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Iskander Haziev IskanderHaziev

View GitHub Profile
- flash.each do |name, msg|
- if msg.class == String
= content_tag :div, :id => "flash_#{name}" do
%span.message= msg
%span.dismiss{:onclick => "hideFlash();"}= link_to "Dismiss [x]", "#"
- if can? :manage, @contract
- if @contract.can_offer_contract?
= link_to 'Send Signature Request', offer_contract_signatures_url(@contract, tokenize), :method => :post
- elsif @contract.contract_signing?
= link_to 'send a signature reminder', send_reminder_contract_signatures_url(@contract, tokenize), :method => :post
to #{@contract.signers.where(" !=?",}
- if (@contract.last_transition(:sign) && @contract.last_transition(:sign).accepted_by.include?(
1. basic markup - 1p
2. add user drop-down menu at top - 1.5p
3. add sign in drop-down menu at top - 0,5p
4. user avatar: gravatar and paperlip - 1p
5. add fully-ajax user edit form - 3p
6. all links automatically opened via ajax - 4p
7. Installments, Boxes, Elements managment pages - 2p
8. Implement ajax Installments page - 2p
9. add user profile info page - 1p
- if can? :read, contract
%li= link_to_unless_current 'View Contract Summary', contract_url(contract), &:blank?
%li= link_to_unless_current 'View Full Contract', full_contract_url(contract), &:blank?
%li= link_to 'Download PDF', download_contract_url(contract)
%li= link_to 'Email PDF', '#', :class => 'mail-pdf'
= render 'mail_pdf_form', :contract => contract
- if can?(:edit, contract) && contract.can_revise_contract?
%li= link_to 'Edit Contract', edit_contract_url(contract)
gvalmon-pc:paperlex-fs iskanderhaziev$ cucumber features/contracts --require features
Using the default profile...
(::) failed steps (::)
expected false to be true (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
./features/step_definitions/common/web_steps.rb:18:in `with_scope'
%h1.post_title{:class => post.user.role?(:company) ? 'company' : ''}
- if && !controller?(:blogs)
= link_to blog_path( do
- if post.user.role?(:company)
Блог компании
= link_to post.title, post_path(post)