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Created March 7, 2013 19:59
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# *--------------------------------------------------------------------
# | FUNCTION: visCorrel
# | Creates an MDS plot where the distance between variables represents
# | correlation between the variables (closer=more correlated)
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Version |Date |Programmer |Details of Change
# | 01 |05/01/2012|Simon Raper |first version.
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------
# | INPUTS: dataset A dataframe containing only the explanatory
# | variables. It should not contain missing
# | values or variables where there is no
# | variation
# | abr The number of characters used when
# | abbreviating the variables. If set to zero
# | there is no abbreviation
# | method The options are 'metric' or 'ordinal'. The
# | default is metric
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------
# | OUTPUTS: graph An MDS plot where the similarity measure is
# | correlation between the variables.
# |
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------
# | USAGE: vis_correl(dataset,
# | abr)
# |
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------
# | DEPENDS: ggplot2, directlabels
# |
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------
# | NOTES: For more information about MDS please see
# |
# |
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------
visCorrel<-function(dataset, abr, method="metric"){
#Create correlation matrix
# Create dissimilarities
ones<-matrix(rep(1,n^2), nrow=n)
# Do MDS
if ( method=="ordinal"){
fit <- isoMDS(dis_ts, k=2)$points
} else {
cmd.res <- cmdscale(dis_ts, k=2, eig=TRUE)
print(paste("Proportion of squared distances represented:", round(prop*100)))
if(prop<0.5){print("Less than 50% of squared distance is represented. Consider using ordinal scaling instead")}
x <- fit[,1]
y <- fit[,2]
if (abr>0){labels<-substr(labels,1,abr)}
mds_plot<-data.frame(labels, x, y)
#Plot the results
g<-ggplot(mds_plot, aes(x=x, y=y, colour=labels, main="MDS Plot of Correlations"))+geom_point() + coord_fixed()+ opts(title ="MDS Plot of Correlations")
direct.label(g, first.qp)
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Examples
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------
# visCorrel(midwest[,4:27],10, method="classical")
# visCorrel(midwest[,4:27],10, method="ordinal")
# visCorrel(Crime[,-c(1,2,11,12)],10)
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