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Created January 20, 2024 03:50
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INCAR for spin orbit coupling calculation with hubbard U correction.
SYSTEM = xxxxx
Startparameter for this Run:
NWRITE = 2 default is 2
ISTART = 0 0-new 1-cont 2-same basic set
ICHARG = 1 charge: 1-file 2-atom 10-const
LCHARG = .TRUE. Write down charge densities or not
LWAVE = .TRUE. Write down wavefunctions or not
# LVTOT = .TRUE. Write LOCPOT, total local potential
# LVHAR = .TRUE. Write LOCPOT, Hartree potential only
# LELF = .TRUE. Write electronic localiz. function (ELF)
ISYM = 0 default is 1
NPAR = 4
AMIX = 0.4 default 0.4 not converge first try Amix=0.1 Bmix=0.01
AMIN = 0.1 default 0.1 if still not converge try Bmix=3.0 Amin=0.01
BMIX = 1.0 default 1.0
Electronic Relaxation
ENCUT = 400 kinetic energy cutoff, default is taken from POTCAR file
ISPIN = 2 (1 = off, 2 =on spin polarization)
# NBANDS = 200
# MAGMOM = 12*4
# NELMDL = -5 negtive only start-configuration;positive for every step
NELM = 300 maxmum step number of SCF, default 60
EDIFF = 1E-05 stopping-criterion for ELM, default is 1E-04
LREAL = Auto
ALGO = Normal #IALGO = 38 if meet trouble decrease NSIM
NSIM = 1 #improve preformance
Ionic Relaxation
EDIFFG = -1E-02 stopping-criterion for ELM, default is 1E-04
IBRION = -1 ionic relax: 0=MD, 1=quasi-Newton, 2=CG,5=phonon
# ISIF = 2 (2:force=y stress=y ions=y shape=n volume=n), default is 2
# NSW = 1800 max number of geometry steps, default 0
POTIM = 0.5
# NBLOCK = 1 inner block; Default: 1
# KBLOCK = 1 outer block; Default: NSW
DOS Related values
ISMEAR = 0 -1: Fermi smearing, 0: Gaussian smearing, 1..N: Methfessel-Paxton order N ...
SIGMA = 0.05 broadening in eV
LORBIT = 11 writting our magnetization
NEDOS = 10000
EMIN = -30.0 Performing RELAX_STATIC (aleksey) force search for EMIN
EMAX = 45.0 Performing RELAX_STATIC (aleksey)
VDW Related option
IVDW = 12 DFT-D3 with damped
MAGMOM = 6*0 0 0 1 0 0 1
LDAUL = -1 2 # l-quantum number Default 2 1:p 2:d 3:f
LDAUU = 0 1.5 # UEFF parameter. Automatic LDAUU table
LDAUJ = 0 0 # J parameter Automatic LDAUJ table
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