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IsakUlstrup/.elm Secret

Last active April 9, 2021 10:07
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module Ecs exposing
( Component
, ComponentId
, Entity
, World
, addComponent
, addEntity
, emptyWorld
, getEntityComponents
, removeComponent
, removeEntity
type alias World data =
{ entities : List Entity
, components : List (Component data)
, systems : List (System data)
, idCounter : Int
type alias Entity =
type alias ComponentId =
type alias Component data =
{ id : ComponentId
, parent : Entity
, enabled : Bool
, data : data
type alias System data =
List (Component data) -> List (Component data)
emptyWorld : World data
emptyWorld =
World [] [] [] 0
getNewId : World data -> Int
getNewId world =
world.idCounter + 1
addComponent : data -> Entity -> World data -> World data
addComponent componentData parent world =
id =
getNewId world
{ world
| components = Component id parent True componentData :: world.components
, idCounter = id
removeComponent : ComponentId -> World data -> World data
removeComponent componentId world =
{ world | components = List.filter (\c -> /= componentId) world.components }
addEntity : World data -> World data
addEntity world =
id =
getNewId world
{ world
| entities = id :: world.entities
, idCounter = id
removeEntity : Entity -> World data -> World data
removeEntity entity world =
{ world
| entities = List.filter (\e -> e /= entity) world.entities
, components = List.filter (\c -> c.parent /= entity) world.components
getEntityComponents : Entity -> World data -> List (Component data)
getEntityComponents entity world =
|> List.filter (\c -> c.parent == entity)
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