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Last active October 15, 2021 19:44
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module type EQ = {
type t;
let (==): (t, t) => bool;
module type PARTIAL_ORDER = {
type t;
let (<=): (t, t) => bool;
module type JOIN_SEMILATTICE = {
type t;
let join: (t, t) => t;
module type MEET_SEMILATTICE = {
type t;
let meet: (t, t) => t;
let bottom: t;
let top: t;
module type LATTICE = {
type t;
include JOIN_SEMILATTICE with type t := t;
include MEET_SEMILATTICE with type t := t;
module type BOUNDED_LATTICE = {
type t;
include BOUNDED_JOIN_SEMILATTICE with type t := t;
include BOUNDED_MEET_SEMILATTICE with type t := t;
module type EQ_JOIN_SEMILATTICE = {
type t;
include EQ with type t := t;
include JOIN_SEMILATTICE with type t := t;
module type EQ_BOUNDED_LATTICE = {
type t;
include EQ with type t := t;
include BOUNDED_LATTICE with type t := t;
module NatDivisionLattice: EQ_BOUNDED_LATTICE = {
type t = int;
let top = 0;
let bottom = 1;
let rec gcd = (a, b) =>
switch (a, b) {
| (a, 0) => a
| (a, b) => gcd(b, a % b)
let lcm = (a, b) => a * b / gcd(a, b);
let meet = lcm;
let join = gcd;
let (==) = (==);
module PartialOrderFromJoinSemilattice =
type t = L.t;
let (<=) = (x, y) => L.(join(x, y) == x);
module Divisibility: PARTIAL_ORDER =
module LevitatedLattice =
: {
type t;
include BOUNDED_LATTICE with type t := t;
let lift: L.t => t;
} => {
type t =
| Top
| Levitate(L.t)
| Bottom;
let top = Top;
let lift = x => Levitate(x);
let bottom = Bottom;
let meet = (x, y) =>
switch (x, y) {
| (Top, _)
| (_, Top) => Top
| (x, Bottom)
| (Bottom, x) => x
| (Levitate(x), Levitate(y)) => Levitate(, y))
let join = (x, y) =>
switch (x, y) {
| (Bottom, _)
| (_, Bottom) => Bottom
| (x, Top)
| (Top, x) => x
| (Levitate(x), Levitate(y)) => Levitate(L.join(x, y))
module L = LevitatedLattice(NatDivisionLattice);
open Base;
module Quantity: {
type t;
let of_int: int => Result.t(t, [> | `NegativeQuantityError]);
let to_int: t => int;
let (+): (t, t) => t;
} = {
type t = int;
let of_int =
| x when x >= 0 => Ok(x)
| _ => Error(`NegativeQuantityError);
let to_int =;
let (+) = (+);
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