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Last active February 14, 2024 15:36
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  • Save Ionizing/4a58e5d94b4a57b01fca9e13479f3ae9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Ionizing/4a58e5d94b4a57b01fca9e13479f3ae9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Numeric solution to 3D hydrogen atom Schrodinger Equation. Reimplemented against , but with more efficiency.
#!/usr/bin/env julia
# Constants
const k = 3.8099821161548593 # hbar^2 / (2*m_e) /(Å^2) / eV
const k_c = 14.39964547842567 # (e*e / (4 * np.pi * epsilon_0)) # measured in eV / Å
const m = 1.0 # mass of electron
using LinearAlgebra;
using SparseArrays;
using Arpack;
function mgrid(xs...)
it = Iterators.product(xs...);
ret = [];
for i in 1:length(xs)
push!(ret, getindex.(it, i));
return ret;
const xlen = 30.0;
const ylen = xlen;
const zlen = xlen;
const N = 50;
const dx = xlen / N;
# generate the grid
const xdat = range(-xlen/2, xlen/2, length=N);
const ydat = range(-ylen/2, ylen/2, length=N);
const zdat = range(-zlen/2, zlen/2, length=N);
gx, gy, gz = mgrid(xdat, ydat, zdat);
# Input the Potential
function potential(gx, gy, gz) ::AbstractArray
r = sqrt.(gx.^2 + gy.^2 + gz.^2);
r[r .< 0.0001] .= 0.0001;
return -k_c ./ r;
# Construct Hamiltonian
# Kinetic part
Identity = sparse(1.0I, N, N);
T_ = sparse(-2.0I, N, N);
T_[diagind(T_, 1)] .= 1.0;
T_[diagind(T_, -1)] .= 1.0;
T_ .*= -k / (m * dx*dx)
T = kron(T_, kron(Identity, Identity)) +
kron(Identity, kron(T_, Identity)) +
kron(Identity, kron(Identity, T_));
# Potential part
P = potential(gx, gy, gz);
# P = reshape(P, N^3);
Pmin = minimum(P);
# Hamiltonian
H = T;
H[diagind(H)] .+= vec(P);
# Solve the equation Hψ = Eψ
λ, ϕ = eigs(H, nev=10, which=:LM, sigma=min(0, Pmin));
[-10.712968304076878, -3.4170976668414994, -3.4170976668414994, -3.417097666841471, -3.031393331772243, -1.5153353066901687, -1.5153353066901154, -1.5153353066900657, -1.4739896184375283, -1.4739896184374004]
32.593136 seconds (1.10 M allocations: 2.621 GiB, 0.15% gc time, 1.15% compilation time)
Analytical Result:
[-13.6, -3.4, -3.4, -3.4, -3.4, -1.511 ...]
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