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Created November 18, 2017 01:15
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import numpy as np
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mcl import Environment, MCL, Agent
def particle_weight(particle_observation, agent_observation):
return 1 if particle_observation == agent_observation else 0
class Drawer(object):
def __init__(self, ax,
range_, doors, initial_location, controls,
uncertaintity, covariance_ratio):
environment = Environment(range_, doors, uncertaintity)
self.mcl = MCL(range_, n_particles,
environment.observe, particle_weight,
self.agent = Agent(range_, initial_location, environment.observe)
self.agent_scatter = ax.scatter([], [])
self.particle_vlines = []
for i in range(n_particles):
vline = ax.axvline(ymin=0.2, ymax=0.8, color="cyan")
ax.set_ylim([-0.2, 1.2])
self.controls = controls
xs = np.linspace(*range_, 200)
doors = [1 if environment.is_door(x) else None for x in xs]
self.door_lines = ax.plot(xs, doors, linewidth=6, color="r")
def init(self):
self.agent_scatter.set_offsets(np.c_[self.agent.location, 0])
for x, vline in zip(self.mcl.particles, self.particle_vlines):
return self.particle_vlines + [self.agent_scatter]
def __call__(self, i):
control = self.controls[i]
noise = np.random.normal(0, 0.3)
self.agent.move(control + noise)
particles = self.mcl.update_particles(control, self.agent.observation())
self.agent_scatter.set_offsets(np.c_[self.agent.location, 0])
for x, vline in zip(particles, self.particle_vlines):
return self.particle_vlines + [self.agent_scatter]
n_particles = 400
range_ = [-4, 24]
doors = [[-2, -1], [3, 5], [8, 12], [18, 22]]
initial_location = 2
uncertaintity = 0.05
covariance_ratio = 0.08
controls = [2, 5, -2, 1, 0, -3, -5, -2, 4, 2, 7, -3, -3, -4]
controls = np.vstack((controls, controls)).flatten()
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
drawer = Drawer(ax, range_, doors, initial_location, controls,
uncertaintity, covariance_ratio)
animation = FuncAnimation(
fig, drawer,
)"mcl.mp4", dpi=400)
import numpy as np
class Environment(object):
"""The goal is to estimate the precise location of the agent"""
def __init__(self, range_, doors, uncertaintity):
assert(0 <= uncertaintity < 1)
self.range = range_
self.doors = doors
self.uncertaintity = uncertaintity
def observe(self, location):
observation = self.is_door(location)
if np.random.random() < self.uncertaintity:
# sometimes returns incorrect observation because of uncertaintity
return 1 - observation
return observation
def is_door(self, location):
for begin, end in self.doors:
if begin <= location <= end:
return 1
return 0
class Agent(object):
"""Agent holding the true state"""
def __init__(self, range_, initial_location, observer):
self.location_ = initial_location
self.range = range_
self.observe = observer
def location(self):
return self.location_
def observation(self):
return self.observe(self.location_)
def move(self, control):
"""Update the agent location"""
self.location_ = keep_in_range(self.location_ + control, self.range)
def keep_in_range(value, range_):
"""Keep particles or agent within the map"""
return np.clip(value, *range_)
class MCL(object):
def __init__(self, range_, n_particles, observer, particle_weight,
self.range = range_
self.observe = observer
self.particles = np.random.uniform(*self.range, n_particles)
self.particle_weight = particle_weight
self.covariance_ratio = covariance_ratio
def motion_update(self, particles, control):
covariance = np.abs(control) * self.covariance_ratio
particles += np.random.normal(control, covariance, len(particles))
return keep_in_range(particles, self.range)
def update_particles(self, control, agent_observation):
particles = self.particles
n_particles = len(particles)
particles = self.motion_update(particles, control)
weights = np.empty(n_particles)
for i, x in enumerate(particles):
weights[i] = self.particle_weight(
self.observe(x), # particle observation
if weights.sum() == 0:
weights = np.ones(n_particles)
weights = weights / weights.sum()
particles = np.random.choice(particles, n_particles, p=weights)
self.particles = particles
return particles
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal
import unittest
from mcl import Environment, Agent, MCL
class TestEnvironment(unittest.TestCase):
def test_observe(self):
environment = Environment(
range_=[-1, 5],
doors=[[0, 2], [4, 5]],
self.assertEqual(environment.observe(-1), 0)
self.assertEqual(environment.observe(0), 1)
self.assertEqual(environment.observe(3), 0)
self.assertEqual(environment.observe(5), 1)
class TestAgent(unittest.TestCase):
def test_move(self):
agent = Agent(
range_=[-1, 5],
self.assertEqual(agent.location, 4)
# clipped to be kept within the range
self.assertEqual(agent.location, 5)
self.assertEqual(agent.location, 1)
# clipped to be kept within the range
self.assertEqual(agent.location, -1)
def test_observation(self):
environment = Environment(
range_=[-1, 5],
doors=[[0, 2], [4, 5]],
agent = Agent(
range_=[-1, 5],
agent.move(1) # agent is at 4 where a wall stands
self.assertEqual(agent.observation(), 1)
agent.move(-1) # agent is at 4 where no wall stands
self.assertEqual(agent.observation(), 0)
class TestMCL(unittest.TestCase):
def test_motion_update(self):
environment = Environment(
range_=[-1, 5],
doors=[[0, 2], [4, 5]],
mcl = MCL(
range_=[-1, 5],
particles = np.array([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=np.float64)
particles = mcl.motion_update(particles, -2)
assert_array_equal(particles, [-1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3])
particles = np.array([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=np.float64)
particles = mcl.motion_update(particles, 2)
assert_array_equal(particles, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5])
def test_update_particles(self):
particle_weight = lambda a, b: 1 if a == b else 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
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