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Created October 5, 2020 23:37
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Pixel Rendering in Zig
usingnamespace @import("../Zig-PSP/src/psp/include/pspge.zig");
usingnamespace @import("../Zig-PSP/src/psp/include/psputils.zig");
usingnamespace @import("../Zig-PSP/src/psp/utils/psp.zig");
usingnamespace @import("../Zig-PSP/src/psp/include/pspdisplay.zig");
var draw_buffer: ?[*]u32 = null;
var disp_buffer: ?[*]u32 = null;
pub fn init() void{
draw_buffer = @intToPtr(?[*]u32, @ptrToInt(sceGeEdramGetAddr()));
disp_buffer = @intToPtr(?[*]u32, @ptrToInt(sceGeEdramGetAddr()) + (272 * SCR_BUF_WIDTH * 4));
_ = sceDisplaySetMode(0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT);
_ = sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(disp_buffer, SCR_BUF_WIDTH, @enumToInt(PspDisplayPixelFormats.Format8888), 1);
pub fn drawRect(x : usize, y : usize, w : usize, h : usize, color : u32) void{
var x0 = x;
var y0 = y;
var w0 = w;
var h0 = h;
if(x0 > 480){
x0 = 480;
if(y0 > 272){
y0 = 272;
if( (x0 + w0) > 480){
w0 = 480 - x0;
if( (y0 + h0) > 272){
h0 = 272 - y0;
var off : usize = x0 + (y0 * SCR_BUF_WIDTH);
var y1 : usize = 0;
while(y1 < h0) : (y1 += 1){
var x1 : usize = 0;
while(x1 < w0) : (x1 += 1){
draw_buffer.?[x1 + off + y1 * SCR_BUF_WIDTH] = color;
pub fn swapBuffers() void{
var temp : ?[*]u32 = disp_buffer;
disp_buffer = draw_buffer;
draw_buffer = temp;
_ = sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(disp_buffer, SCR_BUF_WIDTH, @enumToInt(PspDisplayPixelFormats.Format8888), @enumToInt(PspDisplaySetBufSync.Nextframe));
pub fn clear(color : u32) void {
var i: usize = 0;
while (i < SCR_BUF_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT) : (i += 1) {
draw_buffer.?[i] = color;
//Print out a constant string
pub fn print(x : u32, y : u32, text: []const u8, color: u32) void {
var i : usize = 0;
while(i < text.len) : (i += 1){
internal_putchar(@as(u32,x), @as(u32,y+i*32), text[i], color);
const dbg = @import("../Zig-PSP/src/psp/utils/debug.zig");
fn internal_putchar(cx: u32, cy: u32, ch: u8, color : u32) void{
var off : usize = (511 - cx) + (cy * SCR_BUF_WIDTH);
var i : usize = 0;
while (i < 32) : (i += 1){
var j: usize = 0;
while(j < 32) : (j += 1){
const mask : u32 = 128;
var idx : u32 = @as(u32, ch) * 8 + j / 4;
var glyph : u8 = dbg.msxFont[idx];
if( (glyph & (mask >> @intCast(@import("std").math.Log2Int(c_int), i/4))) != 0 ){
draw_buffer.?[(480 - j) + (i) * SCR_BUF_WIDTH + off] = color;
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