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Last active September 14, 2018 21:29
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Docker / LCOW helpers for Windows
function Get-DockerConfigFilePath
$path = "${ENV:ALLUSERSPROFILE}\docker\config\daemon.json"
# retrieve the path to daemon.json from docker service config, if present
sc.exe qc docker |
? { $_ -match 'BINARY_PATH_NAME\s*:\s*(.*)' } |
? { $_ -match '--config-file\s*(.*daemon\.json)' }
# found BINARY_PATH_NAME which contains --config-file *AND* file exists
if (($Matches.Count -gt 0) -and ((Test-Path -Path $Matches[1]) -eq $True))
$path = $Matches[1]
Write-Host "Config file path: $path"
return $path
function Get-DockerConfig
$json = '{}'
$configFilePath = Get-DockerConfigFilePath
if (Test-Path $configFilePath)
$json = Get-Content $configFilePath
Write-Host "Existing config:`n`n$json`n`n"
return ($json | ConvertFrom-Json)
function Set-DockerConfig($hash)
$configFilePath = Get-DockerConfigFilePath
$utf8NoBom = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding $False
# making sure to write a UTF-8 file with NO BOM
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($configFilePath, ($hash | ConvertTo-Json), $utf8NoBom)
Write-Host "Updated config file:`n`n$(Get-Content $configFilePath)`n`n"
function Enable-DockerExperimental
$config = Get-DockerConfig
if (-not $config.PSObject.Properties.Match('experimental'))
$config.experimental = $True
$config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'experimental' -Value $True
Set-DockerConfig $config
Push-Location $Env:Temp
# upgrade the docker engine with experimental LCOW support
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile
# Appveyor has the engine installed to C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\dockerd.exe
Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath . -Force
$dockerHome = "$Env:ProgramFiles\Docker\"
Stop-Service docker
Copy-Item .\docker\* $dockerHome
Start-Service docker
docker version
docker info
# run alpine to make sure Linux containers are working
docker run alpine
# acquire and build linuxkit from fork
go get -v -u
# validate it was built and in path
& linuxkit.exe version
# clone the LCOW source and build the image with linuxkit
git clone
Push-Location lcow
& linuxkit.exe build lcow.yml
# move the LCOW VM into the expected location
$containerHome = "$Env:ProgramFiles\Linux Containers"
New-Item $containerHome -Type Directory -Force
Copy-Item .\lcow-initrd.img "$containerHome\initrd.img"
Copy-Item .\lcow-kernel "$containerHome\kernel"
# server doesn't require registration as experimental as its already setup that way
# re-register the service
# & $dockerHome\dockerd.exe --register-service --experimental
Start-Service docker
# runs a registry on
function Start-DockerRegistry
docker pull registry:2
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
# runs a registry on top of Windows Nano Server
# requires LCOW on to test puppetserver and run this Windows container
function Start-DockerRegistryWindows
# Run the registry container
New-Item -Type Directory c:\registry
docker pull stefanscherer/registry-windows:2.6.2
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry -v C:\registry:C:\registry stefanscherer/registry-windows:2.6.2
function Add-UntrustedDockerRegistry($Address)
$config = Get-DockerConfig
# Reconfigure the docker daemon to use the registry untrusted
# add the tcp listener on loopback for docker-api gem
# $config.hosts += 'tcp://'
if (-not $config.ContainsKey('insecure-registries'))
$config.'insecure-registries' = @()
$config.'insecure-registries' += @("")
Set-DockerConfig $config
Add-UntrustedDockerRegistry -Address ''
# Restart service for configuration to take effect
Restart-Service docker
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