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Last active January 26, 2018 16:45
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How to Track Gmail Messages with Google Analytics modified for Universal Analytics tracking. You will need to copy this spreadsheet and then open Tools > Script Editor to replace the existing code or simply add the /* Universal Analytics Tracking */ part
Email Tracking with Google Analytics
Written by Amit Agarwal on 09/24/2013
YouTube :
Support :
Modified for Universal Analytics tracking
function onOpen() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var menu = [
{name: "Initialize", functionName: "reset"},
{name: "Send Mail", functionName: "launch"}
ss.addMenu("Email Tracker", menu);
ss.toast("Please click the Email Tracker menu above to continue..", "", 5);
function reset() {
function launch() {
var threads ='in:draft', 0, 10);
if (threads.length === 0) {
Browser.msgBox("We found no templates in Gmail. Please write a draft message in your Gmail mailbox to continue.");
var myapp = UiApp.createApplication().setTitle('Email Tracker').setHeight(160).setWidth(300);
var top_panel = myapp.createFlowPanel();
top_panel.add(myapp.createLabel("Please select a draft message"));
var lb = myapp.createListBox(false).setWidth(250).setName('templates').addItem("Select draft...").setVisibleItemCount(1);
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
lb.addItem((i+1)+'- '+threads[i].getFirstMessageSubject().substr(0, 40));
// top_panel.add(myapp.createLabel("").setHeight(10));
// top_panel.add(myapp.createLabel("Please enter your Analytics Profile ID"));
var name_box = myapp.createTextBox().setName("name").setWidth(250);
var ok_btn = myapp.createButton("Send Mail");
var handler = myapp.createServerClickHandler('sendMail').addCallbackElement(lb).addCallbackElement(name_box);
function sendMail(e) {
var draft ="in:drafts")[(parseInt(e.parameter.templates.substr(0, 2))-1)].getMessages()[0];
var email = draft.getBody();
var attachments = draft.getAttachments();
var to = draft.getTo();
var cc = draft.getCc();
var bcc = draft.getBcc();
var subject = draft.getSubject();
var id = draft.getId();
var regMessageId = new RegExp(id, "g");
if (email.match(regMessageId) != null) {
var inlineImages = {};
var nbrOfImg = email.match(regMessageId).length;
var imgVars = email.match(/<img[^>]+>/g);
var imgToReplace = [];
for (var i = 0; i < imgVars.length; i++) {
if (imgVars[i].search(regMessageId) != -1) {
var id = imgVars[i].match(/Inline\simages?\s(\d)/);
imgToReplace.push([parseInt(id[1]), imgVars[i]]);
imgToReplace.sort(function (a, b) {
return a[0] - b[0];
for (var i = 0; i < imgToReplace.length; i++) {
var attId = (attachments.length - nbrOfImg) + i;
var title = 'inlineImages' + i;
inlineImages[title] = attachments[attId].copyBlob().setName(title);
attachments.splice(attId, 1);
var newImg = imgToReplace[i][1].replace(/src="[^\"]+\"/, "src=\"cid:" + title + "\"");
email = email.replace(imgToReplace[i][1], newImg);
var trackingGIF = getTrackingGIF(, to, subject);
email = email + "<img src='" + trackingGIF + "' width='1' height='1'/>";
GmailApp.sendEmail(to, subject, email, {attachments: attachments, htmlBody: email, cc: cc, bcc: bcc, inlineImages: inlineImages});
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
return app;
function getTrackingGIF(account, email, subject) {
try {
/* Google Analytics Account ID like UA-1234-56 */
/* I will put it in by hand instead of typing all the type */
var utmac = "UA-XXXX-Y";
/* Random ID to prevent browser caching */
var utmn = (Math.round((new Date()).getTime()/1000)).toString();
/* Relative path of the Web Page to be tracked */
// var utmp = "/inbox/" + email.replace("@", ".");
/* Universal Analytics Tracking */
var request_UA = ""
+"v=1" + "&"
+"tid=" + utmac +"&"
+"cid=1" + "&"
+"t=event" + "&"
+"ec=email" + "&"
+"ea=open" + "&"
+"el=" + subject + "&"
+"cs=email" + "&"
+"cm=email" + "&" ;
// +"CD1=" + email; // store the email as a Custom Dimension. BEWARE : Not fine by GA!
return request_UA;
catch(e) {
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