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Created January 4, 2018 01:02
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Conway's Game of Life via Python Coroutines / Generators
# Conway's Game of Life via Python coroutines
# Inspired by
from enum import Enum
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import islice, count, product, chain, repeat, accumulate, starmap
from functools import partial, lru_cache
from time import sleep
import operator as op
memoize = partial(lru_cache, maxsize=None)
class CellStates(Enum):
Dead = 'Dead'
Live = 'Live'
def __str__(self):
if self is CellStates.Dead: return '.'
if self is CellStates.Live: return 'O'
raise TypeError('Not a CellState: {!r}'.format(self))
_Position = namedtuple('Position', ('x', 'y'))
class Position(_Position):
def __add__(l, r):
return Pos(l.x + r.x, l.y + r.y)
def __sub__(l, r):
return Pos(l.x - r.x, l.y - r.y)
def __mul__(l, r):
return Pos(l.x * r.x, l.y * r.y)
def __mod__(self, bounds):
if self.x >= 0 and self.x < bounds.x and self.y >= 0 and self.y < bounds.y: return self
return Pos(self.x % bounds.x, self.y % bounds.y)
# Position factory protocol
def Pos(*args, **kwargs):
if args and not kwargs and isinstance(args[0], Position): return args[0]
return Position(*args, **kwargs)
# Game Events
NeighborPopulation = namedtuple('NeighborPopulation', ('position'))
QueryCell = namedtuple('QueryCell', ('position'))
NextCellState = namedtuple('NextCellState', ('position', 'state'))
NextGameState = namedtuple('NextGameState', ())
# The eight cells adjacent to Position(0, 0)
NEIGHBOR_OFFSETS = tuple(Pos(*coords) for coords in product(range(-1, 2), repeat=2) if coords != (0, 0))
def neighbor_cache(bounds):
'Returns a memoized function for looking up neighboring cell positions'
return memoize()(lambda position: tuple(position + offset for offset in NEIGHBOR_OFFSETS))
class GameState:
'A single frame of simulation state'
def __init__(self, *, width, height, populate=()):
self.bounds = Pos(width, height)
self.position = memoize()(lambda position: position % self.bounds)
self._positions = tuple(Pos(x, y) for y, x in product(range(height), range(width)))
self._population = set(map(self.position, populate))
def height(self):
return self.bounds.y
def width(self):
return self.bounds.x
def get_cell(self, Pos):
Pos = self.position(Pos)
return CellStates.Live if Pos in self._population else CellStates.Dead
def set_cell(self, Pos, state):
Pos = self.position(Pos)
if state is CellStates.Live: self._population.add(Pos)
elif state is CellStates.Dead: self._population.discard(Pos)
else: raise TypeError('Not a CellState: {!r}'.format(state))
return self
def rows(self):
cells = map(self.get_cell, self._positions)
for _ in range(self.height):
yield islice(cells, self.width)
def new_blank(self):
return self.__class__(width=self.width, height=self.height)
def __str__(self):
return "\n".join(''.join(map(str, row)) for row in self.rows())
# Simulation support
def advance_game_state(game_state, bus):
neighbors_of = neighbor_cache(game_state.bounds)
get_state = memoize()(lambda position: game_state.get_cell(position))
next_state = game_state.new_blank()
event = next(bus)
while True:
if isinstance(event, NeighborPopulation):
states = [get_state(p) for p in neighbors_of(event.position)]
event = bus.send(states.count(CellStates.Live))
elif isinstance(event, QueryCell):
event = bus.send(get_state(event.position))
elif isinstance(event, NextCellState):
if event.state == CellStates.Live:
next_state.set_cell(event.position, event.state)
event = next(bus)
elif isinstance(event, NextGameState):
return next_state
raise Exception('Unknown game event {!r}'.format(event))
def game_event_bus(height, width):
while True:
for y, x in product(range(height), range(width)):
yield from visit_cell(Pos(x, y))
yield NextGameState()
def visit_cell(position):
state = yield QueryCell(position)
population = yield NeighborPopulation(position)
next_state = next_cell_state(state, population)
yield NextCellState(position=position, state=next_state)
def next_cell_state(state, population):
if state is CellStates.Live and (population < 2 or population > 3): return CellStates.Dead
if state is CellStates.Dead and population == 3: return CellStates.Live
return state
def game_frames(game_state):
bus = game_event_bus(game_state.height, game_state.width)
yield game_state
while True:
game_state = advance_game_state(game_state, bus)
yield game_state
# Patterns
def glider():
'Basic glider pattern'
return [
def glider_line(n):
'A line of n gliders'
seq = pattern_sequence(glider())
seq = seq if n is None else islice(seq, n)
return chain.from_iterable(seq)
def glider_mess():
'Some gliders going in different directions'
return chain(
shift(invert(glider()), Pos(11, 11)),
shift(mirror(glider()), Pos(17, 17))
# Pattern transforms
def pattern_sequence(pattern, fn=None):
'iterate over a cumulative transform of the given pattern'
if fn is None:
interval = Pos(1, 1) + pattern_bounds(pattern)
fn = partial(shift, offset=interval)
pattern = list(pattern)
while True:
yield pattern
pattern = fn(pattern)
def pattern_bounds(pattern):
'Dimensions of the given pattern'
pattern = list(pattern)
if len(pattern) == 0: return Pos(0, 0)
xs = list(map(lambda p: p.x, pattern))
ys = list(map(lambda p: p.y, pattern))
return Pos(1 + max(xs) - min(xs), 1 + max(ys) - min(ys))
def shift(pattern, offset):
'Move the pattern'
return [p + offset for p in pattern]
def mirror(pattern):
'Flip the pattern horizontally'
return [p * Pos(-1, 1) for p in pattern]
def invert(pattern):
'Flip the pattern vertically'
return [p * Pos(1, -1) for p in pattern]
# Throw the switch!
def new_game_state():
return GameState(width=60, height=30, populate=glider_mess())
# return GameState(width=60, height=30, populate=glider_line(n=5))
def run():
for game_state in game_frames(new_game_state()):
print(game_state, end='\n\n')
if __name__ == "__main__": run()
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