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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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class workingTime {
public $start = 9;
public $end = 17; // 17:XX so also 17:59
public $freeWeekDays = array(0 => true,
6 => true); // week 0-6; true = free;
public $freeYearDays = []; // year 0-365; true = free;
public function __construct(array $config = []){
foreach($config as $setting => $value){
$this->$setting = $value;
public function isItWorkingTime($time){
if($this->isItWorkingHour($time) && $this->isItWorkingDay($time)){
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function isItWorkingHour($time){
$hour = date('G', $time); // 0-23 format
if($hour >= $this->start && $hour <= $this->end){
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function isItWorkingDay($time){
$weekDay = date('w', $time); // 0-6 format
$yearDay = date('z', $time); // 0-365 format
$isItFreeWeekDay = isset($this->freeWeekDays[$weekDay]) && $this->freeWeekDays[$weekDay];
$isItFreeYearDay = isset($this->freeYearDays[$yearDay]) && $this->freeYearDays[$yearDay];
return !$isItFreeWeekDay && !$isItFreeYearDay;
public function nextWorkingDay($time){
$tomorrow = strtotime('tomorrow '.$this->start.' hour', $time);
return $tomorrow;
} else{
$nextMonday = strtotime('next monday '.$this->start.' hour', $time);
return $nextMonday;
class pretendWorking {
protected $workingTime;
public function __construct(workingTime $workingTime){
$this -> workingTime = $workingTime;
public function whenToSend($whenRecived){
$howLongPretend = $this->howLongPretend();
$whenToSend = $whenRecived + $howLongPretend;
return $whenToSend;
} else {
$howLongPretended = strtotime('today '.($this->workingTime->end+1).' hour', $whenRecived) - $whenRecived;
return $this->workingTime->nextWorkingDay($whenRecived) + $howLongPretend - $howLongPretended;
} else {
return $this->workingTime->nextWorkingDay($whenRecived) + $howLongPretend;
// 4 h of pretending of working + 0-60 min random
protected function howLongPretend(){
return 4*60*60 + rand(0, 60)*rand(0, 60);
//$now = time();
$now = 1403880535;
echo 'It is: '.date(DATE_COOKIE, $now).'<br>';
$workingTime = new workingTime();
$pretendWorking = new pretendWorking($workingTime);
$whenToSend = $pretendWorking->whenToSend($now);
echo 'You should send this on: '.date(DATE_COOKIE, $whenToSend);
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