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Created October 27, 2015 18:45
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class MSDStringSort:
def __init__(self):
self._r = 256
self._m = 15
self.aux = None
def _charAt(self,string,d):
if string is None:
return -1
if d < len(string):
return ord(string[d])
return -1
def sort(self,strings):
n = len(strings)
self.aux = [None] * (n+1)
def _sort(self,strings,lo,hi,d):
print('hi and lo are:',hi,lo)
if hi <= lo + self._m:
count = [0] * (self._r+2)
for i in range(lo,hi+1):
count[self._charAt(strings[i],d)+2] += 1
for x in range(self._r+1):
count[x+1] += count[x]
for j in range(lo,hi+1):
self.aux[count[self._charAt(strings[j],d)+1]] = strings[j]
count[self._charAt(strings[j],d)+1] += 1
for w in range(lo,hi+1):
strings[w] = self.aux[w-lo]
for r in range(self._r):
self._sort(strings,lo+count[r],lo + count[r+1]-1,d+1)
class Insertion:
def __init__(self,strings,lo,hi,d):
def _sort(self,strings,lo,hi,d):
i = lo
while (i <= hi):
j = i
while (j > lo and self._less(strings[j], strings[j-1],d)):
j -= 1
i+= 1
def _exchange(self,strings,a,b):
w = strings[a]
strings[a] = strings[b]
strings[b] = w
def _less(self,a,b,d):
return a[d:] < b[d:]
#for testing puroses use this list
#y = ['I','need','a','sentance','that','will','produce','a','sentance', 'at','least','twenty',
# 'characters','long','this','is','currently','fifteen','foot','long']
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