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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Parser plz

New parser wishlist


  • Can we have nested syntax built in? Maybe with its own script type. Code examples are nested for brevity

        @if #something && window[width] > 1
          @if (.nothing)
            width: 10px
          height: window[height]
  • Nested conditionals (as $if rule)

      @if #something && window[width] > 1
        @if (& .nothing)
          width: 10px
        height: window[height]

    Parses to:

        # 1: Condition
          ["$id", "selector"]
            ["get", "window", "[width]"]
        # 2: Positive-branch (nested condition)
              ["$reserved", "this"]
            ["set", "[width]", ["px", 10]]
        # 3: Alternative-branch (nested condition)
            ["get", "window", "[height]"]
  • Nested css rules (as $rule),

          width: 10px

    Parses to:

          # 1. Selector
          # 2. Body (nested rule)
              ["set", "[width]", ["px", 10]]]]
  • Media queries

      @media (max-width: 10%) or (max-width: -10em)
          width: 10px

    Parses similarily to conditionals, but with normalization of conditional clause:

      # 1. Condition (normalized to gte/lte/||/&&/eq)
          ["get", "[width]"]
          ["%", 10]]
          ["get", "[width]"]
          ["em", -10]]
      # 2. Body
          ["set", "[width]", ["px", 10]]]]]
  • CSS rules

        width: calc(10px + 2em)
        height: 10px + 2em
        right: auto
        top: [width]
        left: 10px + [width]

    Parses to:

      ['$tag', "body"]
          ['calc', # Calc here is only for serialization.
              ['px', 10]
              ['em', 2]
            ['px', 10]
            ['em', 2]
          ['get', '[width]']]
            ['px', 10]
            ['get', '[width]']


  • All properties are bracketed as [width] (controversal, i guess, but it's easier that way)
  • Css is parsed into expressions, instead of CSSOM-like ruleset
  • expressions, variable assignment are transparent. No need for ==, just do width: [width]
  • Units, calc, media queries are parsed
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