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Forked from ferventcoder/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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3.6.0 FINAL (post RC) commits
git log 3.6.0-rc...HEAD --pretty=format:"%h %s [%an (%ae)]" --no-merges > git.commits.txt
#| grep -v -e "(maint)" -e "(Maint)"
cat git.commits.txt | pbcopy
curl --output "jira.issues.txt" --silent -H "Content-Type: application/json",summary
# brew install jq
cat jira.issues.txt | jq '.issues[].key' >jiraissues.txt
ruby ticketmatch.rb
# This script mangles the output from git log between two git references
# and matches this with a list of tickets from Jira.
# The List from Jira can be obtained by showing the list of issues for a release
# i.e. a query like this for the given release which gets all targeting the
# release in question:
# curl --output "jira.issues.txt" --silent -H "Content-Type: application/json",summary
# # brew install jq
# cat jira.issues.txt | jq '.issues[].key' >jiraissues.txt
# Then change the from and to in this script to the tags you want to
# compare
# You must cd to the puppet git repo for this to work, and place
# the extra files there as well.
from = "3.6.0-rc"
to = "HEAD"
# Get the log from git
# process and store in a hash per user entered ticket reference
result = {|h, k| h[k] = [] }
a = %x{git log --no-merges --pretty=format:"%h %s [%an (%ae)]" --no-merges #{from}..#{to}}
a.each_line do |line|
m = line.match(/^([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(\([^\)]*\))?(.*)$/)
result[(m[2] || 'unmarked').upcase] << [m[1], m[3]]
# Process file with Jira issues
jiratext ='jiraissues.txt')
known_issues = jiratext.each_line.reduce({}) {|memo, line| memo["(#{line.chomp.gsub(/\"/, '')})"] = true; memo }
# Print list of ssues sorted, for each show sha + comment after reference
result.keys.sort.each do |k|
if known_issues[k]
marker = '--'
known_issues[k] = :in_git
marker = '**'
puts "#{marker} #{k.upcase}"
v = result[k]
v.each do | data |
puts " #{data[0]} #{data[1]}"
puts "---"
puts {|k,v| v != :in_git }.keys.join("\n")
** (MAINT)
d72f9e8 Update beaker to 1.11.0 [Kylo Ginsberg (]
c3b414c Include 'f' prefix for fedora paths in the builds repo [Josh Partlow (]
b29e608 Whitespace fixup in ext/debian/puppetmaster-passenger.postinst [Matthaus Owens (]
64fc465 Fix two spec tests to be robust when running in a path with parens [Kylo Ginsberg (]
fea22be Update PUPPETVERSION to 3.6.0 [Iristyle (Iristyle@github)]
** (PUP-2010)
d57c601 have test repos pushed to hosts during acceptance testing [Alice Nodelman (]
** (PUP-2339)
4ec61ee Modify $GEM_SOURCE for CI bootstrap [Roger Ignazio (]
** (PUP-2395)
af23bb3 Update puppetmaster-passenger postinst for passenger 4 [Matthaus Owens (]
f1e7f67 Refactor puppetmaster-postinst sed calls [Matthaus Owens (]
89c4e12 Update puppetmaster-passenger for httpd 2.4 [Matthaus Owens (]
d4551d4 Add apache2 dependency to puppetmaster-passenger [Matthaus Owens (]
** (PUP-2484)
af201c9 Ensure that Modulefile dependencies are properly serialized. [Pieter van de Bruggen (]
b56776c Revert to merging Modulefile and metadata.json in PMT build. [Pieter van de Bruggen (]
** (PUP-2561)
66c7ec9 Fix spec test on windows [Kylo Ginsberg (]
be37df4 Remove the now obsolete ‘mode’ argument to ::execpipe. [Pieter van de Bruggen (]
02ba25f Revert to using UNIX pipes in PMT’s tar operations. [Pieter van de Bruggen (]
** (PUP-2562)
fdcf466 Remove uses of unsupported range syntax from Semantic. [Pieter van de Bruggen (]
c906676 Remove uses of unsupported range syntax in PMT. [Pieter van de Bruggen (]
(PUP-1060) - merged into master at
prior to merge into stable
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