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protocol CollectionItemsViewModelDependencyManager {
var dependencies: [ViewDependency] { get }
func mapModelTypeNameToIdentifier(_ fullTypeName: String) -> String
func reuseIdentifier(for model: CollectionItemViewModel) -> String
func resolveIdentifier(forModelTypeUsingUnusualNaming fullTypeName: String) -> String
extension CollectionItemsViewModelDependencyManager {
func reuseIdentifier(for model: CollectionItemViewModel) -> String {
let typeName = String(describing: type(of: model))
return mapModelTypeNameToIdentifier(typeName)
func mapModelTypeNameToIdentifier(_ fullTypeName: String) -> String {
guard fullTypeName.hasSuffix("Model") else {
return resolveIdentifier(forModelTypeUsingUnusualNaming: fullTypeName)
let typeName = String(fullTypeName.split(separator: ".").last!)
let modelTailTrimmedName = typeName.dropLast(5)
return String(modelTailTrimmedName)
struct ViewDependency: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
typealias StringLiteralType = String
var nibName: String
var identifier: String
var classType: AnyClass
var withNib = true
var isCell = true
var kind = ""
init(stringLiteral value: String) {
classType = swiftClassFromString(value)!
identifier = value
nibName = value
withNib = false
protocol ViewRepresentable: ViewModelTypeErasedViewRepresentable {
associatedtype ViewModelType: ViewModel
var model: ViewModelType! { get set }
func bindWithModel()
protocol ViewModelTypeErasedViewRepresentable: class {
var typeErasedViewModel: ViewModel? { get set }
extension ViewRepresentable {
var typeErasedViewModel: ViewModel? {
get {
set {
model = (newValue as! Self.ViewModelType)
extension ViewRepresentable {
func setupViewModel() {
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