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Created February 12, 2018 02:12
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Install Puppet via MSI using CLI parameters
$hostname = [Net.Dns]::GetHostName()
function Install-Puppet($opts)
$params = @('/qn', '/i', 'pkg\puppet-agent.msi', '/l*v', 'install.log')
if ($opts.Account) { $params += "PUPPET_AGENT_ACCOUNT_USER=`"$($opts.Account)`"" }
if ($opts.Domain) { $params += "PUPPET_AGENT_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN=`"$($opts.Domain)`"" }
if ($opts.Password) { $params += "PUPPET_AGENT_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD=`"$($opts.Password)`"" }
if ($opts.Startup) { $params += "PUPPET_AGENT_STARTUP_MODE=`"$($opts.Startup)`"" }
Write-Host "`nInstalling Puppet Agent with $params"
$process = Start-Process 'msiexec' -ArgumentList $params -Wait -PassThru
if ($process.ExitCode -ne 0)
Write-Error "Puppet Agent failed to install with : $($process.ExitCode)"
return $process.ExitCode
# Automatic is returned as Auto from WMI
$expectedMode = $opts.Startup
if (!$expectedMode -or $expectedMode -eq 'Automatic') { $expectedMode = 'Auto' }
$expectedState = 'Stopped'
if ($expectedMode -eq 'Auto') { $expectedState = 'Running' }
$expectedUser = if ($opts.Account) { $opts.Account } else { 'LocalSystem' }
$expectedDomain = if ($opts.Domain) { $opts.Domain } else { '.' }
if (@('.', $hostname) -contains $expectedDomain)
if (@('LocalService', 'NetworkService') -contains $expectedUser)
{ $expectedUser = "NT AUTHORITY\$expectedUser" }
elseif ('LocalSystem' -ne $expectedUser)
{ $expectedUser = ".\$expectedUser" }
$expectedUser = "$expectedDomain\$expectedUser"
Write-Host "Verifying service user $expectedUser / state $expectedState / startup $expectedMode"
$puppet = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -Filter 'Name = "Puppet"'
if (!$puppet)
Write-Error 'Puppet service not installed!'
return 1
if ($puppet.StartMode -ne $expectedMode)
Write-Error "Puppet service mode [$($puppet.StartMode)] does not match requested [$expectedMode]"
return 1
if ($puppet.State -ne $expectedState)
Write-Error "Puppet service state [$($puppet.State)] does not match requested [$expectedState]"
return 1
# local user accounts get prefixed with the . -- unless LocalService, LocalSystem, NetworkService
if ($puppet.StartName -ne $expectedUser)
Write-Error "Puppet user [$($puppet.StartName)] does not match requested [$expectedUser]"
return 1
Write-Host 'Verified successfully'
Write-Host "Successfully installed Puppet with $params" -ForegroundColor Green
return 0
function Uninstall-Puppet
Write-Host 'Uninstalling Puppet'
$uninst = @('/qn', '/x', 'pkg\puppet-agent.msi')
$process = Start-Process 'msiexec' -ArgumentList $uninst -Wait -PassThru
if ($process.ExitCode -ne 0)
Write-Error "Puppet Agent failed to uninstall with : $($process.ExitCode)"
return $process.ExitCode
@{ Account = 'LocalSystem' },
@{ Domain = '.'; Account = 'LocalSystem' },
@{ Domain = $hostname; Account = 'LocalSystem' },
@{ Domain = $hostname; Account = 'LocalSystem'; Startup = 'Manual' },
@{ Domain = $hostname; Account = 'LocalSystem'; Startup = 'Disabled' },
@{ Domain = $hostname; Account = 'LocalSystem'; Startup = 'Automatic' },
@{ Account = 'vagrant'; Password = 'vagrant' },
@{ Domain = $hostname; Account = 'vagrant'; Password = 'vagrant' },
@{ Account = 'LocalService' },
@{ Domain = '.'; Account = 'LocalService' },
@{ Account = 'NetworkService' },
@{ Domain = '.'; Account = 'NetworkService' }
@{ Domain = 'NT Authority'; Account = 'NetworkService' }
) |
% {
$exitCode = Install-Puppet $_
$exitCode = Uninstall-Puppet
if ($exitCode -ne 0) { exit $exitCode }
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