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Created October 15, 2023 13:50
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First order and second order coulomb correction for PAW method, extracted from GPAW.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import gzip
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
All the functions ended with
- RETURN -> finished function
- PASS -> work in progress function
All the referred equations are in the paper
"The Projector Augmented-wave Method"
HARTREE = 27.211386024367243
class Gaunt:
def __init__(self):
def __call__(self, lmax: int = 2) -> npt.NDArray:
r'''Gaunt coefficients
^ ^ -- L ^
Y (r) Y (r) = > G Y (r)
L L -- L L L
1 2 L 1 2
Copied from gpaw/ L13-45
if not hasattr(self, 'gaunt_dict'):
self.gaunt_dict = {}
if lmax in self.gaunt_dict:
return self.gaunt_dict[lmax]
Lmax = ( lmax + 1) ** 2
L2max = (2*lmax + 1) ** 2
G_LLL = np.zeros((Lmax, L2max, L2max))
for L1 in range(Lmax):
for L2 in range(L2max):
for L in range(L2max):
r = 0.0
for c1, n1 in self.YL[L1]:
for c2, n2 in self.YL[L2]:
for c, n in self.YL[L]:
nx = n1[0] + n2[0] + n[0]
ny = n1[1] + n2[1] + n[1]
nz = n1[2] + n2[2] + n[2]
r += c * c1 * c2 * self.gam(nx, ny, nz)
G_LLL[L1, L2, L] = r
self.gaunt_dict[lmax] = G_LLL
return G_LLL
def set_g(self) -> None:
Copied from gpaw/ L69-L71
LMAX = 10
g = [1.0] * LMAX
for l in range(1, LMAX):
g[l] = g[l-1] * (l - 0.5)
self.g = g
def gam(self, n0: int, n1: int, n2: int) -> float:
if (n0 % 2 != 0
or n1 % 2 != 0
or n2 % 2 != 0):
return 0.0
h0 = n0 // 2
h1 = n1 // 2
h2 = n2 // 2
return (2.0 * np.pi
* self.g[h0] * self.g[h1] * self.g[h2]
/ self.g[1 + h0 + h1 + h2])
def set_YL(self) -> None:
# Computer generated table - do not touch!
# The numbers match those in c/bmgs/spherical_harmonics.c and were
# originally generated with c/bmgs/ (old Python 2 code).
Copied from gpaw/
YL = [
# s, l=0:
[(0.28209479177387814, (0, 0, 0))],
# p, l=1:
[(0.4886025119029199, (0, 1, 0))],
[(0.4886025119029199, (0, 0, 1))],
[(0.4886025119029199, (1, 0, 0))],
# d, l=2:
[(1.0925484305920792, (1, 1, 0))],
[(1.0925484305920792, (0, 1, 1))],
[(0.6307831305050401, (0, 0, 2)),
(-0.31539156525252005, (0, 2, 0)),
(-0.31539156525252005, (2, 0, 0))],
[(1.0925484305920792, (1, 0, 1))],
[(0.5462742152960396, (2, 0, 0)),
(-0.5462742152960396, (0, 2, 0))],
# f, l=3:
[(-0.5900435899266435, (0, 3, 0)),
(1.7701307697799304, (2, 1, 0))],
[(2.890611442640554, (1, 1, 1))],
[(-0.4570457994644658, (0, 3, 0)),
(1.828183197857863, (0, 1, 2)),
(-0.4570457994644658, (2, 1, 0))],
[(0.7463526651802308, (0, 0, 3)),
(-1.1195289977703462, (2, 0, 1)),
(-1.1195289977703462, (0, 2, 1))],
[(1.828183197857863, (1, 0, 2)),
(-0.4570457994644658, (3, 0, 0)),
(-0.4570457994644658, (1, 2, 0))],
[(1.445305721320277, (2, 0, 1)),
(-1.445305721320277, (0, 2, 1))],
[(0.5900435899266435, (3, 0, 0)),
(-1.7701307697799304, (1, 2, 0))],
# g, l=4:
[(2.5033429417967046, (3, 1, 0)),
(-2.5033429417967046, (1, 3, 0))],
[(-1.7701307697799307, (0, 3, 1)),
(5.310392309339792, (2, 1, 1))],
[(-0.9461746957575601, (3, 1, 0)),
(-0.9461746957575601, (1, 3, 0)),
(5.6770481745453605, (1, 1, 2))],
[(-2.0071396306718676, (2, 1, 1)),
(2.676186174229157, (0, 1, 3)),
(-2.0071396306718676, (0, 3, 1))],
[(0.6347132814912259, (2, 2, 0)),
(-2.5388531259649034, (2, 0, 2)),
(0.31735664074561293, (0, 4, 0)),
(-2.5388531259649034, (0, 2, 2)),
(0.31735664074561293, (4, 0, 0)),
(0.8462843753216345, (0, 0, 4))],
[(2.676186174229157, (1, 0, 3)),
(-2.0071396306718676, (3, 0, 1)),
(-2.0071396306718676, (1, 2, 1))],
[(2.8385240872726802, (2, 0, 2)),
(0.47308734787878004, (0, 4, 0)),
(-0.47308734787878004, (4, 0, 0)),
(-2.8385240872726802, (0, 2, 2))],
[(1.7701307697799307, (3, 0, 1)),
(-5.310392309339792, (1, 2, 1))],
[(-3.755014412695057, (2, 2, 0)),
(0.6258357354491761, (0, 4, 0)),
(0.6258357354491761, (4, 0, 0))],
# h, l=5:
[(-6.5638205684017015, (2, 3, 0)),
(3.2819102842008507, (4, 1, 0)),
(0.6563820568401701, (0, 5, 0))],
[(8.302649259524165, (3, 1, 1)),
(-8.302649259524165, (1, 3, 1))],
[(-3.913906395482003, (0, 3, 2)),
(0.4892382994352504, (0, 5, 0)),
(-1.467714898305751, (4, 1, 0)),
(-0.9784765988705008, (2, 3, 0)),
(11.741719186446009, (2, 1, 2))],
[(-4.793536784973324, (3, 1, 1)),
(-4.793536784973324, (1, 3, 1)),
(9.587073569946648, (1, 1, 3))],
[(-5.435359814348363, (0, 3, 2)),
(0.9058933023913939, (2, 3, 0)),
(-5.435359814348363, (2, 1, 2)),
(3.6235732095655755, (0, 1, 4)),
(0.45294665119569694, (4, 1, 0)),
(0.45294665119569694, (0, 5, 0))],
[(3.508509673602708, (2, 2, 1)),
(-4.678012898136944, (0, 2, 3)),
(1.754254836801354, (0, 4, 1)),
(-4.678012898136944, (2, 0, 3)),
(1.754254836801354, (4, 0, 1)),
(0.9356025796273888, (0, 0, 5))],
[(-5.435359814348363, (3, 0, 2)),
(3.6235732095655755, (1, 0, 4)),
(0.45294665119569694, (5, 0, 0)),
(0.9058933023913939, (3, 2, 0)),
(-5.435359814348363, (1, 2, 2)),
(0.45294665119569694, (1, 4, 0))],
[(-2.396768392486662, (4, 0, 1)),
(2.396768392486662, (0, 4, 1)),
(4.793536784973324, (2, 0, 3)),
(-4.793536784973324, (0, 2, 3))],
[(3.913906395482003, (3, 0, 2)),
(-0.4892382994352504, (5, 0, 0)),
(0.9784765988705008, (3, 2, 0)),
(-11.741719186446009, (1, 2, 2)),
(1.467714898305751, (1, 4, 0))],
[(2.075662314881041, (4, 0, 1)),
(-12.453973889286246, (2, 2, 1)),
(2.075662314881041, (0, 4, 1))],
[(-6.5638205684017015, (3, 2, 0)),
(0.6563820568401701, (5, 0, 0)),
(3.2819102842008507, (1, 4, 0))],
# i, l=6:
[(4.099104631151485, (5, 1, 0)),
(-13.663682103838287, (3, 3, 0)),
(4.099104631151485, (1, 5, 0))],
[(11.83309581115876, (4, 1, 1)),
(-23.66619162231752, (2, 3, 1)),
(2.366619162231752, (0, 5, 1))],
[(20.182596029148968, (3, 1, 2)),
(-2.0182596029148967, (5, 1, 0)),
(2.0182596029148967, (1, 5, 0)),
(-20.182596029148968, (1, 3, 2))],
[(-7.369642076119388, (0, 3, 3)),
(-5.527231557089541, (2, 3, 1)),
(2.7636157785447706, (0, 5, 1)),
(22.108926228358165, (2, 1, 3)),
(-8.29084733563431, (4, 1, 1))],
[(-14.739284152238776, (3, 1, 2)),
(14.739284152238776, (1, 1, 4)),
(1.842410519029847, (3, 3, 0)),
(0.9212052595149235, (5, 1, 0)),
(-14.739284152238776, (1, 3, 2)),
(0.9212052595149235, (1, 5, 0))],
[(2.9131068125936572, (0, 5, 1)),
(-11.652427250374629, (0, 3, 3)),
(5.8262136251873144, (2, 3, 1)),
(-11.652427250374629, (2, 1, 3)),
(2.9131068125936572, (4, 1, 1)),
(4.660970900149851, (0, 1, 5))],
[(5.721228204086558, (4, 0, 2)),
(-7.628304272115411, (0, 2, 4)),
(-0.9535380340144264, (2, 4, 0)),
(1.0171072362820548, (0, 0, 6)),
(-0.9535380340144264, (4, 2, 0)),
(5.721228204086558, (0, 4, 2)),
(-0.3178460113381421, (0, 6, 0)),
(-7.628304272115411, (2, 0, 4)),
(-0.3178460113381421, (6, 0, 0)),
(11.442456408173117, (2, 2, 2))],
[(-11.652427250374629, (3, 0, 3)),
(4.660970900149851, (1, 0, 5)),
(2.9131068125936572, (5, 0, 1)),
(5.8262136251873144, (3, 2, 1)),
(-11.652427250374629, (1, 2, 3)),
(2.9131068125936572, (1, 4, 1))],
[(7.369642076119388, (2, 0, 4)),
(-7.369642076119388, (0, 2, 4)),
(-0.46060262975746175, (2, 4, 0)),
(-7.369642076119388, (4, 0, 2)),
(0.46060262975746175, (4, 2, 0)),
(-0.46060262975746175, (0, 6, 0)),
(0.46060262975746175, (6, 0, 0)),
(7.369642076119388, (0, 4, 2))],
[(7.369642076119388, (3, 0, 3)),
(-2.7636157785447706, (5, 0, 1)),
(5.527231557089541, (3, 2, 1)),
(-22.108926228358165, (1, 2, 3)),
(8.29084733563431, (1, 4, 1))],
[(2.522824503643621, (4, 2, 0)),
(5.045649007287242, (0, 4, 2)),
(-30.273894043723452, (2, 2, 2)),
(-0.5045649007287242, (0, 6, 0)),
(-0.5045649007287242, (6, 0, 0)),
(5.045649007287242, (4, 0, 2)),
(2.522824503643621, (2, 4, 0))],
[(2.366619162231752, (5, 0, 1)),
(-23.66619162231752, (3, 2, 1)),
(11.83309581115876, (1, 4, 1))],
[(-10.247761577878714, (4, 2, 0)),
(-0.6831841051919143, (0, 6, 0)),
(0.6831841051919143, (6, 0, 0)),
(10.247761577878714, (2, 4, 0))],
# j, l=7:
[(14.850417383016522, (2, 5, 0)),
(4.950139127672174, (6, 1, 0)),
(-24.75069563836087, (4, 3, 0)),
(-0.7071627325245963, (0, 7, 0))],
[(-52.91921323603801, (3, 3, 1)),
(15.875763970811402, (1, 5, 1)),
(15.875763970811402, (5, 1, 1))],
[(-2.5945778936013015, (6, 1, 0)),
(2.5945778936013015, (4, 3, 0)),
(-62.26986944643124, (2, 3, 2)),
(4.670240208482342, (2, 5, 0)),
(6.226986944643123, (0, 5, 2)),
(31.13493472321562, (4, 1, 2)),
(-0.5189155787202603, (0, 7, 0))],
[(41.513246297620825, (3, 1, 3)),
(12.453973889286246, (1, 5, 1)),
(-41.513246297620825, (1, 3, 3)),
(-12.453973889286246, (5, 1, 1))],
[(-18.775072063475285, (2, 3, 2)),
(-0.4693768015868821, (0, 7, 0)),
(0.4693768015868821, (2, 5, 0)),
(2.3468840079344107, (4, 3, 0)),
(-12.516714708983523, (0, 3, 4)),
(37.55014412695057, (2, 1, 4)),
(1.4081304047606462, (6, 1, 0)),
(9.387536031737643, (0, 5, 2)),
(-28.162608095212928, (4, 1, 2))],
[(13.27598077334948, (3, 3, 1)),
(6.63799038667474, (1, 5, 1)),
(-35.402615395598616, (3, 1, 3)),
(21.24156923735917, (1, 1, 5)),
(-35.402615395598616, (1, 3, 3)),
(6.63799038667474, (5, 1, 1))],
[(-0.4516580379125865, (0, 7, 0)),
(10.839792909902076, (0, 5, 2)),
(-1.3549741137377596, (2, 5, 0)),
(-1.3549741137377596, (4, 3, 0)),
(-21.679585819804153, (0, 3, 4)),
(-21.679585819804153, (2, 1, 4)),
(5.781222885281108, (0, 1, 6)),
(-0.4516580379125865, (6, 1, 0)),
(21.679585819804153, (2, 3, 2)),
(10.839792909902076, (4, 1, 2))],
[(-11.471758521216831, (2, 0, 5)),
(1.0925484305920792, (0, 0, 7)),
(-11.471758521216831, (0, 2, 5)),
(28.67939630304208, (2, 2, 3)),
(-2.3899496919201733, (6, 0, 1)),
(-7.16984907576052, (4, 2, 1)),
(14.33969815152104, (4, 0, 3)),
(-2.3899496919201733, (0, 6, 1)),
(-7.16984907576052, (2, 4, 1)),
(14.33969815152104, (0, 4, 3))],
[(10.839792909902076, (1, 4, 2)),
(-0.4516580379125865, (7, 0, 0)),
(21.679585819804153, (3, 2, 2)),
(-1.3549741137377596, (5, 2, 0)),
(-0.4516580379125865, (1, 6, 0)),
(-21.679585819804153, (3, 0, 4)),
(-1.3549741137377596, (3, 4, 0)),
(5.781222885281108, (1, 0, 6)),
(-21.679585819804153, (1, 2, 4)),
(10.839792909902076, (5, 0, 2))],
[(10.620784618679584, (2, 0, 5)),
(-10.620784618679584, (0, 2, 5)),
(3.31899519333737, (6, 0, 1)),
(3.31899519333737, (4, 2, 1)),
(-17.701307697799308, (4, 0, 3)),
(-3.31899519333737, (0, 6, 1)),
(-3.31899519333737, (2, 4, 1)),
(17.701307697799308, (0, 4, 3))],
[(-1.4081304047606462, (1, 6, 0)),
(0.4693768015868821, (7, 0, 0)),
(18.775072063475285, (3, 2, 2)),
(-0.4693768015868821, (5, 2, 0)),
(12.516714708983523, (3, 0, 4)),
(-2.3468840079344107, (3, 4, 0)),
(28.162608095212928, (1, 4, 2)),
(-37.55014412695057, (1, 2, 4)),
(-9.387536031737643, (5, 0, 2))],
[(10.378311574405206, (4, 0, 3)),
(-3.1134934723215615, (0, 6, 1)),
(15.56746736160781, (2, 4, 1)),
(-62.26986944643124, (2, 2, 3)),
(10.378311574405206, (0, 4, 3)),
(-3.1134934723215615, (6, 0, 1)),
(15.56746736160781, (4, 2, 1))],
[(-2.5945778936013015, (1, 6, 0)),
(-62.26986944643124, (3, 2, 2)),
(-0.5189155787202603, (7, 0, 0)),
(31.13493472321562, (1, 4, 2)),
(2.5945778936013015, (3, 4, 0)),
(6.226986944643123, (5, 0, 2)),
(4.670240208482342, (5, 2, 0))],
[(2.6459606618019005, (6, 0, 1)),
(-2.6459606618019005, (0, 6, 1)),
(-39.68940992702851, (4, 2, 1)),
(39.68940992702851, (2, 4, 1))],
[(0.7071627325245963, (7, 0, 0)),
(-14.850417383016522, (5, 2, 0)),
(24.75069563836087, (3, 4, 0)),
(-4.950139127672174, (1, 6, 0))]]
self.YL = YL
class GPaw:
def __init__(self, fname: str='N.PBE.gz'):
_np = * ( + 1) // 2
self.calculate_T_Lqp(self.lcut, _np, self.nj, self.jlL_i)
self.wn_lqg, self.wnt_lqg, self.wg_lg, self.wnc_g, self.wmct_g)
def parse_psfile(self, fname:str):
txt =, 'rb').read()
tree = ET.fromstring(txt)
self.build_shape_function(tree.find('shape_function').attrib, self.lmax)
def build_l(self, tree):
self.l_j = [int(x.attrib['l']) for x in tree.find('valence_states')]
self.lmax = 2
self.lcut = max(self.l_j)
rcut_j = [float(x.attrib['rc']) for x in tree.find('valence_states')]
rcut2 = max(rcut_j) * 2
self.rcut_j = rcut_j
self.rcut2 = rcut2
self.gcut2 = np.searchsorted(self.r_g, rcut2)
self.n_j = [int(x.attrib.get('n', -1)) for x in tree.find('valence_states')]
self.f_j = [float(x.attrib.get('f', 0)) for x in tree.find('valence_states')]
self.eps_j = [float(x.attrib['e']) for x in tree.find('valence_states')]
self.rcut_j = [float(x.attrib.get('rc', -1)) for x in tree.find('valence_states')]
self.id_j = [x.attrib['id'] for x in tree.find('valence_states')]
jlL_i = [(j, l, l**2+m)
for (j, l) in enumerate(self.l_j)
for m in range(2*l + 1)]
self.jlL_i = jlL_i = len(jlL_i)
self.nj = len(self.l_j)
self.nq = self.nj * (self.nj + 1) // 2
def build_atom_spec(self, dic: dict):
self.symbol = dic['symbol']
self.Z = int(float(dic['Z']))
self.core = int(float(dic['core']))
self.valence = int(float(dic['valence']))
def build_radial_grid(self, dic: dict):
eq = dic['eq']
if 'r=a*i/(n-i)' == eq:
n = int(dic['n'])
a = float(dic['a']) / n
b = 1.0 / n
elif 'r=a*i/(1-b*i)' == eq:
a = float(dic['a'])
b = float(dic['b'])
n = int(dic['n'])
raise ValueError(f"Invalid radial grid eq: {eq}")
g = np.arange(n)
r_g = a * g / (1 - b * g)
dr_g = (b * r_g + a)**2 / a
self.r_g = r_g
self.dr_g = dr_g
self.rdr_g = r_g * dr_g
def build_shape_function(self, dic: dict, lmax: int):
r_g = self.r_g
ng = r_g.size
g_lg = np.zeros((lmax+1, ng))
typ = dic['type']
rc = float(dic['rc'])
if 'gauss' == typ:
g_lg[0,:] = 4 / rc**3 / np.sqrt(np.pi) * np.exp(-(r_g / rc)**2)
for l in range(1, lmax+1):
g_lg[l,:] = 2.0 / (2*l + 1) / rc**2 * r_g * g_lg[l-1,:]
raise ValueError(f"Invalid type of shape function: {typ}")
for l in range(lmax+1):
g_lg[l] /= self.rgd_integrate(g_lg[l], l) / (4 * np.pi)
self.g_lg = g_lg
def build_paw_functions(self, tree):
self.nc_g = np.array(
self.nct_g = np.array(
self.phi_g = np.array(
[ae.text.split() for ae in tree.findall('ae_partial_wave')],
self.phit_g = np.array(
[ae.text.split() for ae in tree.findall('pseudo_partial_wave')],
def rgd_integrate(self, a_xg: npt.NDArray, n: int=0):
assert n >= -2
return[..., 1:],
(self.r_g**(2+n) * self.dr_g)[1:]) * (4 * np.pi)
# 69us, corrected now
def hartree(l: int, nrdr: npt.NDArray, r: npt.NDArray):
M = nrdr.size
vr = np.zeros(M, dtype=float)
rl = r[1:]**l
rlp1 = rl * r[1:]
dp = nrdr[1:] / rl
dq = nrdr[1:] * rlp1
dpfl = np.flip(dp)
dqfl = np.flip(dq)
p = np.flip(np.r_[0, np.cumsum(dpfl)]) # prepend 0 to cumsum
q = np.flip(np.r_[0, np.cumsum(dqfl)])
vr[1:] = (p[1:] + 0.5 * dp) * rlp1 - (q[1:] + 0.5 * dq) / rl
vr[0] = 0.0
f = 4.0 * np.pi / (2 * l + 1)
vr[1:] = f * (vr[1:] + q[0] / rl)
return vr
## 424us, reference implementation from gpaw/c/utilities.c
# @staticmethod
# def hartree2(l, nrdr, r):
# M = nrdr.size
# vr = np.zeros(M)
# p = 0.0
# q = 0.0
# for g in range(M-1, 0, -1):
# R = r[g]
# rl = R**l
# rlp1 = rl * R
# dp = nrdr[g] / rl
# dq = nrdr[g] * rlp1
# vr[g] = (p + 0.5 * dp) * rlp1 - (q + 0.5 * dq) / rl
# p += dp
# q += dq
# vr[0] = 0.0
# f = 4.0 * np.pi / (2 * l + 1)
# for g in range(1, M):
# R = r[g]
# vr[g] = f * (vr[g] + q / R**l)
# return vr
def calculate_compensation_charges(self):
# lmax = self.lmax
gcut2 = self.gcut2
# g_lg = self.g_lg
nq = self.nq
phi_g = self.phi_g[:,:gcut2]
phit_g = self.phit_g[:,:gcut2]
n_qg = np.zeros((nq, gcut2))
nt_qg = np.zeros((nq, gcut2))
for (q, (j1, j2)) in enumerate([(j1, j2) for j1 in range(self.nj)
for j2 in range(j1,self.nj)]):
n_qg[q,:] = phi_g[j1,:] * phi_g[j2,:] # phi_i1^a * phi_i2^a
nt_qg[q,:] = phit_g[j1,:] * phit_g[j2,:] # ~phi_i1^a * ~phi_i2^a
self.n_qg = n_qg
self.nt_qg = nt_qg
## Delta0 is an constant for each atom
self.Delta0 =[:gcut2] - self.nct_g[:gcut2], #
self.rdr_g[:gcut2] * self.r_g[:gcut2]) - self.Z / np.sqrt(4 * np.pi)
def poisson(self, n_g, l=0, *, s:slice=slice(None)):
n_g = n_g[s].copy()
nrdr_g = n_g[s] * self.rdr_g[s]
return GPaw.hartree(l, nrdr_g, self.r_g[s])
def calculate_integral_potentials(self):
def H(n_g, l, *, s:slice=slice(None)):
return self.poisson(n_g[s], l, s=s) * self.r_g[s] * self.dr_g[s]
gcut2 = self.gcut2
wg_lg = [H(self.g_lg[l,:], l, s=slice(None,gcut2))
for l in range(self.lmax + 1)] # ((~g_l^a)) in Eq (47)
wn_lqg = [np.array([H(self.n_qg[q,:], l, s=slice(None,gcut2))
for q in range(self.nq)])
for l in range(2*self.lcut + 1)] # ( phi_i1^a * phi_i2^a | phi_i3^a * phi_i4^a * r^l) in Eq (47)
wnt_lqg = [np.array([H(self.nt_qg[q,:], l, s=slice(None,gcut2))
for q in range(self.nq)])
for l in range(2*self.lcut + 1)] # (~phi_i1^a * ~phi_i2^a | ~phi_i3^a * ~phi_i4^a * r^l) in Eq (47)
wnc_g = H(self.nc_g[:], l=0, s=slice(None,gcut2)) # (( n_c^a))
wnct_g = H(self.nct_g[:], l=0, s=slice(None,gcut2)) # ((~n_c^a))
wmct_g = wnct_g + self.Delta0 * wg_lg[0]
self.wg_lg = wg_lg
self.wn_lqg = wn_lqg
self.wnt_lqg = wnt_lqg
self.wnc_g = wnc_g
self.wnct_g = wnct_g
self.wmct_g = wmct_g
def calculate_T_Lqp(self, lcut, _np, nj, jlL_i):
T_Lqp is the Gaunt-Coefficients.
T_Lqp[L, l1 l2, p1 p2] = G_LLL[L1, L2, L]
Lcut = (2*lcut + 1)**2
gaunt = Gaunt()
G_LLL = gaunt(max(self.l_j))[:, :, :Lcut]
LGcut = G_LLL.shape[2]
T_Lqp = np.zeros((Lcut, self.nq, _np))
p = 0
i1 = 0
for j1, l1, L1 in jlL_i:
for j2, l2, L2 in jlL_i[i1:]:
if j1 < j2:
q = j2 + j1 * nj - j1 * (j1 + 1) // 2
q = j1 + j2 * nj - j2 * (j2 + 1) // 2
T_Lqp[:LGcut, q, p] = G_LLL[L1, L2, :]
p += 1
i1 += 1
self.T_Lqp = T_Lqp
def calculate_Delta_lq(self):
gcut2 = self.gcut2
r_g = self.r_g[:gcut2]
dr_g = self.dr_g[:gcut2]
n_qg = self.n_qg
nt_qg = self.nt_qg
Delta_lq = np.zeros((self.lmax + 1, self.nq))
for l in range(self.lmax + 1):
Delta_lq[l,:] = (n_qg - nt_qg) @ (r_g**(l+2) * dr_g) # \sum dr * r^l * ( phi_i1 * phi_i2 - ~phi_i1 * ~phi_i2)
self.Delta_lq = Delta_lq # Delta_Li1i2^a in Eq (41b) (without Y_L(r) part)
def calculate_coulomb_corrections(self, wn_lqg, wnt_lqg, wg_lg, wnc_g, wmct_g):
gcut2 = self.gcut2
_np = * ( + 1) // 2
mct_g = self.nct_g[:gcut2] + self.Delta0 * self.g_lg[0, :gcut2] # ~n_c^a + Delta^a * ~g_00^a
rdr_g = self.r_g[:gcut2] * self.dr_g[:gcut2]
A_q = 0.5 * (wn_lqg[0] @ self.nc_g[:gcut2] + self.n_qg @ wnc_g) # (phi_i1 * phi_i2 | n_c^a) +
A_q -= np.sqrt(4 * np.pi) * self.Z * (self.n_qg @ rdr_g)
A_q -= 0.5 * (wn_lqg[0] @ mct_g + self.nt_qg @ wmct_g)
A_q -= 0.5 * (mct_g @ wg_lg[0] + self.g_lg[0,:gcut2] @ wmct_g) * self.Delta_lq[0,:]
M_p = A_q @ self.T_Lqp[0] # DeltaC_i1i2^a in Eq (46)
A_lqq = []
for l in range(2 * self.lcut + 1):
A_qq = 0.5 * self.n_qg @ wn_lqg[l].T
A_qq -= 0.5 * self.nt_qg @ wnt_lqg[l].T # 1/2 * [ ( | ) - ( ~ | ~ ) ] in Eq (47)
if l <= self.lmax:
A_qq -= 0.5 * np.outer(self.Delta_lq[l,:], # 1/2 * Delta_Li1i2^a (~phi_i1^a * ~phi_i2^a | ~g_l^a)
wnt_lqg[l] @ self.g_lg[l,:gcut2])
A_qq -= 0.5 * np.outer(self.nt_qg @ wg_lg[l], # 1/2 * Delta_Li3i4^a (~phi_i3^a * ~phi_i4^a | ~g_l^a)
A_qq -= 0.5 * ((self.g_lg[l,:gcut2] @ wg_lg[l]) # Delta_Li1i2^a * ((~g_l^a)) * Delta_Li3i4
* np.outer(self.Delta_lq[l], self.Delta_lq[l]))
M_pp = np.zeros((_np, _np)) # DeltaC_i1i2i3i4^a in Eq (47)
L = 0
for l in range(2 * self.lcut + 1):
for m in range(2 * l + 1):
M_pp += self.T_Lqp[L].T @ A_lqq[l] @ self.T_Lqp[L] # Multiple all the quantities with the angular term
L += 1
self.M_p = M_p
self.M_pp = M_pp
def get_coulomb_corrections(self):
# if not hasattr(self, 'M_pp') or not hasattr(self, 'M_p'):
# self.calculate_coulomb_corrections(
# self.wn_lqg, self.wnt_lqg, self.wg_lg, self.wnc_g, self.wmct_g
# )
return self.M_p, self.M_pp
def pack(A) -> npt.NDArray:
ni = A.shape[0]
N = ni * (ni + 1) // 2
B = np.zeros(N, dtype=A.dtype)
k = 0
for i in range(ni):
B[k] = A[i,i]
k += 1
for j in range(i+1, ni):
B[k] = A[i,j] + A[j,i]
k += 1
return B
if '__main__' == __name__:
gaunt = Gaunt()
xx = GPaw("./N.PBE.gz")
M_p, M_pp = xx.get_coulomb_corrections()
# for fname in glob('/public/home/chenlj/.gpaw/gpaw-setups-0.9.20000/*.gz'):
# if 'basis.gz' in fname:
# continue
# print(fname)
# xx = GPaw(fname)
# M_p, M_pp = xx.get_coulomb_corrections()
# print(M_pp)
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