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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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  • Save Irio/3ca80fd20513b7d22ca0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Irio/3ca80fd20513b7d22ca0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to migrate Neighborly's payment engines to use Neighborly itself as "dummy app"
# Save this file in the same folder as both
# Neighborly and gem repositories are.
# $ ./ neighborly-balanced-bankaccount
# luminopolis folder
git clone`echo $GEM_NAME`.git
cd neighborly
bundle exec rake db:drop
cd ../`echo $GEM_NAME`
rm -r spec/dummy
git rm -r spec/dummy
git submodule add spec/dummy
git add .gitmodules spec/dummy
echo ".env" >> .gitignore
git add .gitignore
echo "language: ruby\ncache: bundler\nscript: './bin/test_suite'" > .travis.yml
git add .travis.yml
echo "source ''\n\ngemfile_url = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec/dummy/Gemfile')\ngemfile_content =, 'rb') { |f| }\n\ngemspec_gems = %w(\n `echo $GEM_NAME`'\n neighborly-balanced'\n rspec-rails'\n)\neval_gemfile gemfile_url, (gemfile_content.split(\"\\\n\").reject do |line|\n line.empty? || Regexp.union(*gemspec_gems).match(line)\nend.join(\"\\\n\"))\n\ngemspec\ngem 'neighborly-balanced', github: 'neighborly/neighborly-balanced', branch: :master\n" > Gemfile
git add Gemfile
bundle update
curl > bin/test_suite
chmod +x bin/test_suite
git add bin/test_suite
git commit -m "Use real platform as dummy app of test suite"
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