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Created April 28, 2017 15:44
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GTk Haskell App
goApp :: App n -> IO n
goApp init = evalStateT (runApp init) initAppState
scheduleGTKStuff :: IO () -> IO ()
scheduleGTKStuff action = do
void $ Gdk.threadsAddIdle GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT $ do
return False
uiGo :: IO ()
uiGo = do
guiChannel <- atomically $ newTChan
renderChannel <- atomically $ newTChan
mainRenderer <- initializeMainWindow (guiChannel)
race_ Gtk.main (race_
(renderLoop mainRenderer (renderChannel))
(goApp $ dispatchLoop (guiChannel,renderChannel) ) )
renderLoop ::(GUIState -> IO ()) -> (TChan GUIState) -> IO ()
renderLoop mf recv =
forever $ do
(atomically . readTChan $ recv) >>= (\n -> scheduleGTKStuff $ (mf n) )
dispatchLoop :: (TChan AppSignal, TChan GUIState) -> App ()
dispatchLoop (recv,snd) = do
event <- liftIO $ atomically . readTChan $ recv
case event of
MainQuit -> return ()
SignalEmpty -> do
(gets _renderState) >>= (liftIO . atomically . writeTChan snd)
dispatchLoop (recv,snd)
EditorBuffer cntxt txt -> do
modify (replaceEdText cntxt txt)
{- Etc .. Everything here works basically the same way, updates the
state, does some IO side effects, and then pushes the updated state to the TChan
initializeMainWindow :: (TChan AppSignal) -> IO (GUIState -> IO ())
initializeMainWindow bucket = do
Gtk.init Nothing
win <- new Gtk.Window [ #title := "Message Parser"
, #resizable := False
, #defaultWidth := 800
, #defaultHeight := 725 ]
aGrid <- new Gtk.Grid []
(messageNav,messageNavRender') <- createmessageNavigator bucket
(qedWin, qedWinRender') <- quEdWindow bucket
(filWin, fiWinRender') <- fiEdWindow bucket
(xfWin, xfWinRender') <- xfEdWindow bucket
(sideMenu, sideMenuRender' ) <- createSideMenu win qedWin filWin xfWin bucket
(progressRender) <- inProgressPane win
let sideMenuRender = sideMenuRender' . _viewVecStatus . _viewerState
qedWinRender = qedWinRender' . _edState
fiWinRender = fiWinRender' . _edState
xfWinRender = xfWinRender' . _edState
messageNavRender = messageNavRender' . _viewerState
Gtk.gridAttach aGrid messageNav 0 0 4 4
Gtk.gridAttach aGrid sideMenu 4 0 1 4
#add win aGrid
on qedWin #deleteEvent (return . #hideOnDelete $ qedWin)
on filWin #deleteEvent (return . #hideOnDelete $ filWin)
on xfWin #deleteEvent (return . #hideOnDelete $ xfWin)
on win #destroy (mainWindowDismiss bucket) --invokes Gtk.mainQuit via TChan signal handler
#showAll win
return (sequence_ . (<*>) [progressRender,sideMenuRender,qedWinRender,fiWinRender,xfWinRender,messageNavRender] . pure)
{- and lots of other widgets.
Basically every collection of widgets
returns an update handler to update it based on the part
of the state object that it cares about. They are all pretty similar in basic structure.
To write back to the dispatch loop, functions such as the below are registered to the
Gtk event handlers
processEdBuff :: (TChan AppSignal) -> EditorContext -> Gtk.TextBuffer -> IO ()
processEdBuff snd cntxt buff = do
(s,e) <- Gtk.textBufferGetBounds buff
txt <- Gtk.textBufferGetText buff s e False
atomically $ writeTChan snd (EditorBuffer cntxt txt)
mainWindowDismiss :: (TChan AppSignal) -> IO ()
mainWindowDismiss snd = do
atomically $ writeTChan snd MainQuit
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