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Last active May 22, 2020 21:18
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Save Iristyle/2769d150f1416dad26d0419f967d7ca7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Search APKs for string
# this assumes you've already connected to the target device with
# adb connect 192.168.X.X
# grab all the APKS off the device to local machine
# based on
# this works for firetv stick 4k, but didn't work on a slightly older device for some reason
# for i in $(adb shell pm list packages | awk -F':' '{print $2}'); do adb pull "$(adb shell pm path $i | awk -F':' '{print $2}')"; mv base.apk $i.apk 2&> /dev/null ;done
# use -f to grab path along with app and split it out in the loop
# additionally -3 lists only separately installed packages
# adb shell pm list packages -f -3
for i in $(adb shell pm list packages -f | awk -F':' '{print $2}'); do file=$(echo $i | cut -d '=' -f 1); app=$(echo $i | cut -d '=' -f 2); echo "pulling $file for $app"; adb pull "$file"; mv base.apk $app.apk 2&> /dev/null ;done
# fast search inside apks using ripgrep
for file in *.apk; do rg --search-zip "$search_term" "$file" && echo "$file"; done
# not quite as fast search
# for file in *.apk; do unzip -c "$file" | grep "$search_term" && echo "$file"; done
# slower search inside apks will list individual files in the apk
for file in *.apk; do zipgrep "$search_term" "$file" && echo "$file"; done
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In this case trying to find where is coming from. Have already installed a handful of apps (which I may reinstall now) after the search came up with the NBC app:

resources.arsc:Binary file (standard input) matches
classes.dex:Binary file (standard input) matches
classes3.dex:Binary file (standard input) matches

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