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Last active September 27, 2017 17:01
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using PyPlot
using PyCall
PyDict(pyimport("matplotlib")["rcParams"])["font.size"] = 18
f(x, y) = -3sin(10*x) / exp(x+y^2)
pattern = 2
if pattern == 1
f(x, y) = x + y
g(x) = 2e^x - x - 1
x₀, xₑ = 0, 10
y₀ = 1
elseif pattern == 2
f(x, y) = y / 2x
g(x) = sqrt(x)
x₀, xₑ = 1, 10
y₀ = 1
h = 0.01
fig = figure(figsize = (10, 10))
ax1 = fig[:add_subplot](1, 1, 1)
xs, ys_euler = euler_method(f, x₀, xₑ, y₀, h)
ax1[:plot](xs, ys_euler, label="Euler", linestyle="dotted")
xs, ys_modified_euler = modified_euler_method(f, x₀, xₑ, y₀, h)
ax1[:plot](xs, ys_modified_euler, label="Modified Euler", linestyle="dashed")
xs, ys_runge_kutta = runge_kutta_method(f, x₀, xₑ, y₀, h)
ax1[:plot](xs, ys_runge_kutta, label="Runge Kutta", linestyle="dashdot")
xs = x₀:h:xₑ
ys_ground_truth = g.(xs)
ax1[:plot](xs, ys_ground_truth, label="Ground truth", linestyle="solid")
ax2 = fig[:add_subplot](1, 1, 1)
ax2[:plot](xs, abs.(ys_ground_truth - ys_euler), label="Euler")
ax2[:plot](xs, abs.(ys_ground_truth - ys_modified_euler), label="Modified Euler")
ax2[:plot](xs, abs.(ys_ground_truth - ys_runge_kutta), label="Runge Kutta")
mse(ys) = sum((ys_ground_truth - ys) .^ 2) / length(ys)
println("pattern $pattern, h = $h")
println("MSE Euler : $(mse(ys_euler))")
println("MSE Modified Euler : $(mse(ys_modified_euler))")
println("MSE Runge Kutta : $(mse(ys_runge_kutta))")
function init_xs_ys(x₀, xₑ, h)
Generate initial x values `xs` at equal interval `h` in range `[x₀, xₑ]`
and corresponding initial y values `ys`.
xs = collect(x₀:h:xₑ)
N = length(xs)
ys = Vector{Float64}(N)
xs, ys, N
function euler_method(f, x₀, xₑ, y₀, h)
Approximate the solution of the ordinary differential equation
`y' = f(x, y)` with initial condition `y(x₀) = y₀` using
Euler method, in the interval `[x₀, xₑ]` with step size `h`.
xs, ys, N = init_xs_ys(x₀, xₑ, h)
x, y = x₀, y₀
for i in 1:N
ys[i] = y
y = y + h*f(x, y)
x += h
xs, ys
function modified_euler_method(f, x₀, xₑ, y₀, h)
Approximate the solution of the ordinary differential equation
`y' = f(x, y)` with initial condition `y(x₀) = y₀` using
modified Euler method, in the interval `[x₀, xₑ]` with step size `h`.
xs, ys, N = init_xs_ys(x₀, xₑ, h)
x, y = x₀, y₀
for i in 1:N
ys[i] = y
k₁ = h * f(x, y)
k₂ = h * f(x + h, y + k₁)
y = y + (k₁ + k₂) / 2
x += h
xs, ys
function runge_kutta_method(f, x₀, xₑ, y₀, h)
Approximate the solution of the ordinary differential equation
`y' = f(x, y)` with initial condition `y(x₀) = y₀` using
Runge-Kutta method, in the interval `[x₀, xₑ]` with step size `h`.
xs, ys, N = init_xs_ys(x₀, xₑ, h)
x, y = x₀, y₀
for i in 1:N
ys[i] = y
k₁ = f(x, y)
k₂ = f(x + h/2, y + h*k₁/2)
k₃ = f(x + h/2, y + h*k₂/2)
k₄ = f(x + h, y + h*k₃)
y = y + h * (k₁ + 2k₂ + 2k₃ + k₄) / 6
x += h
xs, ys
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