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Created May 6, 2011 12:02
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  • Save IskanderHaziev/958825 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save IskanderHaziev/958825 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
- if can? :read, contract
%li= link_to_unless_current 'View Contract Summary', contract_url(contract), &:blank?
%li= link_to_unless_current 'View Full Contract', full_contract_url(contract), &:blank?
%li= link_to 'Download PDF', download_contract_url(contract)
%li= link_to 'Email PDF', '#', :class => 'mail-pdf'
= render 'mail_pdf_form', :contract => contract
- if can?(:edit, contract) && contract.can_revise_contract?
%li= link_to 'Edit Contract', edit_contract_url(contract)
- if can?(:offer, contract)
- unless contract.contract_saved?
%li= link_to 'Save Contract', store_contract_path(contract), :method => :put
- unless contract.contract_deleted? || contract.hidden_from?(shadow_or_current_user)
- deletion_class = "#{contract.contract_completed? ? 'completed_' : ''}contract_deletion_link"
= link_to 'Delete Contract', contract_url, :method => :delete,
:class => deletion_class
- if can? :offer, contract
- if contract.contract_signing?
%li= link_to 'Send Signature reminder', send_reminder_contract_signatures_url(contract), :method => :post
- elsif contract.can_offer_contract?
%li= link_to 'Send Signature Request', offer_contract_signatures_url(contract), :method => :post
- if can?(:sign, contract)
%li= link_to 'Sign the Contract', '#', :class => 'accept_signing_button'
%li= link_to 'View and Manage Collaborators', collaboration_index_path(:contract => contract)
- if can?(:sign, contract)
- transition = contract.last_transition(:sign)
- if contract.contract_signing? && !transition.voted_by?(shadow_or_current_user)
= link_to 'Sign contract', '#', :class => 'accept_signing_button'
= link_to 'Reject signing', '#', :class => 'reject_signing_button'
- if contract.can_cancel_contract?
%li= link_to "Cancel Contract", '#', :class => 'cancellation_button'
- if contract.contract_cancellation_pending?
- transition = contract.last_transition(:cancel)
- unless transition.voted_by?(shadow_or_current_user)
Cancel contract?
= link_to 'Accept', accept_contract_transition_path(contract, transition), :method => :post
= link_to 'Reject', reject_contract_transition_path(contract, transition), :method => :post
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