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Created November 26, 2023 09:18
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make NEB initial POSCAR with specified atom not affected by PBC.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import copy
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
from sys import argv
import numpy as np
from import read as poscar_reader
from ase import Atoms
def lerp(IS: Atoms, FS: Atoms, nimages: int, *, inopbc=None):
ispos = IS.get_scaled_positions()
fspos = FS.get_scaled_positions()
dist = (fspos - ispos + 0.5) % 1 - 0.5
lerped_pos = np.linspace(ispos,
ispos + dist,
nimages + 2)
if inopbc is not None:
lerped_pos[:, inopbc - 1, :] = np.linspace(ispos[inopbc-1, :],
fspos[inopbc-1, :],
nimages + 2)
lerped_cell = np.linspace(IS.get_cell(),
nimages + 2)
ret = []
for i in range(nimages + 2):
TS = copy.deepcopy(IS)
return ret
def gen_neb(isname: str, fsname: str, nimages: int, inopbc):
IS = poscar_reader(isname, index = 0)
FS = poscar_reader(fsname, index = 0)
TSS = lerp(Atoms(IS), Atoms(FS), nimages, inopbc=inopbc)
for ii in range(nimages + 2):
dirname = "{:02d}".format(ii)
Path(dirname).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if 0 == ii:
shutil.copy2(argv[1], dirname+'/POSCAR')
elif nimages + 1 == ii:
shutil.copy2(argv[2], dirname+'/POSCAR')
TSS[ii].write(dirname+'/POSCAR', vasp5=True)
shutil.copy2('KPOINTS', dirname)
shutil.copy2('INCAR', dirname)
if '__main__' == __name__:
assert (len(argv) >= 4), "Usage: POSCAR_init POSCAR_fin NIMAGES [inopbc]"
isfname = argv[1]
fsfname = argv[2]
nimages = int(argv[3])
if len(argv) == 5:
inopbc = int(argv[4])
inopbc = None
gen_neb(isfname, fsfname, nimages, inopbc)
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