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Last active September 15, 2023 08:53
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Angular Vs React Vs Vue




  • npm install -g @angular/cli
  • ng new angular-counter-app
  • ng serve



  • npm create-reac-app react-counter-app
  • npm start



  • npm install -g @vue/cli
  • vue create vue-counter-app
  • npm run serve

Angular by default runs at Port:4200

  • It works with interacting with html file seperately unlike your React or vue
  • Material UI was first launched for Angular and most famous is PrimeNg
  • Build Size => 151KB
  • State management in Angular => @Input/@Output properties / or within the component
  • State management library Example => ngrx

React by default runs on PORT:3000

  • It works on JSX so no html and css you can create other file .
  • Build Size => 500KB
  • State management in React => Hooks , Redux , Context
  • State management library Example => Redux

Vue by default runs at Port:8080

  • It has nothing like a seperate file all the data and styling and functionality goes inside .vue file
  • Build Size => 600KB
  • State management in Vue => data { } within the component
  • State management library Example => vuex


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