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Last active May 2, 2020 12:03
Plain text linkifiers comparison (work in progress) ( #jsbench #jsperf
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>Plain text linkifiers comparison (work in progress)</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="./suite.js"></script>
<h1>Open the console to view the results</h1>
<h2><code>cmd + alt + j</code> or <code>ctrl + alt + j</code></h2>
"use strict";
(function (factory) {
if (typeof Benchmark !== "undefined") {
} else {
})(function (Benchmark) {
var suite = new Benchmark.Suite;
Benchmark.prototype.setup = function () {
// Performance test of 6 linkifiers. Correctness isn't checked here
// Linkifiers:
// 1. JavaScript Linkify
// 2. autolink-js
// 3. urlize.js
// 4. Autolinker.js
// 5. Anchorme.js
// 6. Linkify
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var scriptElementToClone = document.createElement('script');
var scriptsToLoad = [
title: 'linkify',
url: ''
title: 'linkify-string',
url: ''
title: 'anchorme',
url: ''
title: 'Autolinker',
url: ''
title: 'urlize',
url: ''
title: 'urlize_tlds',
url: ''
title: 'autolink-js',
url: ''
title: 'javascript-linkify',
url: ''
var scriptIdPrefix = 'Script';
if (document.getElementById(script.title + scriptIdPrefix)) {
var scriptElement = scriptElementToClone.cloneNode(false); = script.title + scriptIdPrefix;'GET', script.url, false);
if (xhr.status != 200) {
throw new Error(xhr.status + ': ' + xhr.statusText + ' .Failed to open ' + script.title + ' at ' + script.url);
scriptElement.textContent = xhr.responseText;
var autolinker = autolinker || new Autolinker({
newWindow: false,
phone: false,
stripPrefix: false,
stripTrailingSlash: false
// example text has been taken from here
var text="";
text += "%";
text += "% Regular links";
text += "%";
text += "My http:\/\/ site";
text += "My http:\/\/\/ site";
text += "http:\/\/\/foo_bar\/";
text += "http:\/\/";
text += "http:\/\/";
text += "http:\/\/";
text += "http:\/\/";
text += "[https](https:\/\/[mailto]( % should not catch as auth (before @ in big link)";
text += "http:\/\/";
text += "http:\/\/\/?foo=bar";
text += "http:\/\/";
text += "http:\/\/\/#foo=bar";
text += "http:\/\/";
text += "http:\/\/";
text += "HTTP:\/\/GOOGLE.COM";
text += "http:\/\/example.invalid % don't restrict root domain when schema exists";
text += "http:\/\/inrgess2 % Allow local domains to end with digit";
text += "http:\/\/999 % ..and start with digit, and have digits only";
text += "http:\/\/host-name % local domain with dash";
text += ">> % markdown blockquote";
text += ">>http:\/\/ % markdown blockquote";
text += "http:\/\/\/en\/someone-you-നിന്നെ-പോലൊരാള്‍.html % With control character";
text += "";
text += "%";
text += "% localhost (only with protocol allowed)";
text += "%";
text += "\/\/localhost";
text += "\/\/test.123";
text += "http:\/\/localhost:8000?";
text += "";
text += "%";
text += "% Other protocols";
text += "%";
text += "My ssl https:\/\/ site";
text += "My ftp:\/\/ site";
text += "";
text += "%";
text += "% Neutral proto";
text += "%";
text += "My ssl \/\/ site";
text += "";
text += "%";
text += "% IPs";
text += "%";
text += "";
text += "\/abc";
text += "";
text += "%";
text += "% Fuzzy";
text += "%";
text += "test.example@http:\/\/";
text += "text:http:\/\/\/";
text += "";
text += " \/\/ no port";
text += "";
text += "";
text += "GOOGLE.COM.";
text += " \/\/ known tld";
text += "";
text += "%";
text += "% Correct termination for . , ! ? [] {} () \"\" ''";
text += "%";
text += "(Scoped http:\/\/\/foo_bar)";
text += "http:\/\/\/foo_bar_(wiki)";
text += "http:\/\/\/blah_blah_[other]";
text += "http:\/\/\/blah_blah_{I'm_king}";
text += "http:\/\/\/blah_blah_I'm_king";
text += "http:\/\/\/bestway-10'-x-30inch-steel-pro-frame-pool\/p-004W007538417001P";
text += "http:\/\/\/blah_blah_\"doublequoted\"";
text += "http:\/\/\/blah_blah_'singlequoted'";
text += "(Scoped like http:\/\/\/foo_bar)";
text += "[Scoped like http:\/\/\/foo_bar]";
text += "{Scoped like http:\/\/\/foo_bar}";
text += "\"Quoted like http:\/\/\/foo_bar\"";
text += "'Quoted like http:\/\/\/foo_bar'";
text += "[\/foo_bar.jpg)]";
text += "http:\/\/\/foo_bar.jpg.";
text += "http:\/\/\/foo_bar\/.";
text += "http:\/\/\/foo_bar,";
text += "https:\/\/\/markdown-it\/linkify-it\/compare\/360b13a733f521a8d4903d3a5e1e46c357e9d3ce...f580766349525150a80a32987bb47c2d592efc33";
text += "http:\/\/\/foo_bar...";
text += "http:\/\/\/viewerjs\/#..\/0529\/slides.pdf";
text += "http:\/\/\/foo_bar..";
text += "http:\/\/\/foo_bar?p=10.";
text += "https:\/\/\/maps\/@59.9393895,30.3165389,15z?hl=ru";
text += "https:\/\/\/maps\/place\/New+York,+NY,+USA\/@40.702271,-73.9968471,11z\/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x89c24fa5d33f083b:0xc80b8f06e177fe62?hl=en";
text += "https:\/\/\/analytics\/web\/?hl=ru&pli=1#report\/visitors-overview\/a26895874w20458057p96934174\/";
text += "http:\/\/\/article\/0,,9065-2473189,00.html";
text += "http:\/\/\/123!";
text += "http:\/\/\/foo--bar";
text += "";
text += "% some sites have links with trailing dashes";
text += "http:\/\/\/news\/articles\/2015-06-26\/from-deutsche-bank-to-siemens-what-s-troubling-germany-inc-";
text += "http:\/\/\/foo-with-trailing-dash-dot-.";
text += "<http:\/\/>";
text += "<http:\/\/>.";
text += "<http:\/\/\/foo>";
text += "<http:\/\/\/foo>.";
text += "<>";
text += "<>.";
text += "<\/foo>";
text += "<>";
text += "<>.";
text += "<>";
text += "";
text += "%";
text += "% Emails";
text += "%";
text += "test.\"foo\"!";
text += "";
text += ">> % markdown blockquote";
text += "";
text += "";
text += "";
text += "";
text += "mailto:foo@bar % explicit protocol make it valid";
text += "(foobar";
text += "( foobar)";
text += "(";
text += "";
text += "%";
text += "% International";
text += "%";
text += "http:\/\/✪\/123";
text += "http:\/\/\/123";
text += "";
text += "➡.ws\/䨹";
text += "\/䨹";
text += "президент.рф";
text += "";
text += "% Links below provided by diaspora* guys, to make sure regressions will not happen.";
text += "% Those left here for historic reasons.";
text += "http:\/\/www.bürgerentscheid-krankenhä";
text += "http:\/\/";
text += "http:\/\/bündnis-für-krankenhä\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/11\/cropped-logohp.jpg";
text += "http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2011\/11\/cropped-logohp.jpg";
text += "http:\/\/ﻡﻮﻘﻋ.ﻭﺯﺍﺭﺓ-ﺍﻼﺘﺻﺍﻼﺗ.ﻢﺻﺭ\/";
text += "http:\/\/xn--4gbrim.xn----ymcbaaajlc6dj7bxne2c.xn--wgbh1c\/";
text += "";
text += "";
text += "%";
text += "% Not links";
text += "%";
text += "example.invalid";
text += "example.invalid\/";
text += "http:\/\/";
text += "http:\/\/";
text += "hppt:\/\/";
text += "example.coma";
text += "-example.coma";
text += "foo.123";
text += "http:\/\/\/ % `--` disabled, because collision possible";
text += "localhost % only with protocol allowed";
text += "localhost\/";
text += "\/\/\/localhost % 3 '\/' not allowed";
text += "\/\/\/";
text += "\/\/test % Don't allow single level protocol-less domains to avoid false positives";
text += "";
text += "_http:\/\/";
text += "_\/\/";
text += "";
text += "http:\/\/example.com_";
text += "";
text += "";
text += "node.js and io.js";
text += "";
text += "http:\/\/";
text += "http:\/\/.";
text += "http:\/\/..";
text += "http:\/\/#";
text += "http:\/\/##";
text += "http:\/\/?";
text += "http:\/\/??";
text += " \/\/ invalid port";
text += "show image.jpg";
text += "";
text += "\/path\/to\/";
text += "";
text += "%";
text += "% Not IPv4";
text += "%";
text += "";
text += "1.2.3";
text += "";
text += "1000.2.3.4";
text += "a1.2.3.4";
text += "";
text += "";
text += "%";
text += "% Not email";
text += "%";
text += "foo@bar % Should be at second level domain & with correct tld";
text += "mailto:bar";
suite.add("JavaScript Linkify", function () {
// JavaScript Linkify
suite.add("autolink-js", function () {
// autolink-js
suite.add("urlize.js", function () {
// urlize.js
urlize(text, {
top_level_domains: urlize.top_level_domains,
django_compatible: false
suite.add("Autolinker.js", function () {
// Autolinker.js;
suite.add("Anchorme.js", function () {
// Anchorme.js
suite.add("Linkify", function () {
// Linkify
suite.on("cycle", function (evt) {
console.log(" - " +;
suite.on("complete", function (evt) {
console.log(new Array(30).join("-"));
var results = evt.currentTarget.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.hz - a.hz;
results.forEach(function (item) {
console.log((idx + 1) + ". " + item);
console.log("Plain text linkifiers comparison (work in progress)");
console.log(new Array(30).join("-"));;
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