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Created September 17, 2019 20:20
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A simple PHP library to validate Alexa.
Description: REST-API - Alexa Skills - Validation
Validates the requests as coming from Amazon
Example Use:
// Call the validation:
require_once 'alexa-validate.php';
$validate_alexa = Alexa_Validate::the_request( $request );
if ( 1 !== $validate_alexa['success'] ) {
$response = array(
'message' => $validate_alexa['message'],
'data' => array(
'status' => 400,
$error = new WP_REST_Response( $response );
$error->set_status( 400 );
$response = $error;
} else {
$response = [Whatever your response is];
return $response;
Version: 1.0
if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) {
* class Alexa_Validate
class Alexa_Validate {
public static function the_request( $request ) {
$chain_url = $request->get_header( 'signaturecertchainurl' );
$timestamp = $request['request']['timestamp'];
$signature = $request->get_header( 'signature' );
// Validate that it even came from Amazon ...
if ( ! isset( $chain_url ) ) {
$fail_chain = array(
'success' => 0,
'message' => 'This request did not come from Amazon.',
return $fail_chain;
// Validate proper format of Amazon provided certificate chain url
$valid_uri = self::key_chain_uri( $chain_url );
if ( 1 !== $valid_uri ) {
$fail_uri = array(
'success' => 0,
'message' => $valid_uri,
return $fail_uri;
// Validate certificate signature
$valid_cert = self::cert_and_sig( $request, $chain_url, $signature );
if ( 1 !== $valid_cert ) {
$fail_cert = array(
'success' => 0,
'message' => $valid_cert,
return $fail_cert;
// Validate time stamp
if ( 60 < time() - strtotime( $timestamp ) ) {
$fail_time = array(
'success' => 0,
'message' => 'Timestamp validation failure. Current time: ' . time() . ' vs. Timestamp: ' . strtotime( $timestamp ),
return $fail_time;
$success = array(
'success' => 1,
'message' => 'Success',
return $success;
Validate certificate chain URL
public function key_chain_uri( $keychain_uri ) {
$uri_parts = wp_parse_url( $keychain_uri );
if ( 0 !== strcasecmp( $uri_parts['host'], '' ) ) {
return ( 'The host for the Certificate provided in the header is invalid' );
if ( 0 !== strpos( $uri_parts['path'], '/echo.api/' ) ) {
return ( 'The URL path for the Certificate provided in the header is invalid' );
if ( 0 !== strcasecmp( $uri_parts['scheme'], 'https' ) ) {
return ( 'The URL is using an unsupported scheme. Should be https' );
if ( 0 !== array_key_exists( 'port', $uri_parts ) && '443' !== $uri_parts['port'] ) {
return ( 'The URL is using an unsupported https port' );
return 1;
Validate that the certificate and signature are valid
public function cert_and_sig( $request, $chain_url, $signature ) {
$md5pem = get_temp_dir() . md5( $chain_url ) . '.pem';
$echo_domain = '';
// If we haven't received a certificate with this URL before,
// store it as a cached copy
if ( ! file_exists( $md5pem ) ) {
// phpcs:ignore
file_put_contents( $md5pem, file_get_contents( $chain_url ) );
$pem = file_get_contents( $md5pem );
// Validate certificate chain and signature
// phpcs:ignore
$ssl_check = openssl_verify( $request->get_body(), base64_decode( $signature ), $pem, 'sha1' );
if ( 1 !== $ssl_check ) {
return( openssl_error_string() );
// Parse certificate for validations below
$parsed_certificate = openssl_x509_parse( $pem );
if ( ! $parsed_certificate ) {
return( 'x509 parsing failed' );
// Check that the domain is present in
// the Subject Alternative Names (SANs) section of the signing certificate
if ( strpos( $parsed_certificate['extensions']['subjectAltName'], $echo_domain ) === false ) {
return( 'subjectAltName Check Failed' );
// Check that the signing certificate has not expired
// (examine both the Not Before and Not After dates)
$valid_from = $parsed_certificate['validFrom_time_t'];
$valid_to = $parsed_certificate['validTo_time_t'];
$time = time();
if ( ! ( $valid_from <= $time && $time <= $valid_to ) ) {
return( 'certificate expiration check failed' );
return 1;
new Alexa_Validate();
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