << i, W, H );
goto check_again;
else c++;
void build_maze( byte *M, int W, int H ){
//byte *M = calloc( W * H, 1 );
int sx = random(0, W);
int sy = random(0, H);
byte dir = 1 << (rand() % 4);
if( sx == 0 && dir == LEFT ) dir = RIGHT;
if( sx == W-1 && dir == RIGHT ) dir = LEFT;
if( sy == 0 && dir == UP ) dir = DOWN;
if( sy == H-1 && dir == DOWN ) dir = UP;
//printf("mazin' %d x %d, %d\n", sx, sy, dir );
dfs_mazer( M, sx, sy, dir, W, H );
//return M;
void build_maze_masked( byte *M, byte *mask, int *unmasked, int W, int H ){
//printf("building masked maze. W: %d, H: %d, mask: %p\n", W, H, mask );
int un = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < H; j++){
int J = j * W;
for(int i = 0; i < W; i++){
if( mask[i + J] ){
M[i + J] = MASKED;
else unmasked[un++] = i + J;
if( un == 0 ){
puts("fully masked!");
int si = unmasked[ rand() % un ];
int sy = si / W;
int sx = si - (sy*W);
byte dir = 1 << (rand() % 4);
if( sx == 0 && dir == LEFT ) dir = RIGHT;
if( sx == W-1 && dir == RIGHT ) dir = LEFT;
if( sy == 0 && dir == UP ) dir = DOWN;
if( sy == H-1 && dir == DOWN ) dir = UP;
//printf( "si: %d, sx: %d, sy: %d\n", si, sx, sy );
dfs_mazer( M, sx, sy, dir, W, H );
byte *build_meta_maze( byte *meta, int meta_w, int meta_h, int cell_w, int cell_h ){
int W = meta_w * cell_w;
int H = meta_h * cell_h;
byte *M = calloc( W * H, 1 );
int ssize = cell_w * cell_h;
byte *sector = malloc( ssize );
for(int i = 0; i < meta_w; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < meta_h; j++){
//printf("\nbegin cell %d, %d\n", i, j );
memset( sector, 0, ssize );
build_maze( sector, cell_w, cell_h );
//puts("built cell");
for(int x = 0; x < cell_w; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < cell_h; y++){
M[ x + (i*cell_w) + ((y + (j*cell_h)) * W) ] = sector[ x + (y*cell_w) ];
}//puts("copied cell");
int here = i + (j * meta_w);
if( meta[ here ] & UP ){
int N = 1;//random_from_list( 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 );
int min = cell_w;
int max = 0;
int offset = (i*cell_w) + ((j*cell_h) * W);
for(int x = 0; x < cell_w; x++){
if( M[ x + offset ] != MASKED ){
if( x < min ) min = x;
if( x > max ) max = x;
max += 1;
for(int n = 0; n < N; n++){
int x = random( min, max );
M[ x + offset ] |= UP;
if( meta[ here ] & RIGHT ){
int N = 1;//random_from_list( 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 );
int min = cell_h;
int max = 0;
int offset = (cell_w-1) + (i*cell_w) + ((j*cell_h) * W);
for(int y = 0; y < cell_h; y++){
if( M[ offset + (y * W) ] != MASKED ){
if( y < min ) min = y;
if( y > max ) max = y;
max += 1;
for(int n = 0; n < N; n++){
int y = random( min, max );
M[ offset + (y * W) ] |= RIGHT;
if( meta[ here ] & DOWN ){
int N = 1;//random_from_list( 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 );
int min = cell_w;
int max = 0;
int offset = (i*cell_w) + ( ((cell_h-1)+(j*cell_h)) * W );
for(int x = 0; x < cell_w; x++){
if( M[ x + offset ] != MASKED ){
if( x < min ) min = x;
if( x > max ) max = x;
max += 1;
for(int n = 0; n < N; n++){
int x = random( min, max );
M[ x + offset ] |= DOWN;
if( meta[ here ] & LEFT ){
int N = 1;//random_from_list( 7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 );
int min = cell_h;
int max = 0;
int offset = (i*cell_w) + ((j*cell_h) * W);
for(int y = 0; y < cell_h; y++){
if( M[ offset + (y * W) ] != MASKED ){
if( y < min ) min = y;
if( y > max ) max = y;
max += 1;
for(int n = 0; n < N; n++){
int y = random( min, max );
M[ offset + (y * W) ] |= LEFT;
//puts("did connections");
free( sector ); //puts("freed sector");
return M;
SDL_Surface* rasterize_maze( byte *M, int W, int H, int pw ){
int pw1 = pw+1;
int FW = (W * pw1) + 1;
int FH = (H * pw1) + 1;
SDL_Surface *S = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, FW, FH, 32, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);
uint32_t *pix = (uint32_t*) S->pixels;
for(int j = H-1; j >= 0; j--){
int jW = j * W;
int y = pw1 * j;
int yFW = y * FW;
for(int i = W-1; i >= 0; i--){
int x = pw1 * i;
if( M[ i + jW ] & MASKED || M[ i + jW ] == 0 ){
for(int l = 0; l <= pw; l++){
int ylW = (y+l)*FW;
for(int k = 0; k <= pw; k++){
pix[ x + k + ylW ] = black;
int x = pw1 * i;
pix[ x + yFW ] = white;
for(int l = 1; l <= pw; l++){
int ylW = (y+l)*FW;
for(int k = 1; k <= pw; k++){
pix[ x + k + ylW ] = black;
if( i > 0 && ((M[ i + jW ] & LEFT) || (M[ i-1 + jW ] & RIGHT)) ){
for(int l = 1; l <= pw; l++){
pix[ x + ((y+l)*FW) ] = black;
for(int l = 1; l <= pw; l++){
pix[ x + ((y+l)*FW) ] = white;
if( j > 0 && ((M[ i + jW ] & UP) || (M[ i + ((j-1)*W) ] & DOWN)) ){
for(int k = 1; k <= pw; k++){
pix[ x+k + yFW ] = black;
for(int k = 1; k <= pw; k++){
pix[ x+k + yFW ] = white;
if( i == W-1 || M[ i+1 + jW ] == MASKED || M[ i+1 + jW ] == 0 ){
for(int l = 0; l <= pw1; l++){
pix[ x+pw1 + ((y+l)*FW) ] = white;
if( j == H-1 || M[ i + ((j+1)*W) ] == MASKED || M[ i + ((j+1)*W) ] == 0 ){
for(int k = 0; k <= pw1; k++){
pix[ x+k + ((y+pw1)*FW) ] = white;
return S;
bool *boolify_maze(byte *M, int W, int H, int pw ){
int pw1 = pw+1;
int FW = (W * pw1) + 1;
int FH = (H * pw1) + 1;
bool *bm = malloc( FW * FH * sizeof(byte) );
for(int j = H-1; j >= 0; j--){
int jW = j * W;
int y = pw1 * j;
int yFW = y * FW;
for(int i = W-1; i >= 0; i--){
int x = pw1 * i;
if( M[ i + jW ] & MASKED || M[ i + jW ] == 0 ){
for(int l = 0; l <= pw; l++){
int ylW = (y+l)*FW;
for(int k = 0; k <= pw; k++){
bm[ x + k + ylW ] = 0;
int x = pw1 * i;
bm[ x + yFW ] = 1;
for(int l = 1; l <= pw; l++){
int ylW = (y+l)*FW;
for(int k = 1; k <= pw; k++){
bm[ x + k + ylW ] = 0;
if( i > 0 && ((M[ i + jW ] & LEFT) || (M[ i-1 + jW ] & RIGHT)) ){
for(int l = 1; l <= pw; l++){
bm[ x + ((y+l)*FW) ] = 0;
for(int l = 1; l <= pw; l++){
bm[ x + ((y+l)*FW) ] = 1;
if( j > 0 && ((M[ i + jW ] & UP) || (M[ i + ((j-1)*W) ] & DOWN)) ){
for(int k = 1; k <= pw; k++){
bm[ x+k + yFW ] = 0;
for(int k = 1; k <= pw; k++){
bm[ x+k + yFW ] = 1;
if( i == W-1 || M[ i+1 + jW ] == MASKED || M[ i+1 + jW ] == 0 ){
for(int l = 0; l <= pw1; l++){
bm[ x+pw1 + ((y+l)*FW) ] = 1;
if( j == H-1 || M[ i + ((j+1)*W) ] == MASKED || M[ i + ((j+1)*W) ] == 0 ){
for(int k = 0; k <= pw1; k++){
bm[ x+k + ((y+pw1)*FW) ] = 1;
return bm;
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