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Created September 26, 2012 17:29
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A PowerShell script that emits Nagios compatible output when asked max number of processes running (over a certain amount of time) - use with NSClient++
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
[ValidateRange(0, 1000)]
$MaxWarn = 1,
[ValidateRange(0, 1000)]
$MaxCritical = 0
Function ProcessesExceeding
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
Get-Process |
? { $_.Name -eq $ProcessName -and `
((New-TimeSpan $_.StartTime) -gt $MaximumRunTime) } |
% {
$params = @{
InputObject = $_;
MemberType = 'NoteProperty';
Name = 'TotalMinutesRunning';
Value = ((New-TimeSpan $_.StartTime).TotalMinutes);
PassThru = $true;
Add-Member @params
$parsedTime = [TimeSpan]::Parse($TimeSpan)
$procs = ProcessesExceeding $Process $parsedTime
$running = if ($null -eq $procs) { 0 }
else { $procs.Length }
$averageRuntime = if ($null -eq $procs) { 0 }
$procs |
Measure-Object TotalMinutesRunning -Average |
% { [Math]::Round($_.Average, 2) }
$status = if ($running -ge $MaxCritical) { "Critical" }
elseif ($running -ge $MaxWarn) { "Warning" }
else {"OK" }
Write-Host ("${status}: Processes Running More Than ${parsedTime}: $running|" +
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