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Created April 9, 2024 16:44
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Parse an ELF file in Zig
const std = @import("std");
pub const ELF_MAGIC = [_]u8{ 0x7F, 0x45, 0x4C, 0x46 };
pub const ElfClass = enum(u8) {
Elf32 = 1,
Elf64 = 2,
pub const ElfData = enum(u8) {
ElfLittle = 1,
ElfBig = 2,
pub fn to_zig_endian(self: ElfData) std.builtin.Endian {
return switch (self) {
ElfData.ElfLittle => .little,
ElfData.ElfBig => .big,
pub const ElfOsAbi = enum(u8) {
SystemV = 0,
HP_UX = 1,
NetBSD = 2,
Linux = 3,
GNU_Hurd = 4,
Solaris = 6,
AIX = 7,
IRIX = 8,
FreeBSD = 9,
Tru64 = 10,
NovellModesto = 11,
OpenBSD = 12,
OpenVMS = 13,
NonStopKernel = 14,
AROS = 15,
FenixOS = 16,
CloudABI = 17,
StratusTechnologiesOpenVOS = 18,
pub const ElfType = enum(u16) {
None = 0,
Relocatable = 1,
Executable = 2,
SharedObject = 3,
Core = 4,
LoOS = 0xFE00,
HiOS = 0xFEFF,
LoProcessor = 0xFF00,
HiProcessor = 0xFFFF,
// NOTE: This is not a complete list of machine types
pub const ElfMachine = enum(u16) {
NoMachine = 0,
SPARC = 2,
x86 = 3,
MIPS = 8,
PowerPC = 20,
ARM = 40,
SuperH = 42,
IA_64 = 50,
x86_64 = 62,
AArch64 = 183,
pub const ElfHeader = extern struct {
magic: [4]u8,
class: ElfClass,
data: ElfData,
version: u8,
os_abi: ElfOsAbi,
abi_version: u8,
padding: [7]u8,
pub const ElfHeaderTable = union(ElfClass) {
Elf32: Elf32HeaderTable,
Elf64: Elf64HeaderTable,
pub const Elf32HeaderTable = extern struct {
elf_type: ElfType,
machine: ElfMachine,
version2: u32,
entry: u32,
program_header_offset: u32,
section_header_offset: u32,
flags: u32,
header_size: u16,
program_header_entry_size: u16,
program_header_count: u16,
section_header_entry_size: u16,
section_header_count: u16,
section_header_string_index: u16,
pub const Elf64HeaderTable = extern struct {
elf_type: ElfType,
machine: ElfMachine,
version2: u32,
entry: u64,
program_header_offset: u64,
section_header_offset: u64,
flags: u32,
header_size: u16,
program_header_entry_size: u16,
program_header_count: u16,
section_header_entry_size: u16,
section_header_count: u16,
section_header_string_index: u16,
pub const ElfPHEntry = union(ElfClass) {
Elf32: Elf32ProgramHeaderEntry,
Elf64: Elf64ProgramHeaderEntry,
pub const ProgramFlags = packed struct(u32) {
Executable: bool,
Writable: bool,
Readable: bool,
reserved: u29,
pub const Elf32ProgramHeaderEntry = extern struct {
type: u32,
offset: u32,
virtual_address: u32,
physical_address: u32,
file_size: u32,
memory_size: u32,
flags: u32,
alignment: u32,
pub fn program_flags(self: Elf32ProgramHeaderEntry) ProgramFlags {
return @bitCast(self.flags);
pub const Elf64ProgramHeaderEntry = extern struct {
type: u32,
flags: u32,
offset: u64,
virtual_address: u64,
physical_address: u64,
file_size: u64,
memory_size: u64,
alignment: u64,
pub fn program_flags(self: Elf32ProgramHeaderEntry) ProgramFlags {
return @bitCast(self.flags);
pub const ElfSectionEntry = union(ElfClass) {
Elf32: Elf32SectionEntry,
Elf64: Elf64SectionEntry,
pub const Elf32SectionEntry = extern struct {
name: u32,
type: u32,
flags: u32,
address: u32,
offset: u32,
size: u32,
link: u32,
info: u32,
address_alignment: u32,
entry_size: u32,
pub const Elf64SectionEntry = extern struct {
name: u32,
type: u32,
flags: u64,
address: u64,
offset: u64,
size: u64,
link: u32,
info: u32,
address_alignment: u64,
entry_size: u64,
pub const ELF = struct {
header: ElfHeader,
header_table: ElfHeaderTable,
program_header: []ElfPHEntry,
section_header: []ElfSectionEntry,
pub fn parse(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, data: []const u8) !ELF {
var stream =;
var reader = stream.reader();
const header = try reader.readStruct(ElfHeader);
if (!std.mem.eql(u8, &header.magic, &ELF_MAGIC)) {
return error.ELFInvalidMagic;
const endian =;
const header_table = switch (header.class) {
.Elf32 => @unionInit(ElfHeaderTable, @tagName(.Elf32), try reader.readStructEndian(Elf32HeaderTable, endian)),
.Elf64 => @unionInit(ElfHeaderTable, @tagName(.Elf64), try reader.readStructEndian(Elf64HeaderTable, endian)),
const active = std.meta.activeTag(header_table);
const ph_ent_size = switch (header_table) {
.Elf32 => |h| h.program_header_entry_size,
.Elf64 => |h| h.program_header_entry_size,
const ph_ent_count = switch (header_table) {
.Elf32 => |h| h.program_header_count,
.Elf64 => |h| h.program_header_count,
const ph_offset = switch (header_table) {
.Elf32 => |h| h.program_header_offset,
.Elf64 => |h| h.program_header_offset,
const sh_ent_size = switch (header_table) {
.Elf32 => |h| h.section_header_entry_size,
.Elf64 => |h| h.section_header_entry_size,
const sh_ent_count = switch (header_table) {
.Elf32 => |h| h.section_header_count,
.Elf64 => |h| h.section_header_count,
const sh_offset = switch (header_table) {
.Elf32 => |h| h.section_header_offset,
.Elf64 => |h| h.section_header_offset,
if (active == .Elf32 and ph_ent_size != @sizeOf(Elf32ProgramHeaderEntry) or active == .Elf64 and ph_ent_size != @sizeOf(Elf64ProgramHeaderEntry)) {
@panic("Invalid program header entry size! (Maybe nonstandard ELF file?)");
if (active == .Elf32 and sh_ent_size != @sizeOf(Elf32SectionEntry) or active == .Elf64 and sh_ent_size != @sizeOf(Elf64SectionEntry)) {
@panic("Invalid section header entry size! (Maybe nonstandard ELF file?)");
stream =[ph_offset..]);
reader = stream.reader();
var entries = std.ArrayList(ElfPHEntry).init(allocator);
for (0..ph_ent_count) |_| {
try entries.append(switch (header.class) {
.Elf32 => @unionInit(ElfPHEntry, @tagName(.Elf32), try reader.readStructEndian(Elf32ProgramHeaderEntry, endian)),
.Elf64 => @unionInit(ElfPHEntry, @tagName(.Elf64), try reader.readStructEndian(Elf64ProgramHeaderEntry, endian)),
stream =[sh_offset..]);
reader = stream.reader();
var sections = std.ArrayList(ElfSectionEntry).init(allocator);
for (0..sh_ent_count) |_| {
try sections.append(switch (header.class) {
.Elf32 => @unionInit(ElfSectionEntry, @tagName(.Elf32), try reader.readStructEndian(Elf32SectionEntry, endian)),
.Elf64 => @unionInit(ElfSectionEntry, @tagName(.Elf64), try reader.readStructEndian(Elf64SectionEntry, endian)),
return ELF{
.header = header,
.header_table = header_table,
.program_header = try entries.toOwnedSlice(),
.section_header = try sections.toOwnedSlice(),
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