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Last active March 12, 2024 15:27
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Unity Editor Input example using the New Input System
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
//Simple Editor-side New Input System capture
namespace Invertex.UnityEditor.InputTools
static class EditorInputCapture
private readonly static EditorInputButton keyP;
readonly static EditorInputButton gamepadStartBtn;
private static void EditorUpdate()
static EditorInputCapture()
keyP = new EditorInputButton("<Keyboard>/p");
keyP.OnPressDown += () => { Debug.Log("P Pressed!"); };
keyP.OnPressUp += () => { Debug.Log("P Depressed!"); };
keyP.OnPressHeld += () => { Debug.Log("P Held!"); };
gamepadStartBtn = new EditorInputButton("<Gamepad>/start");
gamepadStartBtn.OnPressDown += () => {
Debug.Log("Start Pressed!");
EditorApplication.isPlaying = !EditorApplication.isPlaying;
gamepadStartBtn.OnPressUp += () => { Debug.Log("Start Depressed!"); };
gamepadStartBtn.OnPressHeld += () => { Debug.Log("Start Held!"); };
EditorApplication.update += EditorUpdate; //Could also just assign the key.Update() here if you don't need to process keys in a certain order.
private class EditorInputButton
private readonly InputControl button;
public bool PressDown { get; private set; }
public bool PressHeld { get; private set; }
public bool PressUp { get; private set; }
public delegate void PressAction();
public PressAction OnPressDown;
public PressAction OnPressHeld;
public PressAction OnPressUp;
public void Update()
if (button != null && button.device.enabled)
bool pressed = button.IsPressed();
if (pressed)
if (!PressHeld)
PressDown = PressHeld = true;
PressDown = false;
else if (PressHeld)
PressHeld = false;
PressUp = true;
else { PressUp = false; }
public EditorInputButton(string controlPath)
button = InputSystem.FindControl(controlPath);
if (button == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Couldn't find button mapping: " + controlPath + "\n Device may not be connected."); }
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