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Created December 16, 2019 10:22
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dataframe-js #99 - Code accompanying "[FEATURE] Pivot dataframe"
// # How to run:
// 1. Save this file into a new folder as `index.js`.
// 2. Run the following:
// ```
// $ npm install dataframe-js
// $ node index.js
// ```
const { DataFrame } = require("dataframe-js");
const url =
DataFrame.fromCSV(url).then(df => {
console.log("## with one value, one index, and one column\n");
let pivoted = df
.pivot("Embarked", values => values.stat.mean("Fare"));;
// console.log("\n\n## without index, aggregates values only by columns\n");
// pivoted = df
// .groupBy()
// .pivot("Embarked", values => values.stat.mean("Fare"));
// console.log("\n\n## without columns, aggregates values only by index\n");
// pivoted = df
// .groupBy("Sex")
// .pivot(undefined, values => values.stat.mean("Fare"));
// console.log("\n\n## with multiple values, one index, and one column\n");
// pivoted = df
// .groupBy("Sex")
// .pivot("Embarked", values => [
// values.stat.mean("Fare"),
// values.stat.mean("Age")
// ]);
// console.log("\n\n## with one value, one index, and multiple columns\n");
// pivoted = df
// .groupBy("Sex")
// .pivot(["Embarked", "Pclass"], values => values.stat.mean("Fare"));
// console.log("\n\n## with one value, multiple index, and one column\n");
// pivoted = df
// .groupBy(["Sex", "Parch"])
// .pivot("Embarked", values => values.stat.mean("Fare"));
// console.log("\n\n## with one value, multiple index, and multiple columns\n");
// pivoted = df
// .groupBy(["Sex", "Parch"])
// .pivot(["Embarked", "Pclass"], values => values.stat.mean("Fare"));
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