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Last active September 29, 2023 11:21
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Save Invizory/3c08a1670eaec308006a0016cef9d02c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Практикум, 29.09.2023
exception Kek;
exception Lol(string);
let a = try (raise(Lol("hello"))) {
| Lol(x) => x
let b = switch ("hello, " ++ "world!") {
| s => s
| exception Lol(x) => x
raise(Lol("spherical horse in vacuum hung up XD"));
module X = {
let hello = "hello";
let inc = x => x + 1;
let twice = x => x * 2;
module Y = {
let x = 1;
let hello = X.hello;
let one = X.Y.x;
let two =;
let six = X.twice(3);
module Stack: {
type t('a);
let empty: t('a);
let push: (t('a), 'a) => t('a);
let top: t('a) => option('a);
let pop: t('a) => option(t('a));
} = {
type t('a) = list('a);
let empty = [];
let push = (stack, x) => [x, ...stack];
let top = stack =>
switch (stack) {
| [] => None
| [head, ..._] => Some(head)
let pop = stack =>
switch (stack) {
| [] => None
| [_, ...tail] => Some(tail)
let st = Stack.push(Stack.empty, 1);
// let st: Stack.t(int) = [1, 2, 3];
module M: {
type t;
let x: t;
} = {
type t = int;
let x: t = 2;
let y: t = 3;
module type T = {
let x: int;
module F = (N: T): T => {
let x = N.x + 1;
module One: T = {
let x = 1;
module Two = F(One);
module Three = F(Two);
type my_option('a) =
| MyNone
| MySome('a);
type my_result('ok, 'error) =
| MyOk('ok)
| MyError('error);
let a = MySome(42);
let b = MyNone;
let a = Some(42);
let b = None;
let c = a |> => x + 1);
type t('a) =
| Empty
| Cons({
head: 'a,
tail: t('a),
let empty = Empty;
let one = Cons({head: 1, tail: Empty});
let two = Cons({head: 2, tail: Cons({head: 1, tail: Empty})});
let hello = Cons({head: "hello", tail: Empty});
let rec len = xs =>
switch (xs) {
| Empty => 0
| Cons({tail, _}) => 1 + len(tail)
let rec len_fun =
| Empty => 0
| Cons({tail, _}) => 1 + len_fun(tail);
let rec (+++) = (xs, ys) =>
switch (xs) {
| Empty => ys
| Cons({head, tail}) => Cons({head, tail: tail +++ ys})
let f = (x, y, ~a, ~b) => x + y + a + b;
let g = f(~b=4, ~a=3, 1);
let n = g(2);
open Base;
module type S = {
type t;
let of_int: int => option(t);
let to_int: t => int;
let to_string: t => string;
module Quantity: S = {
type t = int;
let of_int = fun
| x when x > 0 => Some(x)
| _ => None;
let to_int = (x) => x;
let to_string = Int.to_string;
let q = Quantity.of_int(1);
open Base;
let xs = [3, 2, 1];
let xs_2 = (::)(3, (::)(2, (::)(1, [])));
let ys =, ~f=(x) => x + 1);
let sum = List.fold(xs, ~init=0, ~f=(+));
let product = List.fold(xs, ~init=1, ~f=(*));
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